MISTLab / Swarm-SLAM

Sparse Decentralized Collaborative Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Framework for Multi-Robot Systems
MIT License
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Running on a custom RGBD dataset #47

Open VladimirYugay opened 1 month ago

VladimirYugay commented 1 month ago

Hey there, thanks for your great work!

I want to run your method on my RGBD dataset X for evaluation purposes. However, I'm not versed in robotics and ROS in general.

Here is what I have done so far:

  1. Built and ran the docker container that you provided
  2. Converted by ROS1 rosbags to ROS2 format with the rosbridge
  3. I manually downloaded resnet18_64.pth to /Swarm-SLAM/install/cslam/share/cslam/models/
  4. Went over related issues in this repo.

Here's my rosbag info:

Bag size:          854.1 MiB
Storage id:        sqlite3
Duration:          21.510s
Start:             Jul 29 2024 11:46:48.700 (1722253608.700)
End:               Jul 29 2024 11:47:10.211 (1722253630.211)
Messages:          1465
Topic information: Topic: /camera/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 489 | Serialization Format: cdr
                   Topic: /camera/depth/image_raw | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 489 | Serialization Format: cdr
                   Topic: /camera/rgb/image_raw | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 485 | Serialization Format: cdr
                   Topic: /rosout | Type: rcl_interfaces/msg/Log | Count: 1 | Serialization Format: cdr
                   Topic: /rosout_agg | Type: rcl_interfaces/msg/Log | Count: 1 | Serialization Format: cdr

I'm getting confused with the configs. I'll write down what I did and how I understand it (please correct me if I'm wrong).

  1. I created a config yaml file cslam_experiments/config/X_rgbd.yaml and change only some of the settings:

      color_image_topic: "/camera/rgb/image_raw"
      depth_image_topic: "/camera/depth/image_raw"
      color_camera_info: "/camera/camera_info"
      sensor_type: "rgbd"
  2. I created cslam_experiments/launch/dataset_experiments/X.launch.py. This launch configuration should start the back-end and front-end (rtabmap odometry) as well as start playing the bag:

def launch_setup(context, *args, **kwargs):
    config_path = os.path.join(get_package_share_directory("cslam_experiments"), "config/")
    config_file = LaunchConfiguration('config_file').perform(context)
    # Params
    max_nb_robots = int(LaunchConfiguration('max_nb_robots').perform(context))
    dataset = "X_" + LaunchConfiguration('sequence').perform(context)
    robot_delay_s = LaunchConfiguration('robot_delay_s').perform(context)  
    launch_delay_s = LaunchConfiguration('launch_delay_s').perform(context)  
    rate = float(LaunchConfiguration('rate').perform(context))

    # Ajust value according to rate
    launch_delay_s = float(launch_delay_s) / rate

    cslam_processes = []
    odom_processes = []

    for i in range(max_nb_robots):
        proc = IncludeLaunchDescription(
            PythonLaunchDescriptionSource(os.path.join(get_package_share_directory("cslam_experiments"), "launch", "cslam", "cslam_rgbd.launch.py")),
                "config_path": config_path,
                "config_file": config_file,
                "robot_id": str(i),
                "namespace": "/r" + str(i),
                "max_nb_robots": str(max_nb_robots),
                "enable_simulated_rendezvous": LaunchConfiguration('enable_simulated_rendezvous'),
                "rendezvous_schedule_file": os.path.join(get_package_share_directory("cslam_experiments"),
                             "config", "rendezvous", LaunchConfiguration('rendezvous_config').perform(context)),


        odom_proc = IncludeLaunchDescription(
                os.path.join(get_package_share_directory('cslam_experiments'), 'launch', 'odometry', 'rtabmap_X_rgbd_odometry.launch.py')),
                'log_level': "info",
                "namespace": "/r" + str(i),
                "robot_id": str(i),


    # Launch schedule
    schedule = []

    for i in range(max_nb_robots):
        schedule.append(TimerAction(period=float(robot_delay_s) * i, actions=[cslam_processes[i]]))
        schedule.append(TimerAction(period=float(robot_delay_s) * i, actions=[odom_processes[i]]))

    bag_processes = []
    for i in range(max_nb_robots):
        # bag_file = os.path.join(
        #         get_package_share_directory("cslam_experiments"), "data",
        #         dataset, "X-" + str(i))
        bag_file = f"/datasets/X/agent{i}.db3"
        bag_proc = IncludeLaunchDescription(
                    os.path.join(get_package_share_directory("cslam_experiments"), "launch", "sensors", "bag_X.launch.py")),
                    "namespace": "/r" + str(i),
                    "bag_file": bag_file,
                    "rate": str(rate)

    for i in range(max_nb_robots):
            TimerAction(period=float(robot_delay_s) * i + float(launch_delay_s),

