MICA-MNI / micapipe

micapipe from the Multimodal imaging and connectome analysis lab (http://mica-mni.github.io) at the Montreal Neurological Institute. Read The Docs documentation below
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[FIX] incorrect atlas name for glasser in docs #104

Closed amnsbr closed 8 months ago

amnsbr commented 8 months ago

I ran -post_structural with -atlas aparc,glasser,schaefer-100,schaefer-200,schaefer-400 and it led to many errors and the job seemed to enter an infinite loop of trying to transform an atlas with no name. I traced the problem back to the Glasser atlas name. See this part of the log:

[ INFO ]..... Selected parcellations: aparc,glasser,schaefer-100,schaefer-200,schaefer-400, N=5 

[ INFO ]..... lh.aparc_mics.annot  lh.schaefer-100_mics.annot lh.schaefer-200_mics.annot lh.schaefer-400_mics.annot 

In the second line lh.glasser_mics.annot is missing. Then I realized that I should use the name glasser-360 (as also the relevant files in ./parcellation are named) instead of glasser (as listed in the docs). Using glasser-360 there were no errors and the job finished successfully.

Here I simply changed glasser to glasser-360 in the list of atlases in the docs.

jordandekraker commented 8 months ago

Thanks for this! Could yo please open a PR into the development branch v0.2.3_dev instead?

rcruces commented 8 months ago

Thank you so much for your comments. I included them in the v0.2.3_dev branch on this commit https://github.com/MICA-MNI/micapipe/commit/a61b1f6c0204b520a9458b396228bd2cf5733607.

We try to keep master untouched. All the current developments are under the latest branch called v0.2.3_dev. please On your next pull request could you do it on the development branch to merge it with the developing version and include it on the next release.
