This playbook is similar to the playbook for creating a custom warninglist.
Similar to
In this case the playbook queries the MISP events and OSINT feeds with matches from a predefined warninglist. It can be seen as some form of "retroscan". The playbook also queries Shodan and VirusTotal for matches with entries in the warninglist. The result is summarised at the end of the playbook and sent to Mattermost or Slack or added as an alert in TheHive or DFIR-IRIS (to be discussed for implementation).
The title of the playbook
Retroscan MISP warninglist
Purpose of the playbook
This playbook is similar to the playbook for creating a custom warninglist. Similar to In this case the playbook queries the MISP events and OSINT feeds with matches from a predefined warninglist. It can be seen as some form of "retroscan". The playbook also queries Shodan and VirusTotal for matches with entries in the warninglist. The result is summarised at the end of the playbook and sent to Mattermost or Slack or added as an alert in TheHive or DFIR-IRIS (to be discussed for implementation).
External resources used by this playbook
Shodan, VirusTotal, Mattermost (or Slack), TheHive (optional), DFIR-IRIS (optional)
Target audience
Breefly list the execution steps or workflow
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