OCTIS: Comparing Topic Models is Simple! A python package to optimize and evaluate topic models (accepted at EACL2021 demo track)
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"Select Path" button bug in "Create Experiments" tab #54

Closed thiagosmpa closed 2 years ago

thiagosmpa commented 2 years ago

In the dashboard, I was trying to create an experiment. Everything was ok, but got an error when I clicked to "Select Path" to where to save the experiments.

I got the error:

RuntimeError: main thread is not in main loop

Captura de Tela 2022-02-22 às 17 04 03 Captura de Tela 2022-02-22 às 17 03 55
pietrotrope commented 2 years ago

Hi! To choose the folder using a GUI we use tkinter, and according to: https://www.python.org/download/mac/tcltk/ it is currently possible to see problems to file open and save dialogs using tkinter on macOS.

I tried to reproduce the error on Ubuntu and I was unable to get it.

If you are interested you could try to follow the instructions on the link and let us know if it works or if we need to investigate the problem further.
