Hi, @markveillette :
I want to create a dataset that uses [vis, ir069, ir107, vil, lght] to predict vil. However, I have an issue when running make_dataset.py. The following is my configuration:
python3 make_dataset.py --input_types vis ir069 ir107 vil lght --output_types vil --sevir_data ./sevir_full/ --sevir_catalog ./CATALOG.csv --output_location ./data_process/ --n_chunks 2
Hi, @markveillette : I want to create a dataset that uses [vis, ir069, ir107, vil, lght] to predict vil. However, I have an issue when running make_dataset.py. The following is my configuration:
python3 make_dataset.py --input_types vis ir069 ir107 vil lght --output_types vil --sevir_data ./sevir_full/ --sevir_catalog ./CATALOG.csv --output_location ./data_process/ --n_chunks 2
the error is:
Could you kindly help me solve it? Best regards!