ROS wrapper for Kimera-VIO
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
362 stars 150 forks source link

The Trajectory is drifting and log on screen is abnormal #192

Open myboyhood opened 8 months ago

myboyhood commented 8 months ago

@nathanhhughes Hello! Thanks for this work. But I find the result of running on V1_01_easy.bag is abnormal.

Problem reproduce:

I download the latest version of Kimera-VIO and Kimera-VIO-ROS. I fix the issue with GTSAM version using e5866799dff48239573cdd84964180867e50edd2 I do not change any param in launch file or yaml file. I just directly run the code to see it performance.

I run the launch in one terminal

roslaunch kimera_vio_ros kimera_vio_ros_euroc.launch online:=true

and in another terminal

rosbag play -r 1 --clock V1_01_easy.bag

in the third terminal I open the Rviz

rviz -d $(rospack find kimera_vio_ros)/rviz/kimera_vio_euroc.rviz

The trajectory in Rviz is drifting like below: Screenshot from 2023-10-29 23-18-53

The output of terminal is also abnormal

roslaunch kimera_vio_ros kimera_vio_ros_euroc.launch online:=true
... logging to /home/zph/.ros/log/149a2288-766d-11ee-8b17-00d861a49e85/roslaunch-zph-lab-27770.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server


 * /gt_accel_bias: [-0.012492, 0.547...
 * /gt_gyro_bias: [-0.002229, 0.020...
 * /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/base_link_frame_id: base_link
 * /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/left_cam_frame_id: cam0
 * /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/map_frame_id: map
 * /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/mono_ransac_threshold: 30
 * /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/online_run: True
 * /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/params_folder_path: /home/zph/ros_ws/...
 * /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/position_det_threshold: 0.3
 * /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/right_cam_frame_id: cam1
 * /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/stereo_ransac_threshold: 20
 * /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/use_lcd: False
 * /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/use_online_cam_params: False
 * /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/velocity_det_threshold: 0.1
 * /kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node/world_frame_id: world
 * /kimera_vio_ros/posegraph_viewer/frame_id: world
 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.11
 * /use_sim_time: True

    kimera_vio_ros_node (kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node)
    posegraph_viewer (pose_graph_tools/visualizer_node)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [27787]

