Open gourdchen opened 1 year ago
I found that the core problem is that I just used the trained ICA-FIX file from FSL, which used an old version of 'party'. Do you know if other trained ICA-FIX files used the newer 'party' version by using UKB?
I do not know if there are other ICA-FIX files. If you find a solution of this please share it.
Unfornately, I don't known either. I just replce the ICA-FIX program inside micapipe by my edited version when I run the singularity image. Hope some people know. Thank you.
Could you elaborate more in how did you replace the program and what version did you use? We could update it in future releases.
Sorry for the late reply. First I convert the singularity img to sandbox. Then I run the sandbox and reinstall the package related to ICA-FIX in R.
install.packages("/opt/randomForest_4.6-12.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
install.packages("/opt/coin_1.1-0.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
install.packages("/MASS_7.3-36.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
install.packages("/opt/party_1.0-25.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
install.packages("/opt/class_7.3-19.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
When run the img, I replace the R library as follows [can ignore the matlab replacement]:
singularity run --writable-tmpfs --cleanenv \
-B ${bids_dir}:${bids_dir} -B ${out_dir}:${out_dir} \
-B ${fs_licence}:${fs_licence} \
-B ${tmp}:/tmp \
-B ${my_R_lib}:/usr/local/lib/R/site-library \
-B /usr/local/Cluster-Apps/matlab/R2021b1/:/opt/matlab/ \
-B ${my_fix}:/opt/fix1.068 \
${micapipe_image} \
-bids ${bids_dir} \
-sub ${subj} \
-ses ${session} \
-out ${out_dir} \
-proc_structural -proc_surf -post_structural -proc_dwi -SC -proc_func \
-fs_licence ${fs_licence} \
-nocleanup \
-icafixTraining /opt/fix1.068/training_files/UKBiobank.RData \
I am now using micapipe to process my functional MRI. I found an error in ICA-FIX
No valid labelling file specified
, When I checked the log file, I found it was due to the R error:I transform the singularity image to sandbox mode and reinstall the R packages as follows:
This fixes the issue.
Then, I found that an error arises from Matalb:
It may be due to the delay of disk io, I added a pause in the "fix1.068/functionmotionconfounds.m" and solved the problem.
In addition, the output of the fMRI preprocess is
but not<sub>_space-func_desc-se_clean.nii.gz
says in your documentation.For your information, thank you.