Visual Inertial Odometry with SLAM capabilities and 3D Mesh generation.
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Segfault when running euroc example script #153

Closed Alex-Dee closed 2 years ago

Alex-Dee commented 3 years ago

Description: Kimera-VIO crashes instantly when running the euroc example script.


bash ./scripts/stereoVIOEuroc.bash -p ~Data/EuRoC/V1_01_easy

I Am on Ubuntu 20.04 and build and installed everything as described without issues. The only changes I made were as described in #134. When running in debug with gdb attached i get:

Console output:

 VIO::OpenCvVisualizer3D::removeOldLines (this=0x7fff880ff630, 
    lmk_ids=std::vector of length -62625828676542522, capacity -758372867347507332 = {...})
    at /home/alexander/Projekte/Kimera/Kimera-VIO/src/visualizer/OpenCvVisualizer3D.cpp:1483
1483                 lmk_id_to_line_id_map.begin();

In addition I ran the tests and got following result: Console output:

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 187 tests from 41 test suites ran. (23812 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 184 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 3 tests, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] LCDFixture.geometricVerificationCheck
[  FAILED  ] StereoFrameFixture.sparseStereoMatching
[  FAILED  ] TestTracker.getPoint3AndCovariance


After some further debugging it seems that the crash only occurs if the build is in release mode. Debug on the other hand works fine and interestingly the call to removeOldLines() never seems to occur (the brake point is never reached).

akonneker commented 3 years ago

I am seeing the same issue. Also, in debug mode instead of 3 failing tests I get a crash on the VioPipelineFixture.OnlineSequentialSpin test. Console output for that test is below:

