Visual Inertial Odometry with SLAM capabilities and 3D Mesh generation.
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How to run EUROC style custom dataset without ground truth estimate data #218

Closed HtutLynn closed 10 months ago

HtutLynn commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have a dataset which is collected with iphone 13 and trying to use with Kimera-VIO. Since I have no idea on how to create a dataprovider by myself. I tried formatting the data from iphone13 as the same format as EuroC dataset. However there is no ground truth estimate data for the custom dataset, created from iphone sensors so I tried modifying the EurocDataProvider.cpp as mentioned in . However, a new error from GTSAM is causing the pipeline unable to run even on sample EUROC dataset.

Here is the modified EurocDataProvider.cpp,

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright 2017, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
 * Cambridge, MA 02139
 * All Rights Reserved
 * Authors: Luca Carlone, et al. (see THANKS for the full author list)
 * See LICENSE for the license information
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * @file   EurocDataProvider.h
 * @brief  Parse EUROC dataset.
 * @author Antoni Rosinol
 * @author Yun Chang
 * @author Luca Carlone

#include "kimera-vio/dataprovider/EurocDataProvider.h"

#include <algorithm>  // for max
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>  // for pair<>
#include <vector>

#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>

#include <gtsam/base/Vector.h>
#include <gtsam/geometry/Cal3DS2.h>
#include <gtsam/geometry/Pose3.h>

#include "kimera-vio/frontend/StereoFrame.h"
#include "kimera-vio/imu-frontend/ImuFrontend-definitions.h"
#include "kimera-vio/logging/Logger.h"
#include "kimera-vio/utils/YamlParser.h"

              "Path of dataset (i.e. Euroc, /Users/Luca/data/MH_01_easy).");
             "Initial frame to start processing dataset, "
             "previous frames will not be used.");
             "Final frame to finish processing dataset, "
             "subsequent frames will not be used.");
            "Log Euroc ground-truth data to file for later evaluation.");

namespace VIO {

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
EurocDataProvider::EurocDataProvider(const std::string& dataset_path,
                                     const int& initial_k,
                                     const int& final_k,
                                     const VioParams& vio_params)
    : DataProviderInterface(),
      logger_(FLAGS_log_euroc_gt_data ? VIO::make_unique<EurocGtLogger>()
                                      : nullptr) {
      << "Dataset path for EurocDataProvider is empty.";

  // Start processing dataset from frame initial_k.
  // Useful to skip a bunch of images at the beginning (imu calibration).
  CHECK_GE(initial_k_, 0);

  // Finish processing dataset at frame final_k.
  // Last frame to process (to avoid processing the entire dataset),
  // skip last frames.
  // CHECK_GT(final_k_, 0);

  // CHECK_GT(final_k_, initial_k_) << "Value for final_k (" << final_k_
  //                                << ") is smaller than value for"
  //                                << " initial_k (" << initial_k_ << ").";
  current_k_ = initial_k_;

  // Parse the actual dataset first, then run it.
  if (!shutdown_ && !dataset_parsed_) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Parsing Euroc dataset...";
    // CHECK_GT(imu_measurements_.size(), 0u);
    dataset_parsed_ = true;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
EurocDataProvider::EurocDataProvider(const VioParams& vio_params)
    : EurocDataProvider(FLAGS_dataset_path,
                        vio_params) {}

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
EurocDataProvider::~EurocDataProvider() {
  LOG(INFO) << "ETHDatasetParser destructor called.";

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool EurocDataProvider::spin() {
  if (dataset_parsed_) {
    if (!is_imu_data_sent_) {
      // First, send all the IMU data. The flag is to avoid sending it several
      // times if we are running in sequential mode.
      if (imu_single_callback_) {
      } else {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Imu callback not registered! Not sending IMU data.";
      is_imu_data_sent_ = true;