    return schedule
  1. Also, I created a rtabmap_X_rgbd_odometry.launch.py to provide odometry to the method:
def launch_setup(context, *args, **kwargs):
          'frame_id': LaunchConfiguration('namespace').perform(context)[1:] + '_link',
          'approx_sync':False, # Set to True for OAK-D
          ('/rgb/image', LaunchConfiguration('namespace').perform(context) + '/camera/rgb/image_raw'),
          ('/depth/image', LaunchConfiguration('namespace').perform(context) + '/camera/depth/image_raw'),
          ('/rgb/camera_info', LaunchConfiguration('namespace').perform(context) + '/camera/camera_info'),

    return [
        Node(package='rtabmap_odom', executable='rgbd_odometry', output='screen', name='rgbd_odometry',
             parameters=parameters, remappings=remappings)
  1. Finally, I've added a bag_X.launch.py:
def launch_setup(context, *args, **kwargs):

    return [
        DeclareLaunchArgument('bag_file', default_value='', description=''),
        DeclareLaunchArgument('namespace', default_value='/r0', description=''),
        DeclareLaunchArgument('rate', default_value='1.0', description=''),
        DeclareLaunchArgument('bag_start_delay', default_value='5.0', description=''),
                        'ros2', 'bag', 'play',
                        LaunchConfiguration('bag_file').perform(context), '-r', LaunchConfiguration('rate'),
                        '/camera/rgb/image_raw:=' + LaunchConfiguration('namespace').perform(context) + '/camera/rgb/image_raw',
                        '/camera/depth/image_raw:=' + LaunchConfiguration('namespace').perform(context) + '/camera/depth/image_raw',
                        '/camera/camera_info:=' + LaunchConfiguration('namespace').perform(context) + '/camera/camera_info'

I'm getting a warning:

[rgbd_odometry-4] [WARN] [1722260284.003131085] [rgbd_odometry]: rgbd_odometry: Did not receive data since 5 seconds! Make sure the input topics are published ("$ rostopic hz my_topic") and the timestamps in their header are set. Parameter "approx_sync" is false, which means that input topics should have all the exact timestamp for the callback to be called.
[rgbd_odometry-4] rgbd_odometry subscribed to (exact sync):
[rgbd_odometry-4]    /rgb/image,
[rgbd_odometry-4]    /depth/image,
[rgbd_odometry-4]    /rgb/camera_info

My rostopic list looks as:


However, when I start it, I get a warning:

[rgbd_odometry-4] [ WARN] (2024-07-30 06:51:27.108) MsgConversion.cpp:1994::getTransform() (can transform r0_link -> ?) Invalid frame ID "r0_link" passed to canTransform argument target_frame - frame does not exist. canTransform returned after 0.100673 timeout was 0.1. (wait_for_transform=0.100000)

Also, I get:

[rgbd_odometry-4] [WARN] [1722323112.918425962] [rgbd_odometry]: rgbd_odometry: Did not receive data since 5 seconds! Make sure the input topics are published ("$ rostopic hz my_topic") and the timestamps in their header are set. Parameter "approx_sync" is false, which means that input topics should have all the exact timestamp for the callback to be called.

am I missing something?

VladimirYugay commented 1 month ago

I've simplified the launch files even more to focus purely on making the odometer work:

Beginning of the X_rgbd.yaml:

      color_image_topic: "color/image_raw"
      color_camera_info: "color/camera_info"
      depth_image_topic: "aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw"
      sensor_type: "rgbd"

X_rgbd.launch.py launch setup:

def launch_setup(context, *args, **kwargs):
    config_path = os.path.join(get_package_share_directory("cslam_experiments"), "config/")
    config_file = LaunchConfiguration('config_file').perform(context)
    # Params
    max_nb_robots = int(LaunchConfiguration('max_nb_robots').perform(context))
    dataset = "X_" + LaunchConfiguration('sequence').perform(context)
    robot_delay_s = LaunchConfiguration('robot_delay_s').perform(context)  
    launch_delay_s = LaunchConfiguration('launch_delay_s').perform(context)  
    rate = float(LaunchConfiguration('rate').perform(context))

    # Ajust value according to rate
    launch_delay_s = float(launch_delay_s) / rate

    cslam_processes = []
    odom_processes = []

    for i in range(max_nb_robots):
        # proc = IncludeLaunchDescription(
        #     PythonLaunchDescriptionSource(os.path.join(get_package_share_directory("cslam_experiments"), "launch", "cslam", "cslam_rgbd.launch.py")),
        #     launch_arguments={
        #         "config_path": config_path,
        #         "config_file": config_file,
        #         "robot_id": str(i),
        #         "namespace": "/r" + str(i),
        #         "max_nb_robots": str(max_nb_robots),
        #         "enable_simulated_rendezvous": LaunchConfiguration('enable_simulated_rendezvous'),
        #         "rendezvous_schedule_file": os.path.join(get_package_share_directory("cslam_experiments"),
        #                      "config", "rendezvous", LaunchConfiguration('rendezvous_config').perform(context)),
        #     }.items(),
        # )

