MICU-ADMIN / Islamic_ware

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Intergrate Framer motion #1

Open MICU-ADMIN opened 8 months ago

MICU-ADMIN commented 8 months ago

Task Title: Implement Framer Motion in UI Package and Ensure Compatibility with Storybook

Task Description:


The goal of this task is to enhance our UI package by integrating the Framer Motion library to enable smooth animations and transitions for our UI components. It's essential to ensure that these animations work seamlessly when viewed within Storybook, our development and testing environment.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Integration of Framer Motion: Implement Framer Motion within our UI package to enable animation capabilities for our components.

  2. Compatibility with Storybook: Verify that animations and transitions function correctly when our UI components are viewed within Storybook.

Task Details:

  1. Integration of Framer Motion:

    • Research and choose the appropriate version of Framer Motion for integration.
    • Update our UI components to incorporate Framer Motion for animations and transitions.
    • Ensure that animations can be easily customised and applied to various UI elements.
  2. Compatibility with Storybook:

    • Test UI components with Framer Motion animations within Storybook to identify any compatibility issues.
    • Address and resolve any problems that arise during testing.
    • Document the integration process and any specific configurations required for Storybook compatibility.

Expected Outcome:

By completing this task, we aim to improve the user experience of our UI components by adding visually appealing and interactive animations. Additionally, we want to streamline the development and testing process by ensuring that animations can be verified within Storybook without issues.

Note to Team Members:

This task is not a bug fix but an enhancement to our UI package. Please follow the steps outlined above and collaborate with the team to ensure a successful integration of Framer Motion and compatibility with Storybook. This improvement will contribute to the overall quality of our UI components and the efficiency of our development workflow.

MICU-ADMIN commented 8 months ago

The Stack Overflow link you provided discusses an issue with Framer Motion in a Storybook build environment. While it's essential to address and resolve such issues, it's also beneficial to refer to the official Framer Motion documentation for a better understanding of how to work with Framer Motion and Storybook.

Useful Link: Framer Motion Official Documentation

The Framer Motion documentation provides comprehensive information, examples, and guides on how to use Framer Motion for animations and transitions in various environments, including Storybook. This resource can be immensely helpful in troubleshooting issues, understanding best practices, and making the most of Framer Motion's capabilities.