MICA-MNI / BrainStat

A statistics and context decoding toolbox for neuroimaging.
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Neurosynth data failed to get fetched #341

Open sophiatinh opened 1 year ago

sophiatinh commented 1 year ago

Thank you for making this amazing tool available for everyone!

I was trying to use the meta_analytic_decoder function from the Brainstat, however the data didn't get fetched properly (see Warnings and Error messages below). Any advice would be much appreciated!!! I'm currently using MatlabR2021b, if that helps.

>> [correlation, feature] = meta_analytic_decoder(brain,'template', 'fsaverage5');

Downloading Neurosynth files. This may take several minutes.
Warning: Cannot open file "/home/sophia/brainstat_data/neurosynth_data/Neurosynth_TFIDF__lesions_z_desc-consistency.nii.gz" for
> In unzip (line 103)
In meta_analytic_decoder>fetch_neurosynth_data (line 92)
In meta_analytic_decoder (line 58)

Error using meta_analytic_decoder>fetch_neurosynth_data (line 92)
Invalid ZIP file "/home/sophia/brainstat_data/neurosynth_data/tp28eb81f6_e693_4469_9f82_e203bb4fd907.zip".

Error in meta_analytic_decoder (line 58)
neurosynth_files = fetch_neurosynth_data(options.data_dir);