        # cslam_processes.append(proc)

        odom_proc = IncludeLaunchDescription(
                os.path.join(get_package_share_directory('cslam_experiments'), 'launch', 'odometry', 'rtabmap_X_rgbd_odometry.launch.py')),
                'log_level': "info",
                "namespace": "/r" + str(i),
                "robot_id": str(i),


    # Launch schedule
    schedule = []

    for i in range(max_nb_robots):
        # schedule.append(PushLaunchConfigurations())
        # schedule.append(TimerAction(period=float(robot_delay_s) * i, actions=[cslam_processes[i]]))
        # schedule.append(PopLaunchConfigurations())
        schedule.append(TimerAction(period=float(robot_delay_s) * i, actions=[odom_processes[i]]))

    bag_processes = []
    for i in range(max_nb_robots):
        bag_file = f"path_to_bag_file"
        bag_proc = IncludeLaunchDescription(
                    os.path.join(get_package_share_directory("cslam_experiments"), "launch", "sensors", "bag_X.launch.py")),
                    "namespace": "/r" + str(i),
                    "bag_file": bag_file,
                    "rate": str(rate)

    for i in range(max_nb_robots):
        schedule.append(TimerAction(period=float(robot_delay_s) * i + float(launch_delay_s), actions=[bag_processes[i]]))
    return schedule

Bag launch file bag_X.launch.py:

def launch_setup(context, *args, **kwargs):
    print("Launching bag file")
    print(LaunchConfiguration('namespace').perform(context) + '/camera/rgb/image_raw')
    return [
        DeclareLaunchArgument('bag_file', default_value='', description=''),
        DeclareLaunchArgument('namespace', default_value='/r0', description=''),
        DeclareLaunchArgument('rate', default_value='1.0', description=''),
        DeclareLaunchArgument('bag_start_delay', default_value='5.0', description=''),
                        'ros2', 'bag', 'play',
                        LaunchConfiguration('bag_file').perform(context), '-r', LaunchConfiguration('rate'),
                        '/camera/rgb/image_raw:=' + LaunchConfiguration('namespace').perform(context) + '/camera/rgb/image_raw',
                        '/camera/depth/image_raw:=' + LaunchConfiguration('namespace').perform(context) + '/camera/depth/image_raw',
                        '/camera/camera_info:=' + LaunchConfiguration('namespace').perform(context) + '/camera/camera_info'

Odometry file:

def launch_setup(context, *args, **kwargs):
          # 'frame_id': LaunchConfiguration('namespace').perform(context)[1:] + '_link',
          'frame_id': 'base_link',  # for debugging
          'approx_sync':False, # Set to True for OAK-D
        ('/rgb/image', LaunchConfiguration('namespace').perform(context) + '/camera/rgb/image_raw'),
        ('/depth/image', LaunchConfiguration('namespace').perform(context) + '/camera/depth/image_raw'),
        ('/rgb/camera_info', LaunchConfiguration('namespace').perform(context) + '/camera/camera_info'),

    return [
        Node(package='rtabmap_odom', executable='rgbd_odometry', output='screen', name='rgbd_odometry',
             parameters=parameters, remappings=remappings)

When I check the topics they seem to be matching, for example:

root:/Swarm-SLAM# ros2 topic info /r0/camera/depth/image_raw
Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image
Publisher count: 1
Subscription count: 1

also, echo on a publishing topic gives the timestamps as expected.

However, there are still two issues:


[rgbd_odometry-1] [WARN] [1722341064.212679308] [rgbd_odometry]: rgbd_odometry: Did not receive data since 5 seconds! Make sure the input topics are published ("$ rostopic hz my_topic") and the timestamps in their header are set. 
[rgbd_odometry-1] rgbd_odometry subscribed to (approx sync):


[rgbd_odometry-1] [ WARN] (2024-07-30 12:04:23.475) MsgConversion.cpp:1994::getTransform() (can transform base_link -> ?) Invalid frame ID "base_link" passed to canTransform argument target_frame - frame does not exist. canTransform returned after 0.100935 timeout was 0.1. (wait_for_transform=0.100000)
lajoiepy commented 1 month ago

Hi! Thanks for your interest in our work! As correctly figured out the problem is the odometry source. Swarm-SLAM expects odometry as an external input. As an example for users, I suggested to use RTAB-Map because of its versatility and its ROS 2 support, but you can choose any other odometry sorftware and feed it to Swarm-SLAM on the correct topic. If you still want to give RTAB-Map a try, I suggest looking into those examples: https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap_ros/tree/ros2/rtabmap_examples/launch We decoupled the odometry from Swarm-SLAM to make it more general as odometry is often very sensor specific.