setting /run_id to 149a2288-766d-11ee-8b17-00d861a49e85
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [27810]
started core service [/rosout]
process[kimera_vio_ros/kimera_vio_ros_node-2]: started with pid [27816]
process[kimera_vio_ros/posegraph_viewer-3]: started with pid [27818]
[ INFO] [1698592136.969565358]: Initializing pose graph visualizer
I1029 23:08:57.092478 27816 RosOnlineDataProvider.cpp:45] Waiting for ROS time to be valid... 
(Sim Time is enabled; run rosbag with --clock argument)
I1029 23:09:04.761847 27816 RosOnlineDataProvider.cpp:56] Requested initialization from ground-truth. Initializing ground-truth odometry one-shot subscriber.
W1029 23:09:04.763751 27816 RosOnlineDataProvider.cpp:65] Waiting for ground-truth pose to initialize VIO on ros topic: /kimera_vio_ros/gt_odom
E1029 23:09:07.763826 27816 RosOnlineDataProvider.cpp:82] Missing ground-truth pose while trying for 3.002 seconds.
Enabling autoInitialize and continuing without ground-truth pose.
I1029 23:09:07.774727 27816 RegularVioBackend.cpp:114] Using Regular VIO Backend.
I1029 23:09:07.774796 27816 PipelineModule.h:449] MISO Pipeline Module: Display has no output queue registered.
I1029 23:09:07.774899 27816 Pipeline.cpp:296] Pipeline Modules launched (parallel_run set to 1).
I1029 23:09:07.774971 27816 KimeraVioRos.cpp:137] Statistics
-----------                                  #  Log Hz  {avg     +- std    }    [min,max]
Mesher [ms]                                     0   
VioBackend [ms]                                 0   
VioFrontend [ms]                                0   
Visualizer [ms]                                 0   
backend_input_queue Size [#]                    0   
data_provider_left_frame_queue Size [#]         0   
data_provider_right_frame_queue Size [#]        0   
display_input_queue Size [#]                    0   
frontend_input_queue Size [#]                   0   
mesher_backend Size [#]                         0   
mesher_frontend Size [#]                        0   
visualizer_backend_queue Size [#]               0   
visualizer_frontend_queue Size [#]              0   
visualizer_mesher_queue Size [#]                0   
I1029 23:09:07.774988 27882 Pipeline.cpp:89] Spinning Kimera-VIO.
W1029 23:09:08.049544 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.098340 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
I1029 23:09:08.114918 27877 VioBackend.h:167] ------------------- Initialize Pipeline: timestamp = 1403715274962143000--------------------
W1029 23:09:08.114940 27877 InitializationFromImu.cpp:25] InitializationFromImu: assumes that the vehicle is stationary and upright along some axis,and gravity vector is along a single axis!
W1029 23:09:08.115590 27878 Mesher.cpp:1377] Missing landmark information to build 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:08.115612 27878 Mesher.cpp:1405] Missing landmark information for the Mesher!
W1029 23:09:08.115618 27878 Mesher.cpp:1613] List of Keypoints with associated Landmarks is empty.
W1029 23:09:08.115624 27878 Mesher.cpp:1419] 2D Mesh is empty!
W1029 23:09:08.115633 27878 Mesher.cpp:429] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot generate 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:08.115649 27878 Mesher.cpp:520] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot trim 3D mesh to time horizon.
W1029 23:09:08.148002 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.198740 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.248979 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.277784 27876 Tracker.cpp:574] 1-point RANSAC (voting) could not find a solution.
W1029 23:09:08.298355 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.313149 27876 StereoMatcher.cpp:130] sparseStereoMatching: StereoFrame is already rectified!
W1029 23:09:08.313167 27876 StereoCamera.cpp:263] Rectifying already rectified stereo frame ...
I1029 23:09:08.315665 27877 RegularVioBackend.cpp:212] Tracker has a LOW_DISPARITY status.
W1029 23:09:08.315966 27878 Mesher.cpp:1377] Missing landmark information to build 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:08.315980 27878 Mesher.cpp:1405] Missing landmark information for the Mesher!
W1029 23:09:08.315984 27878 Mesher.cpp:1613] List of Keypoints with associated Landmarks is empty.
W1029 23:09:08.315989 27878 Mesher.cpp:1419] 2D Mesh is empty!
W1029 23:09:08.315992 27878 Mesher.cpp:429] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot generate 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:08.315999 27878 Mesher.cpp:520] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot trim 3D mesh to time horizon.
W1029 23:09:08.348194 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.398214 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.449102 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.468967 27876 Tracker.cpp:574] 1-point RANSAC (voting) could not find a solution.
W1029 23:09:08.495210 27876 StereoMatcher.cpp:130] sparseStereoMatching: StereoFrame is already rectified!
W1029 23:09:08.495256 27876 StereoCamera.cpp:263] Rectifying already rectified stereo frame ...
I1029 23:09:08.497606 27877 RegularVioBackend.cpp:212] Tracker has a LOW_DISPARITY status.
