Open JoKoll opened 3 years ago
Following up on this, I think the problem may be related to the frame_ids, but not how I initially thought. I was doing some tests with a D435i and the major difference between them is that Kimera is publishing Frame IDs with the D435i but not with the Zed2. I even just copied the D435i launch file in the repository, and only changing the dataset value and the subscribed topics, but it made no difference. I was wondering what the purpose of this is:
<!-- Launch static TF node from base_link to velo_link -->
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="velo_link_broadcaster"
args="0 0 0 0 0 0 1 base_link velo_link 100"/>
When viewing the TFs in RVIZ with the D435i, it gives me complete transformations from the "world" frame id and "base_link", "map", "left_cam", and "right_cam" frame IDs. However, using a similar launch file with the Zed2, there are no transformations from the "world" frame id. Here's an image of the TFs in rviz of the Zed2:
With the D435i, even though the transformations from the "world" frame id to the id frames of the camera (as expected based on the text in the launch file stating that Kimera and Realsense publish conflicting Tfs), there are still the correct transformations to the "base_link", "left_cam" and "right_cam" frame ids. The frames in the visualization area also move when I move the camera, unlike with the Zed2 where nothing other than the "world" frame id shows up in the visualization area.
Since the _Launch static TF node from base_link to velolink doesn't seem to work with the Zed2 as written, what's the background behind that code? I'm expecting that I'll have to make a custom transform in order to correctly associate Kimera with the Zed2 camera, but I don't know where "velo_link" is coming from. The ros tutorials have some information on the static transform publisher, but not enough to know what I need to put there.
I think this missing transform is also why rostopic list can see the kimera_vio_ros topics (such as mesh, time_horizon_pointcloud, and odometry), but when I echo them, nothing is displayed (not even the message that they aren't publishing).
Thanks again for any help on this topic.
Any success with this issue? I`m having the same with ZED2i
Hi, I am having a similar issue with a zed2i camera, not sure what the cause of this is... some possible reasons I can think of are incorrect calibration or incorrect sensor frequency or the tfs, I might be wrong about this but in case someone resolved it please share how. Thanks!
Description: I'm trying to run a Zed2 camera live with Kimera. I haven't been able to successfully display the mesh or PointCloud Time Horizon in rviz, but the feature tracks does work. I believe that Kimera-VIO-ROS has been installed correctly since I can run the Euroc rosbag example with the mesh and the PointCloud Time Horizon. I've also tried to run Kimera with a rosbag that I created, using the same topics and launch file (with the exception of sim_time = true) and was able to display the PointCloud Time Horizon in rviz, but not the mesh.
I have created custom param yaml files for the Zed2, and calibrated them with Kalibr as per the directions here. I've been using the grayscale imaging, as I couldn't calibrate the color images, and Kimera displays the following error when using the images_rect_color ros topic anyways:
"F0624 18:40:36.960291 27317 RosDataProviderInterface.cpp:71] Check failed: cv_ptr->encoding == sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8 (bgra8 vs. mono8) Expected image with MONO8, BGR8, or RGB8 encoding.Add in here more conversions if you wish."
Command: Each line is in a new terminal:
For rviz, I've just been manually setting the views when it opens and recently just checking to see if the mesh is being displayed after making a change.
Console output: roscore
Zed2 Launch
Kimera Launch
Additional files: My kimera launch file is as follows:
I've identified two potential issues, but I'm not sure how to solve them and I'm not sure if they're related:
I know that the PointCloud Time Horizon is reliant on the "world" frame ID after I compared the Euroc rosbag to my Zed2 rosbag, where in the Zed2 rosbag, the frame_id in rostopic echo was listed as "map" as per the Kimera launch file. However, in both the live and rosbag scenarios, the mesh topic is not publishing. When being run live, running rostopic echo /kimera_vio_ros/mesh returns nothing, not even the message that nothing is being published. With the Zed2 rosbag, running rostopic echo /kimera_vio/ros/mesh returns that nothing is being published, despite the fact that /clock/ is running, similar to Issue#78. I tried the suggested remedies in the comments, except changing the commits since I got the meshes to work with the Euroc rosbag, but still could not get the mesh to appear.
I've also looked through Issue#105, but nothing I changed showed the mesh in either the live Zed2 or the Zed2 rosbag.
This issue could also be completely unrelated to the above and I've just missed it. Any help to resolve this issue would be much appreciated.
Here is a screenshot of rviz when running kimera with the Zed2 livea and the rqt_graph:
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