VladimirYugay commented 1 month ago

Thanks for such a quick response and the link. I'm utterly confused about what is missing.

As far as I understood from the issues on the rtabmap page and GPT, rtabmap requires to have a tf message. If the dataset doesn't have them, in the RGBD example, they add a dummy one. My dataset also doesn't have any tf transforms, it is just a collection of images converted to a ROS2 bag.

From the example you shared, I see that 'kinect' is the frame_id of the nodes participating in rtabmap and they publish a dummy transform to those nodes.

However, two things are unclear to me:

  1. Where do they take openni_rgb_optical_frame from?

  2. In your configs, you define similar static transform publishers in the graco_lidar.launch.py. However, the names have also been recondited for me. Moreover, they're defined in the graco launch file, not in the rtabmap launch file.

  3. In my case, assuming my odometry launch frame id is r0_link, from which node ID do I have to publish static transforms to it such that it stops complaining? As a wild guess in X_rgbd.launch.py I tried:

    tf_process = Node(package="tf2_ros",
                      arguments="0 0 0 0 0 0 r0_link base_link".split(" "),

but I still get:

[rgbd_odometry-2] [ WARN] (2024-07-31 14:16:14.857) MsgConversion.cpp:1994::getTransform() (can transform r0_link -> ?) Invalid frame ID "" passed to canTransform argument source_frame - in tf2 frame_ids cannot be empty. canTransform returned after 0.0101865 timeout was 0.1. (wait_for_transform=0.100000)
lajoiepy commented 1 month ago

This is an RTAB-Map question, this thread might be useful https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap_ros/issues/35 .

As for which launch file, it does not matter where, as long as I you launch the static_transform_publisher at some point.

Could you post one output of ros2 topic echo /r0/camera/depth/image_rawand ros2 topic echo /r0/camera/color/image_raw? I suspect that the frame_idin the header (http://docs.ros.org/en/noetic/api/std_msgs/html/msg/Header.html) is empty. In which case you will need to fill it with the correct frame (i.e. create a node that subscribe to your topic, fill the missing info, and republish, rerecord the bag with the modified messages).

VladimirYugay commented 1 month ago

Indeed, missing a header was a problem, thanks!

There are still 3 things that don't work for me:

  1. Despite odometry works (also can be seen in the visualization if I add rtabmap_viz node), I still get warnings like:


I checked the topics with ros2 topic hz <topic_name> and they seem normal:




I also checked the timestamps of all the messages. I record my bag with a standalone python script and assign the same timestamp to both depth, color, and camera info messages:

    time_stamp = Clock().now()
    for i in tqdm(range(len(img_paths))):
        rgb = load_ros_image(str(img_paths[i]), time_stamp)
        depth = load_ros_depth(str(depth_paths[i]), time_stamp)
        camera_info = load_ros_camera_info(time_stamp)

        writer.write('/camera/rgb/image_raw', serialize_message(rgb), time_stamp.nanoseconds)
        writer.write('/camera/depth/image_raw', serialize_message(depth), time_stamp.nanoseconds)
        writer.write('/camera/info', serialize_message(camera_info), time_stamp.nanoseconds)

        time_stamp += frame_duration

and the header e.g. for CameraInfo as:

    camera_info = CameraInfo()
    camera_info.header.stamp = timestamp.to_msg()

what might be a possible issue here?

  1. I went over this issue. I've enabled the logs in the config. However, when a/the bag file(s) are processed, the created folder `results/_ is empty. What might be the reason for this?

  2. Finally, despite the visualization is enabled in the config, I don't see anything on the screen.

I thought that 2 and 3 are related to the fact that cslam components are not getting odometry, but I checked it with:




May there be something else that the slam components are waiting for but can't get? I currently use cslam_rgbd.launch.py so maybe I need to set something there additionally?

lajoiepy commented 1 month ago

The first one is weird indeed. As this is a RTAB-Map problem, I would look in their issues and forums.

To debug 2 and 3, can you ros2 topic echo a few topics in the Swarm-SLAM pipeline to see where the pipeline breaks. You can generally follow the pipeline by checking what are the subscribers and publishers of a node, and then finding the next node from there. For example the first node in the RGBD pipeline is the map_manager (with the RGBD_handler), it should publish on keyframe_data and keyframe_odom as it receives messages https://github.com/lajoiepy/cslam/blob/32527430ef271064d468f442a3ab754917abb011/src/front_end/rgbd_handler.cpp#L77

lajoiepy commented 1 month ago

Closed by mistake.