MIDOSS / Visualization

Code repository for the development of MIDOSS visualizations.
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Output products #2

Open RachaelDMueller opened 2 years ago

RachaelDMueller commented 2 years ago

MOHID output

Dimensions: grid_y: 896, grid_x: 396, grid_z: 40 OilConcentration_2D [ppm] (time, grid_y, grid_x) Thickness_2D [microns] (time, grid_y, grid_x) Dissolution_3D [Kg/m3] (time, grid_z, grid_y, grid_x) OilConcentration_3D [Kg/m3] (time, grid_z, grid_y, grid_x) OilWaterColumnOilVol_3D [m3/gridcell] (time, grid_z, grid_y, grid_x) Latitude [degrees_north] (grid_y, grid_x) Longitude [degrees_east] (grid_y, grid_x) Beaching_Time [datetime64[ns]] (grid_y, grid_x) Beaching_Volume [m3] (grid_y, grid_x) Oil_Arrival_Time [datetime64[ns]] (grid_y, grid_x)

Desired monte-carlo products


Surface Oiling: (in development)

  1. Surface analysis netcdf:
    • [x] #5
    • [x] #6
    • [x] SurfaceVolume_SumSum_24h [m3](grid_y, grid_x): Same as SurfaceVolume_SumSum but for first 24hrs after individual spill scenario. (Consider replicating for 24-72h, and 72-168h)
    • [x] #7
    • [ ] SurfaceVolume_SumHist [exposure count] (volume_bin, grid_y, grid_x): A proposed idea/concept. See comment in SurfaceVolume_SumMean.
  2. Indexing netcdf for evaluating water column presence
    • [x] SurfacePresence [no units] (nruns, grid_y, grid_x): [1] where maximum oil across time and runs is greater than our surface volume threshold; [0] elsewhere. Presence map saved for each individual run for use in extracting water column data.

Water column: (in development)

RachaelDMueller commented 2 years ago


SusanEAllen commented 2 years ago

Oops: this original is not quite correct: Only use OilConcentration_3D not OilConcentration_2D which has a weird spatial shift in it.

It should be Only use WaterColumnOilVol_3D not OilConcentration_2D which has a weird spatial shift in it.

RachaelDMueller commented 2 years ago

Updated. Thanks!

RachaelDMueller commented 2 years ago

Can I do away with SurfaceVolume_SumMax? It strikes me as a meaningless value.

SusanEAllen commented 2 years ago
