MIDS-at-Duke / pds-2022-blue-team

pds-2022-blue-team created by GitHub Classroom
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Zhonglin's Branch PR #14

Open Annalyzer29 opened 1 year ago

Annalyzer29 commented 1 year ago

I will be reviewing your code and accordingly suggest the changes, if needed.

Annalyzer29 commented 1 year ago

After the inclusion of many changes in the dataset, and in order to include the error bands in the plots which we were unable to do so previously, I have seen that you have revised the code for the plots. I will have a look at it and suggest any changes, if needed. Otherwise overall very nice job on the code and even better that you have worked on many of the changes suggested.

Annalyzer29 commented 1 year ago

I have checked the code for the graphs and the graphs. The graphs look great and far better with the error bands as compared to before. But there are a few things I want to point out - the Year on x-axis is appearing pointwise for eg: 2008.0, 2008.5. Somehow this didn't seem right. And the title for y-axis has appeared twice - (overdose_per_100k,overdose_per_100k). This needs to be corrected. This is true for all the files (wa_diff_shipment, wa_diff_overdose and fl_diff_overdose). Until I saw the graphs, I thought that the code apparently worked fine. But you may want to check these issues in the graphs.

Annalyzer29 commented 1 year ago

@nickeubank This is my code review. I have put up the link on Gradescope. Thank you!

nickeubank commented 1 year ago


zw277 commented 1 year ago

我已经检查了图表和图表的代码。与以前相比,这些图表看起来很棒,而且带有误差带的情况要好得多。但有几件事我想指出 - x 轴上的年份是按点显示的,例如:2008.0、2008.5。不知何故,这似乎不对。y 轴的标题出现了两次 - (overdose_per_100k,overdose_per_100k)。这需要更正。这适用于所有文件(wa_diff_shipment、wa_diff_overdose 和 fl_diff_overdose)。在看到图表之前,我认为代码显然运行良好。但您可能想在图表中检查这些问题。