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Training nnUNetv2 Key Error: 'conv_kernel_sizes' #2322

Open milutinovicmarija opened 5 days ago

milutinovicmarija commented 5 days ago

I encountered the following error while trying to train the model nnUNetv2_train DATASET_ID 3d_fullres 0:

../nunetv2/utilities/plans_handling/plans_handler.py", line 116, in conv_kernel_sizes return self.configuration['conv_kernel_sizes'] KeyError: 'conv_kernel_sizes'

nnUNetv2_plan_and_preprocess -d DATASET_ID was successfuly completed and nnUNetPlans.json file is present in the nnUNet_preprocessed folder containing different configurations.

There is a key kernel_sizes in nnUnetPlans.json file, but there is no key conv_kernel_sizes.

The following keys are present in the configuration file that is being processed by plans_handler.py:

data_identifier preprocessor_name batch_size patch_size median_image_size_in_voxels spacing normalization_schemes use_mask_for_norm resampling_fn_data resampling_fn_seg resampling_fn_data_kwargs resampling_fn_seg_kwargs resampling_fn_probabilities resampling_fn_probabilities_kwargs architecture batch_dice