W1029 23:09:08.498203 27878 Mesher.cpp:1377] Missing landmark information to build 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:08.498229 27878 Mesher.cpp:1405] Missing landmark information for the Mesher!
W1029 23:09:08.498235 27878 Mesher.cpp:1613] List of Keypoints with associated Landmarks is empty.
W1029 23:09:08.498245 27878 Mesher.cpp:1419] 2D Mesh is empty!
W1029 23:09:08.498255 27878 Mesher.cpp:429] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot generate 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:08.498266 27878 Mesher.cpp:520] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot trim 3D mesh to time horizon.
W1029 23:09:08.498765 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.548556 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.599166 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.649259 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.671236 27876 Tracker.cpp:574] 1-point RANSAC (voting) could not find a solution.
W1029 23:09:08.695612 27876 StereoMatcher.cpp:130] sparseStereoMatching: StereoFrame is already rectified!
W1029 23:09:08.695643 27876 StereoCamera.cpp:263] Rectifying already rectified stereo frame ...
I1029 23:09:08.697889 27877 RegularVioBackend.cpp:212] Tracker has a LOW_DISPARITY status.
W1029 23:09:08.698400 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.698421 27878 Mesher.cpp:1377] Missing landmark information to build 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:08.698458 27878 Mesher.cpp:1405] Missing landmark information for the Mesher!
W1029 23:09:08.698467 27878 Mesher.cpp:1613] List of Keypoints with associated Landmarks is empty.
W1029 23:09:08.698472 27878 Mesher.cpp:1419] 2D Mesh is empty!
W1029 23:09:08.698477 27878 Mesher.cpp:429] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot generate 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:08.698487 27878 Mesher.cpp:520] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot trim 3D mesh to time horizon.
W1029 23:09:08.748402 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
I1029 23:09:08.775153 27816 KimeraVioRos.cpp:137] Statistics
-----------                                  #  Log Hz  {avg     +- std    }    [min,max]
Display [ms]                                    7   7.57918 {0.142857 +- 0.377964}  [0,1]
Mesher [ms]                                     4   4.33092 {0.00000 +- 0.00000}    [0,0]
Stereo Data Provider [ms]                       0   
VioBackend [ms]                                 4   4.33139 {0.00000 +- 0.00000}    [0,0]
VioFrontend Frame Rate [ms]                    11   17.0326 {3.54545 +- 3.01210}    [1,10]
VioFrontend Keyframe Rate [ms]                  3   5.14703 {46.6667 +- 9.81495}    [41,58]
VioFrontend [ms]                               15   15.2152 {15.8000 +- 21.6703}    [1,58]
Visualizer [ms]                                 4   4.33056 {0.00000 +- 0.00000}    [0,0]
backend_input_queue Size [#]                    4   4.32151 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
data_provider_left_frame_queue Size [#]        17   17.4585 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
data_provider_right_frame_queue Size [#]       17   17.4574 {1.17647 +- 0.528594}   [1,3]
display_input_queue Size [#]                    7   7.55613 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
frontend_input_queue Size [#]                  15   15.2421 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
mesher_backend Size [#]                         4   4.33090 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
mesher_frontend Size [#]                       15   15.2138 {2.26667 +- 1.16292}    [1,4]
visualizer_backend_queue Size [#]               4   4.33092 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
visualizer_frontend_queue Size [#]             15   15.2139 {2.26667 +- 1.16292}    [1,4]
visualizer_mesher_queue Size [#]                4   4.33031 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
W1029 23:09:08.799178 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.848666 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.870664 27876 Tracker.cpp:574] 1-point RANSAC (voting) could not find a solution.
W1029 23:09:08.888490 27876 StereoMatcher.cpp:130] sparseStereoMatching: StereoFrame is already rectified!
W1029 23:09:08.888518 27876 StereoCamera.cpp:263] Rectifying already rectified stereo frame ...
I1029 23:09:08.890755 27877 RegularVioBackend.cpp:212] Tracker has a LOW_DISPARITY status.
W1029 23:09:08.891207 27878 Mesher.cpp:1377] Missing landmark information to build 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:08.891229 27878 Mesher.cpp:1405] Missing landmark information for the Mesher!
W1029 23:09:08.891235 27878 Mesher.cpp:1613] List of Keypoints with associated Landmarks is empty.
W1029 23:09:08.891240 27878 Mesher.cpp:1419] 2D Mesh is empty!
W1029 23:09:08.891245 27878 Mesher.cpp:429] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot generate 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:08.891255 27878 Mesher.cpp:520] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot trim 3D mesh to time horizon.