    // Spin.
    CHECK_EQ(vio_params_.camera_params_.size(), 2u);
    // CHECK_GT(final_k_, initial_k_);
    // We log only the first one, because we may be running in sequential mode.
    LOG_FIRST_N(INFO, 1) << "Running dataset between frame " << initial_k_
                         << " and frame " << final_k_;
    while (!shutdown_ && spinOnce()) {
      if (!vio_params_.parallel_run_) {
        // Return, instead of blocking, when running in sequential mode.
        return true;
  } else {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Euroc dataset was not parsed.";
  LOG_IF(INFO, shutdown_) << "EurocDataProvider shutdown requested.";
  return false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool EurocDataProvider::spinOnce() {
  CHECK_LT(current_k_, std::numeric_limits<FrameId>::max())
      << "Are you sure you've initialized current_k_?";
  if (current_k_ >= final_k_) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Finished spinning Euroc dataset.";
    return false;

  const CameraParams& left_cam_info =;
  const CameraParams& right_cam_info =;
  const bool& equalize_image =

  const Timestamp& timestamp_frame_k = timestampAtFrame(current_k_);
  VLOG(10) << "Sending left/right frames k= " << current_k_
           << " with timestamp: " << timestamp_frame_k;

  // TODO(Toni): ideally only send cv::Mat raw images...:
  // - pass params to vio_pipeline ctor
  // - make vio_pipeline actually equalize or transform images as necessary.
  std::string left_img_filename;
  bool available_left_img = getLeftImgName(current_k_, &left_img_filename);
  std::string right_img_filename;
  bool available_right_img = getRightImgName(current_k_, &right_img_filename);
  if (available_left_img && available_right_img) {
    // Both stereo images are available, send data to VIO
                                // TODO(Toni): this info should be passed to
                                // the camera... not all the time here...
                                    left_img_filename, equalize_image)));
                                // TODO(Toni): this info should be passed to
                                // the camera... not all the time here...
                                    right_img_filename, equalize_image)));
  } else {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Missing left/right stereo pair, proceeding to the next one.";

  // This is done directly when parsing the Imu data.
  // imu_single_callback_(imu_meas);

  VLOG(10) << "Finished VIO processing for frame k = " << current_k_;
  return true;

void EurocDataProvider::sendImuData() const {
  CHECK(imu_single_callback_) << "Did you forget to register the IMU callback?";
  Timestamp previous_timestamp = -1;
  for (const ImuMeasurement& imu_meas : imu_measurements_) {
    // CHECK_GT(imu_meas.timestamp_, previous_timestamp)
    //     << "Euroc IMU data is not in chronological order!";
    previous_timestamp = imu_meas.timestamp_;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void EurocDataProvider::parse() {
  VLOG(100) << "Using dataset path: " << dataset_path_;
  // Parse the dataset (ETH format).
  if (VLOG_IS_ON(1)) print();

  // Send first ground-truth pose to VIO for initialization if requested.
  if (vio_params_.backend_params_->autoInitialize_ == 0) {
    // We want to initialize from ground-truth.
    vio_params_.backend_params_->initial_ground_truth_state_ =

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool EurocDataProvider::parseImuData(const std::string& input_dataset_path,
                                     const std::string& imuName) {
  ///////////////// PARSE ACTUAL DATA //////////////////////////////////////////
  //#timestamp [ns],w_RS_S_x [rad s^-1],w_RS_S_y [rad s^-1],w_RS_S_z [rad s^-1],
  // a_RS_S_x [m s^-2],a_RS_S_y [m s^-2],a_RS_S_z [m s^-2]
  std::string filename_data =
      input_dataset_path + "/mav0/" + imuName + "/data.csv";
  std::ifstream fin(filename_data.c_str());
  LOG_IF(FATAL, !fin.is_open()) << "Cannot open file: " << filename_data;

  // Skip the first line, containing the header.
  std::string line;
  std::getline(fin, line);

  size_t deltaCount = 0u;
  Timestamp sumOfDelta = 0;
  double stdDelta = 0;
  double imu_rate_maxMismatch = 0;
  double maxNormAcc = 0, maxNormRotRate = 0;  // only for debugging
  Timestamp previous_timestamp = -1;

