I wanted to look into getting the VC autocomplete field working for post title. I managed to get the functionality working by creating a new function mm_get_post_titles_for_vc() that uses the existing mm_get_post_types() to grab all post types and return an array of titles. However, the default VC styling was looking very weird and hindered the user experience of adding multiple post titles to this field. I was able to add some custom styling and saved that in our CSS folder. I wasn't 100% sure it should live here and I'm open to moving it if need be.
I wanted to look into getting the VC autocomplete field working for post title. I managed to get the functionality working by creating a new function mm_get_post_titles_for_vc() that uses the existing mm_get_post_types() to grab all post types and return an array of titles. However, the default VC styling was looking very weird and hindered the user experience of adding multiple post titles to this field. I was able to add some custom styling and saved that in our CSS folder. I wasn't 100% sure it should live here and I'm open to moving it if need be.