MIGHTYminnow / mm-components

[WordPress] Custom components and functionality for WordPress.
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Add new functionality to our button shortcode #7

Closed BraadMartin closed 9 years ago

BraadMartin commented 9 years ago

We want the ability to specify a width and alignment for buttons.

The width is easy, we'll add a new param "width" that will accept values of "normal" and "full" (with more options being added later, defaulting to normal) and add the extra class and CSS.

For the alignment, we might need to switch to wrapping the button link in a span or div so that we can set a text-align on the wrapper and keep our button as display: inline-block, but this could be non-functional unless we block level and perhaps width: 100% the wrapper, which could be disruptive to the inline flow. Need to think about the best way.