  // Read/store imu measurements, line by line.
  while (std::getline(fin, line)) {
    Timestamp timestamp = 0;
    gtsam::Vector6 gyr_acc_data;
    for (size_t i = 0u; i < gyr_acc_data.size() + 1u; i++) {
      int idx = line.find_first_of(',');
      if (i == 0) {
        timestamp = std::stoll(line.substr(0, idx));
      } else {
        gyr_acc_data(i - 1) = std::stod(line.substr(0, idx));
      line = line.substr(idx + 1);
    // CHECK_GT(timestamp, previous_timestamp)
    //     << "Euroc IMU data is not in chronological order!";
    Vector6 imu_accgyr;
    // Acceleration first!
    imu_accgyr << gyr_acc_data.tail(3), gyr_acc_data.head(3);

    double normAcc = gyr_acc_data.tail(3).norm();
    if (normAcc > maxNormAcc) maxNormAcc = normAcc;

    double normRotRate = gyr_acc_data.head(3).norm();
    if (normRotRate > maxNormRotRate) maxNormRotRate = normRotRate;

    //! Store imu measurements
    imu_measurements_.push_back(ImuMeasurement(timestamp, imu_accgyr));

    if (previous_timestamp != -1) {
      sumOfDelta += (timestamp - previous_timestamp);
      double deltaMismatch =
                        timestamp - previous_timestamp -
                        vio_params_.imu_params_.nominal_sampling_time_s_) *
      stdDelta += std::pow(deltaMismatch, 2);
      imu_rate_maxMismatch = std::max(imu_rate_maxMismatch, deltaMismatch);
      deltaCount += 1u;
    previous_timestamp = timestamp;

  // Converted to seconds.
  VLOG(10) << "IMU rate: "
           << (static_cast<double>(sumOfDelta) /
               static_cast<double>(deltaCount)) *
           << '\n'
           << "IMU rate std: "
           << std::sqrt(stdDelta / static_cast<double>(deltaCount - 1u)) << '\n'
           << "IMU rate max mismatch: " << imu_rate_maxMismatch << '\n'
           << "Maximum measured rotation rate (norm):" << maxNormRotRate << '\n'
           << "Maximum measured acceleration (norm): " << maxNormAcc;

  return true;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool EurocDataProvider::parseGtData(const std::string& input_dataset_path,
                                    const std::string& gt_sensor_name) {

  std::string filename_sensor =
      input_dataset_path + "/mav0/" + gt_sensor_name + "/sensor.yaml";
  YamlParser yaml_parser(filename_sensor);

  // Rows and cols are redundant info, since the pose 4x4, but we parse just
  // to check we are all on the same page.
  int n_rows = 0;
  yaml_parser.getNestedYamlParam("T_BS", "rows", &n_rows);
  CHECK_EQ(n_rows, 4u);
  int n_cols = 0;
  yaml_parser.getNestedYamlParam("T_BS", "cols", &n_cols);
  CHECK_EQ(n_cols, 4u);
  std::vector<double> vector_pose;
  yaml_parser.getNestedYamlParam("T_BS", "data", &vector_pose);
  gt_data_.body_Pose_prism_ = UtilsOpenCV::poseVectorToGtsamPose3(vector_pose);

  // Sanity check: usually this is the identity matrix as the GT "sensor"
  // is at the body frame: aka body_Pose_prism_ == body_Pose_cam_
      << "parseGTdata: we expected identity body_Pose_prism_: is everything "

  ///////////////// PARSE ACTUAL DATA //////////////////////////////////////////
  //#timestamp, p_RS_R_x [m], p_RS_R_y [m], p_RS_R_z [m],
  // q_RS_w [], q_RS_x [], q_RS_y [], q_RS_z [],
  // v_RS_R_x [m s^-1], v_RS_R_y [m s^-1], v_RS_R_z [m s^-1],
  // b_w_RS_S_x [rad s^-1], b_w_RS_S_y [rad s^-1], b_w_RS_S_z [rad s^-1],
  // b_a_RS_S_x [m s^-2], b_a_RS_S_y [m s^-2], b_a_RS_S_z [m s^-2]
  std::string filename_data =
      input_dataset_path + "/mav0/" + gt_sensor_name + "/data.csv";
  std::ifstream fin(filename_data.c_str());
  CHECK(fin.is_open()) << "Cannot open file: " << filename_data << '\n'
                       << "Assuming dataset has no ground truth...";