W1029 23:09:08.898063 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.948387 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:08.998100 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.048626 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.070046 27876 Tracker.cpp:574] 1-point RANSAC (voting) could not find a solution.
W1029 23:09:09.096908 27876 StereoMatcher.cpp:130] sparseStereoMatching: StereoFrame is already rectified!
W1029 23:09:09.096933 27876 StereoCamera.cpp:263] Rectifying already rectified stereo frame ...
W1029 23:09:09.099057 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.103799 27878 Mesher.cpp:1377] Missing landmark information to build 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:09.103822 27878 Mesher.cpp:1405] Missing landmark information for the Mesher!
W1029 23:09:09.103826 27878 Mesher.cpp:1613] List of Keypoints with associated Landmarks is empty.
W1029 23:09:09.103832 27878 Mesher.cpp:1419] 2D Mesh is empty!
W1029 23:09:09.103835 27878 Mesher.cpp:429] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot generate 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:09.103842 27878 Mesher.cpp:520] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot trim 3D mesh to time horizon.
W1029 23:09:09.147948 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.198442 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.249094 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.271291 27876 Tracker.cpp:574] 1-point RANSAC (voting) could not find a solution.
W1029 23:09:09.292853 27876 StereoMatcher.cpp:130] sparseStereoMatching: StereoFrame is already rectified!
W1029 23:09:09.292882 27876 StereoCamera.cpp:263] Rectifying already rectified stereo frame ...
I1029 23:09:09.295163 27877 RegularVioBackend.cpp:212] Tracker has a LOW_DISPARITY status.
W1029 23:09:09.296419 27878 Mesher.cpp:1377] Missing landmark information to build 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:09.296442 27878 Mesher.cpp:1405] Missing landmark information for the Mesher!
W1029 23:09:09.296448 27878 Mesher.cpp:1613] List of Keypoints with associated Landmarks is empty.
W1029 23:09:09.296453 27878 Mesher.cpp:1419] 2D Mesh is empty!
W1029 23:09:09.296458 27878 Mesher.cpp:429] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot generate 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:09.296466 27878 Mesher.cpp:520] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot trim 3D mesh to time horizon.
W1029 23:09:09.299207 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.351857 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.401429 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.450419 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.463182 27876 Tracker.cpp:574] 1-point RANSAC (voting) could not find a solution.
W1029 23:09:09.476675 27876 StereoMatcher.cpp:130] sparseStereoMatching: StereoFrame is already rectified!
W1029 23:09:09.476708 27876 StereoCamera.cpp:263] Rectifying already rectified stereo frame ...
I1029 23:09:09.479732 27877 RegularVioBackend.cpp:212] Tracker has a LOW_DISPARITY status.
W1029 23:09:09.481658 27878 Mesher.cpp:1377] Missing landmark information to build 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:09.481689 27878 Mesher.cpp:1405] Missing landmark information for the Mesher!
W1029 23:09:09.481698 27878 Mesher.cpp:1613] List of Keypoints with associated Landmarks is empty.
W1029 23:09:09.481704 27878 Mesher.cpp:1419] 2D Mesh is empty!
W1029 23:09:09.481717 27878 Mesher.cpp:429] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot generate 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:09.481734 27878 Mesher.cpp:520] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot trim 3D mesh to time horizon.
W1029 23:09:09.500859 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.551201 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.604358 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.650799 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.671120 27876 Tracker.cpp:574] 1-point RANSAC (voting) could not find a solution.
W1029 23:09:09.700129 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.702116 27876 StereoMatcher.cpp:130] sparseStereoMatching: StereoFrame is already rectified!
W1029 23:09:09.702131 27876 StereoCamera.cpp:263] Rectifying already rectified stereo frame ...
I1029 23:09:09.704792 27877 RegularVioBackend.cpp:212] Tracker has a LOW_DISPARITY status.
W1029 23:09:09.706301 27878 Mesher.cpp:1377] Missing landmark information to build 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:09.706321 27878 Mesher.cpp:1405] Missing landmark information for the Mesher!
W1029 23:09:09.706324 27878 Mesher.cpp:1613] List of Keypoints with associated Landmarks is empty.
W1029 23:09:09.706328 27878 Mesher.cpp:1419] 2D Mesh is empty!
W1029 23:09:09.706332 27878 Mesher.cpp:429] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot generate 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:09.706341 27878 Mesher.cpp:520] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot trim 3D mesh to time horizon.
W1029 23:09:09.749980 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
I1029 23:09:09.777112 27816 KimeraVioRos.cpp:137] Statistics
-----------                                  #  Log Hz  {avg     +- std    }    [min,max]