[ RUN      ] VioPipelineFixture.OnlineSequentialSpin
I0414 10:02:04.880667 282747 testPipeline.cpp:124] Destroying pipeline.
I0414 10:02:04.880676 282747 testPipeline.cpp:40] Building pipeline.
I0414 10:02:04.880695 282747 EurocDataProvider.cpp:82] Parsing Euroc dataset...
I0414 10:02:05.273945 282747 RegularVioBackEnd.cpp:114] Using Regular VIO backend.
I0414 10:02:05.274183 282747 Pipeline.cpp:479] Pipeline Modules launched (parallel_run set to 1).
I0414 10:02:05.274195 282747 testPipeline.cpp:70] Connecting pipeline.
I0414 10:02:05.274209 282747 testPipeline.cpp:124] Destroying pipeline.
I0414 10:02:05.274215 282747 Pipeline.cpp:269] Pipeline destructor called.
I0414 10:02:05.274222 282747 Pipeline.cpp:431] Shutting down VIO pipeline.
I0414 10:02:05.274228 282747 Pipeline.cpp:437] Calling registered shutdown callbacks...
I0414 10:02:05.274235 282747 DataProviderInterface.cpp:72] Shutting down DataProviderInterface.
I0414 10:02:05.274246 282747 MesherModule.cpp:65] Shutting down queues for: Mesher
W0414 10:02:05.274343 282747 Pipeline.cpp:547] No lcd thread, not joining.
W0414 10:02:05.274361 282747 Pipeline.cpp:547] No visualizer thread, not joining.
I0414 10:02:05.274370 282747 Pipeline.cpp:451] VIO Pipeline's threads shutdown successfully.
VIO Pipeline successful shutdown.
I0414 10:02:05.274415 282747 VioBackEnd.h:88] Backend destructor called.
I0414 10:02:05.274452 282747 StereoVisionFrontEnd.h:64] StereoVisionFrontEnd destructor called.
I0414 10:02:05.274487 282747 EurocDataProvider.cpp:98] ETHDatasetParser destructor called.
I0414 10:02:05.277448 282747 DataProviderInterface.cpp:31] Data provider destructor called.
I0414 10:02:05.277458 282747 testPipeline.cpp:40] Building pipeline.
I0414 10:02:05.277477 282747 EurocDataProvider.cpp:82] Parsing Euroc dataset...
I0414 10:02:05.675397 282747 RegularVioBackEnd.cpp:114] Using Regular VIO backend.
I0414 10:02:05.675535 282747 Pipeline.cpp:482] Pipeline Modules running in sequential mode (parallel_run set to 0).
I0414 10:02:05.675549 282747 testPipeline.cpp:70] Connecting pipeline.
I0414 10:02:05.713717 282747 Pipeline.h:199] Spinning Kimera-VIO.
I0414 10:02:05.717499 282747 Pipeline.h:199] Spinning Kimera-VIO.
W0414 10:02:05.790082 282747 Mesher.cpp:1380] Missing landmark information to build 3D Mesh.
W0414 10:02:05.790103 282747 Mesher.cpp:1408] Missing landmark information for the Mesher!
W0414 10:02:05.790113 282747 Mesher.cpp:1608] List of Keypoints with associated Landmarks is empty.
W0414 10:02:05.790149 282747 Mesher.cpp:1422] 2D Mesh is empty!
W0414 10:02:05.790158 282747 Mesher.cpp:432] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot generate 3D Mesh.
W0414 10:02:05.790216 282747 Mesher.cpp:523] Missing landmark information for the Mesher: cannot trim 3D mesh to time horizon.
I0414 10:02:05.795024 282747 Pipeline.h:199] Spinning Kimera-VIO.
W0414 10:02:05.805645 282747 PipelineModule.h:397] Module: VioBackEnd - Input queue: backend_input_queue didn't return an output.
I0414 10:02:05.810595 282747 Pipeline.h:199] Spinning Kimera-VIO.
W0414 10:02:05.823228 282747 PipelineModule.h:397] Module: VioBackEnd - Input queue: backend_input_queue didn't return an output.
I0414 10:02:05.827283 282747 Pipeline.h:199] Spinning Kimera-VIO.
W0414 10:02:05.835633 282747 PipelineModule.h:397] Module: VioBackEnd - Input queue: backend_input_queue didn't return an output.
I0414 10:02:05.839558 282747 Pipeline.h:199] Spinning Kimera-VIO.
F0414 10:02:05.922235 282747 VioBackEnd.cpp:688] Check failed: std::find(landmarks_kf->begin(), landmarks_kf->end(), lmk_id_in_kf_i) == landmarks_kf->end() 
*** Check failure stack trace: ***
    @     0x7f57f76551c3  google::LogMessage::Fail()
    @     0x7f57f765a25b  google::LogMessage::SendToLog()
    @     0x7f57f7654ebf  google::LogMessage::Flush()
    @     0x7f57f76556ef  google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal()
    @     0x7f57fbac6d31  VIO::VioBackEnd::addStereoMeasurementsToFeatureTracks()
    @     0x7f57fbc2623f  VIO::RegularVioBackEnd::addVisualInertialStateAndOptimize()
    @     0x7f57fbac409d  VIO::VioBackEnd::addVisualInertialStateAndOptimize()
    @     0x7f57fbac2828  VIO::VioBackEnd::spinOnce()
    @     0x7f57fbabd285  VIO::VioBackEndModule::spinOnce()
    @     0x7f57fbabef28  VIO::PipelineModule<>::spin()
    @     0x7f57fbd171b0  VIO::Pipeline::spinSequential()
    @     0x7f57fbd16f08  VIO::Pipeline::spinOnce()
    @     0x7f57fbd2e209  std::__invoke_impl<>()
    @     0x7f57fbd2c282  std::__invoke<>()
    @     0x7f57fbd29ebe  _ZNSt5_BindIFMN3VIO8PipelineEFvSt10unique_ptrINS0_19StereoImuSyncPacketESt14default_deleteIS3_EEEPS1_St12_PlaceholderILi1EEEE6__callIvJOS6_EJLm0ELm1EEEET_OSt5tupleIJDpT0_EESt12_Index_tupleIJXspT1_EEE
    @     0x7f57fbd26886  std::_Bind<>::operator()<>()
    @     0x7f57fbd22bbc  std::_Function_handler<>::_M_invoke()
    @     0x7f57fb9c3927  std::function<>::operator()()
    @     0x7f57fb9bf5f9  VIO::DataProviderModule::getInputPacket()
    @     0x7f57fb9cbd25  VIO::PipelineModule<>::spin()
    @     0x55ee4b1e08a6  VIO::Pipeline::spin()
    @     0x55ee4b1d7579  VIO::VioPipelineFixture_OnlineSequentialSpin_Test::TestBody()
    @     0x55ee4b444f7f  testing::internal::HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<>()
    @     0x55ee4b43e4b5  testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<>()
    @     0x55ee4b41a1b2  testing::Test::Run()
    @     0x55ee4b41ab9d  testing::TestInfo::Run()
    @     0x55ee4b41b2d8  testing::TestSuite::Run()
    @     0x55ee4b427394  testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()
    @     0x55ee4b44630a  testing::internal::HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<>()
    @     0x55ee4b43f58b  testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<>()
    @     0x55ee4b425bd4  testing::UnitTest::Run()
    @     0x55ee4b1d693d  RUN_ALL_TESTS()
Aborted (core dumped)
akonneker commented 3 years ago

Another datapoint: this issue goes away in the feature/mono branch.

Alex-Dee commented 3 years ago

Did you find a solution to your problem? My crash was due to a missing boolean return statement which I fixed. However the same crash as yours started occuring for me on the mono branch.

Edit: To elaborate, this crash also occurs to me when running VIO on a custom mono dataset in debug build. In debug the check in line 1484 of VioBackend.cpp DCHECK(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<SmartStereoFactor>( smoother_->getFactors().at(slot))); will fail at some point. I however was yet unable to determine the cause of the problem.

Alex-Dee commented 3 years ago

It seems that the crash is somewhat related to the time horizon parameter. If I increase the value significantly the crash stops occuring. My guess is that there might be a bug in freezing / and or removing landmarks/smart factors from the graph. I wasn't able to find it yet though,

marcusabate commented 2 years ago

We are patching these issues in a soon-to-be-released update to Kimera-VIO, hopefully this does the trick for you.