  // Skip the first line, containing the header.
  std::string line;
  std::getline(fin, line);

  size_t delta_count = 0u;
  Timestamp sumOfDelta = 0;
  Timestamp previous_timestamp = -1;

  // Read/store gt, line by line.
  double max_gt_vel = 0;
  while (std::getline(fin, line)) {
    Timestamp timestamp = 0;
    std::vector<double> gt_data_raw;
    for (size_t i = 0u; i < 17; i++) {
      int idx = line.find_first_of(',');
      if (i == 0u) {
        timestamp = std::stoll(line.substr(0, idx));
      } else {
        gt_data_raw.push_back(std::stod(line.substr(0, idx)));
      line = line.substr(idx + 1);
    if (previous_timestamp == -1) {
      previous_timestamp = timestamp;  // do nothing
    } else {
      sumOfDelta += (timestamp - previous_timestamp);
      // std::cout << "time diff (sec): " << (timestamp - previous_timestamp) *
      // 1e-9 << std::endl;
      delta_count += 1u;
      previous_timestamp = timestamp;

    VioNavState gt_curr;
    gtsam::Point3 position(gt_data_raw[0], gt_data_raw[1], gt_data_raw[2]);
    // Quaternion w x y z.
    gtsam::Rot3 rot = gtsam::Rot3::Quaternion(
        gt_data_raw[3], gt_data_raw[4], gt_data_raw[5], gt_data_raw[6]);

    // Sanity check.
    gtsam::Vector q = rot.quaternion();
    // Figure out sign for quaternion.
    if (std::fabs(q(0) + gt_data_raw[3]) < std::fabs(q(0) - gt_data_raw[3])) {
      q = -q;

           (fabs(q(0) - gt_data_raw[3]) > 1e-3) ||
               (fabs(q(1) - gt_data_raw[4]) > 1e-3) ||
               (fabs(q(2) - gt_data_raw[5]) > 1e-3) ||
               (fabs(q(3) - gt_data_raw[6]) > 1e-3))
        << "parseGTdata: wrong quaternion conversion"
        << "(" << q(0) << "," << gt_data_raw[3] << ") "
        << "(" << q(1) << "," << gt_data_raw[4] << ") "
        << "(" << q(2) << "," << gt_data_raw[5] << ") "
        << "(" << q(3) << "," << gt_data_raw[6] << ").";

    gt_curr.pose_ = gtsam::Pose3(rot, position);
    gt_curr.velocity_ =
        gtsam::Vector3(gt_data_raw[7], gt_data_raw[8], gt_data_raw[9]);
    gtsam::Vector3 gyroBias =
        gtsam::Vector3(gt_data_raw[10], gt_data_raw[11], gt_data_raw[12]);
    gtsam::Vector3 accBias =
        gtsam::Vector3(gt_data_raw[13], gt_data_raw[14], gt_data_raw[15]);
    gt_curr.imu_bias_ = gtsam::imuBias::ConstantBias(accBias, gyroBias);

        std::pair<Timestamp, VioNavState>(timestamp, gt_curr));

    double norm_vel = gt_curr.velocity_.norm();
    if (norm_vel > max_gt_vel) max_gt_vel = norm_vel;
  }  // End of while loop.