Display [ms]                                   17   8.80010 {0.0588235 +- 0.242536} [0,1]
Mesher [ms]                                     9   4.65975 {0.00000 +- 0.00000}    [0,0]
Stereo Data Provider [ms]                       0   
VioBackend [ms]                                 9   4.65983 {0.777778 +- 1.30171}   [0,4]
VioFrontend Frame Rate [ms]                    26   15.7438 {3.92308 +- 2.75569}    [1,10]
VioFrontend Keyframe Rate [ms]                  8   5.03213 {40.5000 +- 10.2400}    [23,58]
VioFrontend [ms]                               35   17.5747 {13.8857 +- 18.0518}    [1,58]
Visualizer [ms]                                 9   4.65866 {0.00000 +- 0.00000}    [0,0]
backend_input_queue Size [#]                    9   4.65712 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
data_provider_left_frame_queue Size [#]        37   18.7313 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
data_provider_right_frame_queue Size [#]       37   18.7302 {1.08108 +- 0.363500}   [1,3]
display_input_queue Size [#]                   17   8.78727 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
frontend_input_queue Size [#]                  35   17.6359 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
mesher_backend Size [#]                         9   4.65958 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
mesher_frontend Size [#]                       35   17.5739 {2.40000 +- 1.14275}    [1,4]
visualizer_backend_queue Size [#]               9   4.65959 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
visualizer_frontend_queue Size [#]             35   17.5740 {2.40000 +- 1.14275}    [1,4]
visualizer_mesher_queue Size [#]                9   4.65944 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
W1029 23:09:09.800231 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.850661 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.872357 27876 Tracker.cpp:574] 1-point RANSAC (voting) could not find a solution.
W1029 23:09:09.899602 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.903290 27876 StereoMatcher.cpp:130] sparseStereoMatching: StereoFrame is already rectified!
W1029 23:09:09.903308 27876 StereoCamera.cpp:263] Rectifying already rectified stereo frame ...
I1029 23:09:09.905788 27877 RegularVioBackend.cpp:212] Tracker has a LOW_DISPARITY status.
W1029 23:09:09.907557 27878 Mesher.cpp:1377] Missing landmark information to build 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:09.907578 27878 Mesher.cpp:1405] Missing landmark information for the Mesher!
W1029 23:09:09.907585 27878 Mesher.cpp:1613] List of Keypoints with associated Landmarks is empty.
W1029 23:09:09.907593 27878 Mesher.cpp:1419] 2D Mesh is empty!
W1029 23:09:09.907600 27878 Mesher.cpp:429] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot generate 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:09.907611 27878 Mesher.cpp:520] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot trim 3D mesh to time horizon.
W1029 23:09:09.949416 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:09.999531 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.049777 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.069489 27876 Tracker.cpp:574] 1-point RANSAC (voting) could not find a solution.
W1029 23:09:10.091073 27876 StereoMatcher.cpp:130] sparseStereoMatching: StereoFrame is already rectified!
W1029 23:09:10.091099 27876 StereoCamera.cpp:263] Rectifying already rectified stereo frame ...
W1029 23:09:10.097173 27878 Mesher.cpp:1377] Missing landmark information to build 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:10.097200 27878 Mesher.cpp:1405] Missing landmark information for the Mesher!
W1029 23:09:10.097205 27878 Mesher.cpp:1613] List of Keypoints with associated Landmarks is empty.
W1029 23:09:10.097209 27878 Mesher.cpp:1419] 2D Mesh is empty!
W1029 23:09:10.097214 27878 Mesher.cpp:429] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot generate 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:10.097222 27878 Mesher.cpp:520] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot trim 3D mesh to time horizon.
W1029 23:09:10.098860 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.149037 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.198107 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.250723 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.261222 27876 Tracker.cpp:574] 1-point RANSAC (voting) could not find a solution.
W1029 23:09:10.277546 27876 StereoMatcher.cpp:130] sparseStereoMatching: StereoFrame is already rectified!
W1029 23:09:10.277576 27876 StereoCamera.cpp:263] Rectifying already rectified stereo frame ...
I1029 23:09:10.280174 27877 RegularVioBackend.cpp:212] Tracker has a LOW_DISPARITY status.
W1029 23:09:10.282361 27878 Mesher.cpp:1377] Missing landmark information to build 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:10.282390 27878 Mesher.cpp:1405] Missing landmark information for the Mesher!
W1029 23:09:10.282397 27878 Mesher.cpp:1613] List of Keypoints with associated Landmarks is empty.
W1029 23:09:10.282403 27878 Mesher.cpp:1419] 2D Mesh is empty!
W1029 23:09:10.282408 27878 Mesher.cpp:429] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot generate 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:10.282420 27878 Mesher.cpp:520] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot trim 3D mesh to time horizon.
