Open codefreakSubham opened 2 years ago
I have also encountered this problem, please let me know if there is a solution
I have met the same problem
I have met the same problem
found the solution, the newest apex (master branch) is not compatible with the old torch version, change to some of older branches e.g. 22.04-dev and it will work. refer to here
you can use:
pip uninstall apex
rm -rf apex
git clone
cd apex
git checkout apex_no_distributed
pip install -v --no-cache-dir ./
it can sovle my problem,and it can work well.
Jetson AGX Xavier Jetpack: 4.6 Pytorch version: 1.7.0 CUDA: 10.2 Python: 3.6 The above solutions don't fit me.But I succeed after commenting out the related codes in files.
pip uninstall apex rm -rf apex
git clone cd apex git checkout apex_no_distributed pip install -v --no-cache-dir ./
ImportError: cannot import name 'container_abcs' from 'torch._six' (/root/data1/lxy/envs/python38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/
While running
facing the following error:File "/lfs/usrhome/ms/cs21s058/.conda/envs/caption/lib/python3.7/site-packages/apex-0.1-py3.7.egg/apex/transformer/", line 11, in
AttributeError: module 'torch.distributed' has no attribute '_all_gather_base'
Pytorch version : 1.5.1 CUDA: 10.1 Python 3.7
Anyone please help me out with this issue.