This playbook can be used to provision a new organisation in MISP. It creates a MISP organisation and adds different users. It sets the description, country and domain for the organisation. A least one organisation admin is added. The credentials for all users can be supplied in the playbook or can be randomly generated.
The title of the playbook
Create MISP organisation and users
Purpose of the playbook
This playbook can be used to provision a new organisation in MISP. It creates a MISP organisation and adds different users. It sets the description, country and domain for the organisation. A least one organisation admin is added. The credentials for all users can be supplied in the playbook or can be randomly generated.
External resources used by this playbook
Mattermost (or Slack), TheHive (optional), DFIR-IRIS (optional)
Target audience
Breefly list the execution steps or workflow
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