MISTLab / Swarm-SLAM

Sparse Decentralized Collaborative Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Framework for Multi-Robot Systems
MIT License
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Proper way to get stereo odometry working on custom dataset #43

Closed TakShimoda closed 2 months ago

TakShimoda commented 2 months ago

Hello, thank you for this library.

I looked through the documentation on this page, and I'm still confused on how to properly get this system running on ROS2. Here's what I have done so far to set up the workspace:

My attempt to run it

From here, I run a few commands in the docker container: ros2 launch cslam_experiments rtabmap_kitti_stereo_odometry.launch.py frame_id:=D435i_link args:=--delete_db_on_start (terminal 1)

ros2 launch cslam_experiments cslam_stereo.launch.py (terminal 2)

ros2 bag play <my bag file>.db3 --remap <old:=new> --qos-profile-overrides-path qos_overrides.yaml (terminal 3)

I'm assuming this is the correct setup based on the nodes and what topics they subscribe to: the stereo frontend (rtabmap) would subscribe to the image topics mentioned above and then publish to /r0/odom (from the paper, I assume the loop closure detection reads the odometry output) and I assumed the pose graph manager has enough data from this.


In terminal 1, I see the output of rtabmap stereo and it seems to work (although I can't verify as there's no visualization in docker). I'll consistently see lines like: [stereo_odometry-1] [INFO] [1718118649.944846719] [r0.stereo_odometry]: Odom: quality=437, std dev=0.005433m|0.016851rad, update time=0.000000s

In terminal 2, I constantly get output such as the following: [map_manager-2] [INFO] [1718118087.844839116] [r0.cslam_map_manager]: Could not get transform from camera_link to D435i_infra1_optical_frame after 0.1 s!

In terms of the tf frames (output of ros2 run tf2_tools view_frames.py), it seems there is a disconnection in the tf frames. Here is how tf frames looks like when running just rtabmap (frames.pdf) and when running cslam on docker (frames_2024-06-11_16.46.41.pdf)

frames.pdf frames_2024-06-11_16.46.41.pdf

I was just wondering if I was running it correctly and had questions about this package: 1) What types of outputs should it give? I know to assess the ATE/RPE I should be getting poses in EUROC/TUM/KITTI format but I can't seem to find it. I was also wondering if for rtabmap (or any front-end), should I expect outputs for single-robots or are these not useful after inter-robot loop closures?

2) What needs to be done to get a proper front-end running as according to the paper, it seems to run with any RGB-D/Stereo/Vision+IMU/Lidar front-end. From the launch file I used, it seemed to only run the rtabmap_odom stereo_odometry node, but for the launch file for just rtabmap here, it seems to launch many more nodes, such as rtabmap(from package rtabmap_slam). I was wondering if files, such as rtabmap_kitti_stereo_odometry.launch.py are only for the front-end (and there's no need to setup communication with the back-end) so they only communicate via topics/services/actions? For example, /r0/odom is properly published by stereo_odometry and subscribed to by cslam_map_manager, and I can topic echo and see it fine. I was thinking of just using the default rtabmap launch file to see if it worked.

lajoiepy commented 2 months ago

Hi! I am very sorry for the delayed response.

To clarify a few things, RTABMap is simply used to compute the odometry and the odometry is considered an external input of Swarm-SLAM, so you could use any other odometry software if need be.

For the tf frame issue, you need to modify this parameter if your camera frame ID is not camera_link: https://github.com/lajoiepy/cslam/blob/32527430ef271064d468f442a3ab754917abb011/config/cslam/example.yaml#L9 In your case, it should be D435i_infra1_optical_frame.

As for your other questions:

  1. There are two types of outputs: live ones, and estimates files. To visualize the live ones during the run you need to use the cslam_visualization package (https://github.com/lajoiepy/cslam_visualization) . To have access to the estimates files, you need to enable the logs with this parameter https://github.com/lajoiepy/cslam/blob/32527430ef271064d468f442a3ab754917abb011/config/cslam/example.yaml#L43 and specify the output folder.
  2. Again, for Swarm-SLAM, we only need an odometry input, so we do not need all the other rtabmap modules, you could even replace rtabmap with any other odometry software. If you want single robot maps and databases or other rtabmap features, you could run all the other nodes in parallel, but they are not integrated with Swarm-SLAM, so the results will be independent.
TakShimoda commented 1 month ago

Hello, thanks for the reply.

For some reason, I couldn't get it to see changes in the yaml files, so I just manually changed the source code to get the correct frame id and output log folder, and it now works and I can also visualize it.

I'm having the exact same issue as #19 where I have ground-truth 6DoF poses but not GPS data. I know the numbers in the g2o file are related to gtsam labeled symbols but I can't seem to relate them to actual unix time from the bag files which I need for correspondence to perform Umeyama's method for calculating ATE and also plotting the aligned trajectories. The author there fixed the issue but they don't mention how they did it.

There are pose timestamp files, e.g. pose_timestamps0.csv, but they're empty.

TakShimoda commented 1 month ago

Edit: I got it working by changing enable_pose_timestamps_recording_ inside decentralized_pgo.cpp to true then just made a csv and aligned the timestamps, converted it tum, then got it working with evo. I'll leave this comment here in case anyone in the future runs into the same issue.

Thanks for your help @lajoiepy !