  CHECK_EQ(delta_count, gt_data_.map_to_gt_.size() - 1u)
      << "parseGTdata: wrong nr of deltaCount: deltaCount " << delta_count
      << " nrPoses " << gt_data_.map_to_gt_.size();

  CHECK_NE(delta_count, 0u);
  // Converted in seconds.
  // TODO(TONI): this looks horrible.
  gt_data_.gt_rate_ =
      (static_cast<double>(sumOfDelta) / static_cast<double>(delta_count)) *

  VLOG(1) << "Maximum ground truth velocity: " << max_gt_vel;
  return true;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool EurocDataProvider::parseDataset() {
  // Parse IMU data.
  CHECK(parseImuData(dataset_path_, kImuName));

  // Parse Camera data.
  CameraImageLists left_cam_image_list;
  CameraImageLists right_cam_image_list;
  parseCameraData(kLeftCamName, &left_cam_image_list);
  if (VLOG_IS_ON(1)) left_cam_image_list.print();
  parseCameraData(kRightCamName, &right_cam_image_list);
  if (VLOG_IS_ON(1)) right_cam_image_list.print();
  // TODO(Toni): remove camera_names_ and camera_image_lists_...
  // WARNING Use [x] not .at() because we are adding entries that do not exist.
  camera_image_lists_[kLeftCamName] = left_cam_image_list;
  camera_image_lists_[kRightCamName] = right_cam_image_list;
  // CHECK(sanityCheckCameraData(camera_names_, &camera_image_lists_));

  // Parse Ground-Truth data.
  static const std::string ground_truth_name = "state_groundtruth_estimate0";
  // is_gt_available_ = parseGtData(dataset_path_, ground_truth_name);
  bool is_gt_available_ = false;


  // Log Ground-Truth data.
  if (logger_) {
    if (is_gt_available_) {
      logger_->logGtData(dataset_path_ + "/mav0/" + ground_truth_name +
    } else {
      std::cout << "GroundTruth data is not available." << std::endl;
      LOG(ERROR) << "Requested ground-truth data logging but no ground-truth "
                    "data available.";

  return true;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool EurocDataProvider::parseCameraData(const std::string& cam_name,
                                        CameraImageLists* cam_list_i) {
      ->parseCamImgList(dataset_path_ + "/mav0/" + cam_name, "data.csv");
  return true;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool EurocDataProvider::sanityCheckCameraData(
    const std::vector<std::string>& camera_names,
    std::map<std::string, CameraImageLists>* camera_image_lists) const {
  // CHECK_GT(vio_params_.camera_params_.size(), 0u);
  CHECK_EQ(vio_params_.camera_params_.size(), 2u);
  const auto& left_cam_info =;
  auto& left_img_lists = camera_image_lists->at(;
  auto& right_img_lists = camera_image_lists->at(;
  return sanityCheckCamSize(&left_img_lists, &right_img_lists) &&
             left_img_lists, right_img_lists, left_cam_info);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool EurocDataProvider::sanityCheckCamSize(
    CameraImageLists::ImgLists* left_img_lists,
    CameraImageLists::ImgLists* right_img_lists) const {
  size_t nr_left_cam_imgs = left_img_lists->size();
  size_t nr_right_cam_imgs = right_img_lists->size();
  if (nr_left_cam_imgs != nr_right_cam_imgs) {
    LOG(WARNING) << "Different number of images in left and right camera!\n"
                 << "Left: " << nr_left_cam_imgs << "\n"
                 << "Right: " << nr_right_cam_imgs;
    size_t nrCommonImages = std::min(nr_left_cam_imgs, nr_right_cam_imgs);
  return true;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool EurocDataProvider::sanityCheckCamTimestamps(
    const CameraImageLists::ImgLists& left_img_lists,
    const CameraImageLists::ImgLists& right_img_lists,
    const CameraParams& left_cam_info) const {
  double stdDelta = 0.0;
  double frame_rate_maxMismatch = 0.0;
  size_t deltaCount = 0u;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < left_img_lists.size(); i++) {
    if (i > 0) {
      const Timestamp& timestamp =;
      const Timestamp& previous_timestamp = - 1).first;
      // TODO(TONI): this looks horrible.
      double deltaMismatch =
          std::fabs(static_cast<double>(timestamp - previous_timestamp -
                                        left_cam_info.frame_rate_) *
      stdDelta += pow(deltaMismatch, 2);
      frame_rate_maxMismatch = std::max(frame_rate_maxMismatch, deltaMismatch);

