I'm not sure whether you are checking this repository.
But here, I want to share my solution on the compile error below.
bottom-up-attention.pytorch/bua/caffe/modeling/layers/csrc/nms/nms.cu:5:10: fatal error: THC/THC.h: No such file or directory 5 | #include <THC/THC.h> | ^~~~~~~~~~~
The cause of the error is that THC header is deprecated from torch version after 2021
It is replaced with other function and headers and I replaced the THC code in file bottom-up-attention.pytorch/bua/caffe/modeling/layers/csrc/nms/nms.cu manually.
At least, I found it is compiled successfully after the modification.
The modified file is as below
// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
#include <ATen/ATen.h>
#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.h>
//#include <THC/THC.h>
//#include <THC/THCDeviceUtils.cuh>
#include <ATen/ceil_div.h>
#include <ATen/cuda/ThrustAllocator.h>
#include <ATen/cuda/DeviceUtils.cuh>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
int const threadsPerBlock = sizeof(unsigned long long) * 8;
__device__ inline float devIoU(float const * const a, float const * const b) {
float left = max(a[0], b[0]), right = min(a[2], b[2]);
float top = max(a[1], b[1]), bottom = min(a[3], b[3]);
float width = max(right - left + 1, 0.f), height = max(bottom - top + 1, 0.f);
float interS = width * height;
float Sa = (a[2] - a[0] + 1) * (a[3] - a[1] + 1);
float Sb = (b[2] - b[0] + 1) * (b[3] - b[1] + 1);
return interS / (Sa + Sb - interS);
__global__ void nms_kernel(const int n_boxes, const float nms_overlap_thresh,
const float *dev_boxes, unsigned long long *dev_mask) {
const int row_start = blockIdx.y;
const int col_start = blockIdx.x;
// if (row_start > col_start) return;
const int row_size =
min(n_boxes - row_start * threadsPerBlock, threadsPerBlock);
const int col_size =
min(n_boxes - col_start * threadsPerBlock, threadsPerBlock);
__shared__ float block_boxes[threadsPerBlock * 5];
if (threadIdx.x < col_size) {
block_boxes[threadIdx.x * 5 + 0] =
dev_boxes[(threadsPerBlock * col_start + threadIdx.x) * 5 + 0];
block_boxes[threadIdx.x * 5 + 1] =
dev_boxes[(threadsPerBlock * col_start + threadIdx.x) * 5 + 1];
block_boxes[threadIdx.x * 5 + 2] =
dev_boxes[(threadsPerBlock * col_start + threadIdx.x) * 5 + 2];
block_boxes[threadIdx.x * 5 + 3] =
dev_boxes[(threadsPerBlock * col_start + threadIdx.x) * 5 + 3];
block_boxes[threadIdx.x * 5 + 4] =
dev_boxes[(threadsPerBlock * col_start + threadIdx.x) * 5 + 4];
if (threadIdx.x < row_size) {
const int cur_box_idx = threadsPerBlock * row_start + threadIdx.x;
const float *cur_box = dev_boxes + cur_box_idx * 5;
int i = 0;
unsigned long long t = 0;
int start = 0;
if (row_start == col_start) {
start = threadIdx.x + 1;
for (i = start; i < col_size; i++) {
if (devIoU(cur_box, block_boxes + i * 5) > nms_overlap_thresh) {
t |= 1ULL << i;
const int col_blocks = at::ceil_div(n_boxes, threadsPerBlock);
dev_mask[cur_box_idx * col_blocks + col_start] = t;
// boxes is a N x 5 tensor
at::Tensor nms_cuda(const at::Tensor boxes, float nms_overlap_thresh) {
using scalar_t = float;
AT_ASSERTM(boxes.type().is_cuda(), "boxes must be a CUDA tensor");
auto scores = boxes.select(1, 4);
auto order_t = std::get<1>(scores.sort(0, /* descending=*/true));
auto boxes_sorted = boxes.index_select(0, order_t);
int boxes_num = boxes.size(0);
const int col_blocks = at::ceil_div(boxes_num, threadsPerBlock);
scalar_t* boxes_dev = boxes_sorted.data<scalar_t>();
// auto *state = at::globalContext().lazyInitCUDA(); // TODO replace with getTHCState
unsigned long long* mask_dev = NULL;
//THCudaCheck(THCudaMalloc(state, (void**) &mask_dev,
// boxes_num * col_blocks * sizeof(unsigned long long)));
// mask_dev = (unsigned long long*) THCudaMalloc(state, boxes_num * col_blocks * sizeof(unsigned long long));
mask_dev = (unsigned long long*) c10::cuda::CUDACachingAllocator::raw_alloc(boxes_num * col_blocks * sizeof(unsigned long long));
dim3 blocks(at::ceil_div(boxes_num, threadsPerBlock),
at::ceil_div(boxes_num, threadsPerBlock));
dim3 threads(threadsPerBlock);
nms_kernel<<<blocks, threads>>>(boxes_num,
std::vector<unsigned long long> mask_host(boxes_num * col_blocks);
sizeof(unsigned long long) * boxes_num * col_blocks,
std::vector<unsigned long long> remv(col_blocks);
memset(&remv[0], 0, sizeof(unsigned long long) * col_blocks);
at::Tensor keep = at::empty({boxes_num}, boxes.options().dtype(at::kLong).device(at::kCPU));
int64_t* keep_out = keep.data<int64_t>();
int num_to_keep = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < boxes_num; i++) {
int nblock = i / threadsPerBlock;
int inblock = i % threadsPerBlock;
if (!(remv[nblock] & (1ULL << inblock))) {
keep_out[num_to_keep++] = i;
unsigned long long *p = &mask_host[0] + i * col_blocks;
for (int j = nblock; j < col_blocks; j++) {
remv[j] |= p[j];
// TODO improve this part
return std::get<0>(order_t.index({
keep.narrow(/*dim=*/0, /*start=*/0, /*length=*/num_to_keep).to(
order_t.device(), keep.scalar_type())
}).sort(0, false));
I hope this help others who want to build this project in latest torch version.
I'm not sure whether you are checking this repository. But here, I want to share my solution on the compile error below.
bottom-up-attention.pytorch/bua/caffe/modeling/layers/csrc/nms/nms.cu:5:10: fatal error: THC/THC.h: No such file or directory 5 | #include <THC/THC.h> | ^~~~~~~~~~~
The cause of the error is that THC header is deprecated from torch version after 2021
It is replaced with other function and headers and I replaced the THC code in file
manually. At least, I found it is compiled successfully after the modification. The modified file is as belowI hope this help others who want to build this project in latest torch version.