W1029 23:09:10.301986 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.351260 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.401027 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.451414 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.468998 27876 Tracker.cpp:574] 1-point RANSAC (voting) could not find a solution.
W1029 23:09:10.491492 27876 StereoMatcher.cpp:130] sparseStereoMatching: StereoFrame is already rectified!
W1029 23:09:10.491521 27876 StereoCamera.cpp:263] Rectifying already rectified stereo frame ...
I1029 23:09:10.493718 27877 RegularVioBackend.cpp:212] Tracker has a LOW_DISPARITY status.
W1029 23:09:10.494529 27878 Mesher.cpp:1377] Missing landmark information to build 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:10.494555 27878 Mesher.cpp:1405] Missing landmark information for the Mesher!
W1029 23:09:10.494562 27878 Mesher.cpp:1613] List of Keypoints with associated Landmarks is empty.
W1029 23:09:10.494568 27878 Mesher.cpp:1419] 2D Mesh is empty!
W1029 23:09:10.494575 27878 Mesher.cpp:429] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot generate 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:10.494586 27878 Mesher.cpp:520] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot trim 3D mesh to time horizon.
W1029 23:09:10.499670 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.551541 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.602699 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.651262 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.669160 27876 Tracker.cpp:574] 1-point RANSAC (voting) could not find a solution.
W1029 23:09:10.692296 27876 StereoMatcher.cpp:130] sparseStereoMatching: StereoFrame is already rectified!
W1029 23:09:10.692325 27876 StereoCamera.cpp:263] Rectifying already rectified stereo frame ...
I1029 23:09:10.694563 27877 RegularVioBackend.cpp:212] Tracker has a LOW_DISPARITY status.
W1029 23:09:10.697432 27878 Mesher.cpp:1377] Missing landmark information to build 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:10.697456 27878 Mesher.cpp:1405] Missing landmark information for the Mesher!
W1029 23:09:10.697463 27878 Mesher.cpp:1613] List of Keypoints with associated Landmarks is empty.
W1029 23:09:10.697467 27878 Mesher.cpp:1419] 2D Mesh is empty!
W1029 23:09:10.697471 27878 Mesher.cpp:429] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot generate 3D Mesh.
W1029 23:09:10.697480 27878 Mesher.cpp:520] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot trim 3D mesh to time horizon.
W1029 23:09:10.700719 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.750346 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
I1029 23:09:10.777153 27816 KimeraVioRos.cpp:137] Statistics
-----------                                  #  Log Hz  {avg     +- std    }    [min,max]
Display [ms]                                   27   9.23687 {0.0370370 +- 0.192450} [0,1]
Mesher [ms]                                    14   4.79028 {0.00000 +- 0.00000}    [0,0]
Stereo Data Provider [ms]                       0   
VioBackend [ms]                                14   4.79041 {1.07143 +- 1.26881}    [0,4]
VioFrontend Frame Rate [ms]                    41   15.4848 {4.26829 +- 2.89849}    [1,10]
VioFrontend Keyframe Rate [ms]                 13   5.03968 {38.9231 +- 9.68213}    [23,58]
VioFrontend [ms]                               55   18.4081 {13.4727 +- 16.8334}    [1,58]
Visualizer [ms]                                14   4.78935 {0.00000 +- 0.00000}    [0,0]
backend_input_queue Size [#]                   14   4.79080 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
data_provider_left_frame_queue Size [#]        57   19.1554 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
data_provider_right_frame_queue Size [#]       57   19.1548 {1.05263 +- 0.294051}   [1,3]
display_input_queue Size [#]                   27   9.22797 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
frontend_input_queue Size [#]                  55   18.4309 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
mesher_backend Size [#]                        14   4.79024 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
mesher_frontend Size [#]                       55   18.4076 {2.43636 +- 1.13470}    [1,4]
visualizer_backend_queue Size [#]              14   4.79024 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
visualizer_frontend_queue Size [#]             55   18.4076 {2.43636 +- 1.13470}    [1,4]
visualizer_mesher_queue Size [#]               14   4.79007 {1.00000 +- 0.00000}    [1,1]
W1029 23:09:10.800997 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.850734 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.869459 27876 Tracker.cpp:574] 1-point RANSAC (voting) could not find a solution.
W1029 23:09:10.900611 27882 DataProviderModule.cpp:68] Waiting for IMU data...
W1029 23:09:10.901576 27876 StereoMatcher.cpp:130] sparseStereoMatching: StereoFrame is already rectified!
W1029 23:09:10.901593 27876 StereoCamera.cpp:263] Rectifying already rectified stereo frame ...


I don't know what parameter should be changed. Can anyone give me some suggestions?