    LOG_IF(FATAL, !=
        << "Different timestamp for left and right image!\n"
        << "left: " << << '\n'
        << "right: " << << '\n'
        << " for image " << i << " of " << left_img_lists.size();

  CHECK_NE(deltaCount - 1, 0);
  LOG(INFO) << "nominal frame rate: " << left_cam_info.frame_rate_ << '\n'
            << "frame rate std: "
            << std::sqrt(stdDelta / static_cast<double>(deltaCount - 1u))
            << '\n'
            << "frame rate maxMismatch: " << frame_rate_maxMismatch;
  return true;

std::string EurocDataProvider::getDatasetName() {
  if (dataset_name_.empty()) {
    // Find and store actual name (rather than path) of the dataset.
    size_t found_last_slash = dataset_path_.find_last_of("/\\");
    std::string dataset_path_tmp = dataset_path_;
    dataset_name_ = dataset_path_tmp.substr(found_last_slash + 1);
    // The dataset name has a slash at the very end
    if (found_last_slash >= dataset_path_tmp.size() - 1) {
      // Cut the last slash.
      dataset_path_tmp = dataset_path_tmp.substr(0, found_last_slash);
      // Repeat the search.
      found_last_slash = dataset_path_tmp.find_last_of("/\\");
      // Try to pick right name.
      dataset_name_ = dataset_path_tmp.substr(found_last_slash + 1);
    LOG(INFO) << "Dataset name: " << dataset_name_;
  return dataset_name_;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
gtsam::Pose3 EurocDataProvider::getGroundTruthRelativePose(
    const Timestamp& previousTimestamp,
    const Timestamp& currentTimestamp) const {
  gtsam::Pose3 previousPose = getGroundTruthPose(previousTimestamp);
  gtsam::Pose3 currentPose = getGroundTruthPose(currentTimestamp);
  return previousPose.between(currentPose);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool EurocDataProvider::isGroundTruthAvailable(
    const Timestamp& timestamp) const {
  return timestamp > gt_data_.map_to_gt_.begin()->first;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool EurocDataProvider::isGroundTruthAvailable() const {
  return is_gt_available_;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
VioNavState EurocDataProvider::getGroundTruthState(
    const Timestamp& timestamp) const {
  const auto& it_low =
      gt_data_.map_to_gt_.equal_range(timestamp).first;  // closest, non-lesser

  // Sanity check.
  double delta_low = static_cast<double>(it_low->first - timestamp) * 1e-9;
  const auto& it_begin = gt_data_.map_to_gt_.begin();
  LOG_IF(FATAL, timestamp > it_begin->first && delta_low > 0.01)
      << "getGroundTruthState: something wrong " << delta_low;
  return it_low->second;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Compute initialization errors and stats.
// [in]: timestamp vector for poses in bundle-adjustment
// [in]: vector of poses from bundle-adjustment. the initial
// pose is identity (we are interested in relative poses!)
// [in]: initial nav state with pose, velocity in body frame,
// [in]: gravity vector estimate in body frame.
const InitializationPerformance EurocDataProvider::getInitializationPerformance(
    const std::vector<Timestamp>& timestamps,
    const std::vector<gtsam::Pose3>& poses_ba,
    const VioNavState& init_nav_state,
    const gtsam::Vector3& init_gravity) {
  CHECK_EQ(timestamps.size(), poses_ba.size());
  // The first BA pose must be identity and can be discarded

  // GT and performance variables to fill
  int init_n_frames = timestamps.size() - 1;
  double avg_relativeRotError = 0.0;
  double avg_relativeTranError = 0.0;
  gtsam::Pose3 gt_relative;
  VioNavState gt_state = getGroundTruthState(;
  gtsam::Vector3 gt_gravity = gtsam::Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -9.81);
  // Assumes gravity vector is downwards

