MIAnalyzer / MIA

Microsopic Image Analyzer (MIA)
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Installation issues #10

Open Ilios94 opened 4 months ago

Ilios94 commented 4 months ago

Hello everyone While searching for an automated program for evaluating microscopic images, I came across the MIA software. I followed the steps given on the website https://mianalyzer.github.io/introduction/installation.html to install the program.

Unfortunately, I have little experience with Python or similar programs. In the last steps I enter the command "(base) C:\Users\Ilias>conda activate mia_environment" and would now like to start the software with (mia_environment) "C:\Users\Ilias>mianalyzer" but only get the message "The command "mianalyzer" is either misspelled or could not be found".

Do you have any idea how I can open the program? Is there perhaps a tutorial video for installation or something similar?

nkoerb commented 4 months ago

Hey, after activating the environment using conda activate mia_environment, please type conda list, which lists all the packages installed in the environment. Scroll down and look for the mianalyzer package, if listed it is installed and should be executable using mianalyzer. For some unknown reasons, sometimes the package is not installed correctly. Remove environment and redo installation solves the issue