The code implements the 'minimax' algorithm for tic-tac-toe in Python, featuring two main functions: 'minimax' and 'find_best_move'. The 'minimax' function recursively evaluates all possible game moves, optimizing for the current player's best outcome while considering the opponent's strategy. The 'find_best_move' function uses minimax to identify the most advantageous move for the current game state. This implementation is designed for creating an intelligent AI opponent in tic-tac-toe, and it includes a suite of tests to ensure its effectiveness across various game scenarios.
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[x] the PR contributes only one focused change
[x] the branch is up to date with main/master
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[ ] all conflicts are resolved (if any)
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[ ] feedback is addressed (if any, and if it is appropriate feedback.)
README Documentation
[x] The solution is documented in /src/
[x] The markdown source is formatted
[x] Spelling and grammar is correct in all text
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[ ] All links and images work
[x] The README documents the solution's behavior, strategy(ies) and implementation(s)
[ ] There are use cases in code blocks to illustrate the function's behavior
The code implements the 'minimax' algorithm for tic-tac-toe in Python, featuring two main functions: 'minimax' and 'find_best_move'. The 'minimax' function recursively evaluates all possible game moves, optimizing for the current player's best outcome while considering the opponent's strategy. The 'find_best_move' function uses minimax to identify the most advantageous move for the current game state. This implementation is designed for creating an intelligent AI opponent in tic-tac-toe, and it includes a suite of tests to ensure its effectiveness across various game scenarios.
README Documentation
Python Files
Function Docstring
Function Implementation
Unit Test Suite