  // Loop through bundle adjustment poses and get GT
  for (int i = 1; i < timestamps.size(); i++) {
    double relativeRotError = -1;
    double relativeTranError = -1;
    // Fill relative poses from GT
    // Check that GT is available
    if (!isGroundTruthAvailable( - 1)) ||
        !isGroundTruthAvailable( {
      LOG(FATAL) << "GT Timestamp not available!";
    gt_relative =
        getGroundTruthRelativePose( - 1),;
    // Get relative pose from BA
    gtsam::Pose3 ba_relative = - 1).between(;
    // Compute errors between BA and GT
    std::tie(relativeRotError, relativeTranError) =
            gt_relative, ba_relative, false);
    avg_relativeRotError += fabs(relativeRotError);
    avg_relativeTranError += fabs(relativeTranError);
  // Compute average logmap error and translation error
  CHECK_NE(init_n_frames, 0);
  avg_relativeRotError =
      avg_relativeRotError / static_cast<double>(init_n_frames);
  avg_relativeTranError =
      avg_relativeTranError / static_cast<double>(init_n_frames);

  LOG(INFO) << "avg. rot. error\n"
            << avg_relativeRotError << "\navg. tran. error\n"
            << avg_relativeTranError;

  // Convert velocities and gravity vector in initial body frame.
  // This is already the case for the init nav state passed.
  gt_state.velocity_ =
      gt_state.pose_.rotation().transpose() * gt_state.velocity_;
  gt_gravity = gt_state.pose_.rotation().transpose() * gt_gravity;

  LOG(INFO) << "GT: init pose\n"
            << gt_state.pose_.rotation() << "\n init velocity\n"
            << gt_state.velocity_ << "\n init bias\n"
            << gt_state.imu_bias_.gyroscope() << "\n init gravity\n"
            << gt_gravity;

  // Create performance overview
  const InitializationPerformance init_performance(,
  // Log performance
  // Return
  return init_performance;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
size_t EurocDataProvider::getNumImages() const {
  // CHECK_GT(camera_names_.size(), 0u);
  const std::string& left_cam_name =;
  const std::string& right_cam_name =;
  size_t n_left_images = getNumImagesForCamera(left_cam_name);
  size_t n_right_images = getNumImagesForCamera(right_cam_name);
  CHECK_EQ(n_left_images, n_right_images);
  return n_left_images;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
size_t EurocDataProvider::getNumImagesForCamera(
    const std::string& camera_name) const {
  const auto& iter = camera_image_lists_.find(camera_name);
  CHECK(iter != camera_image_lists_.end());
  return iter->second.getNumImages();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool EurocDataProvider::getImgName(const std::string& camera_name,
                                   const size_t& k,
                                   std::string* img_filename) const {
  const auto& iter = camera_image_lists_.find(camera_name);
  CHECK(iter != camera_image_lists_.end());
  const auto& img_lists = iter->second.img_lists_;
  if (k < img_lists.size()) {
    *img_filename =;
    return true;
  } else {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Requested image #: " << k << " but we only have "
               << img_lists.size() << " images.";
  return false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Timestamp EurocDataProvider::timestampAtFrame(const FrameId& frame_number) {
  // CHECK_GT(camera_names_.size(), 0);

void EurocDataProvider::clipFinalFrame() {
  // Clip final_k_ to the total number of images.
  const size_t& nr_images = getNumImages();
  if (final_k_ > nr_images) {
    LOG(WARNING) << "Value for final_k, " << final_k_ << " is larger than total"
                 << " number of frames in dataset " << nr_images;
    final_k_ = nr_images;
    LOG(WARNING) << "Using final_k = " << final_k_;
  CHECK_LE(final_k_, nr_images);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void EurocDataProvider::print() const {
  LOG(INFO) << "------------------ ETHDatasetParser::print ------------------\n"
            << "Displaying info for dataset: " << dataset_path_;
  // For each of the 2 cameras.
  CHECK_EQ(vio_params_.camera_params_.size(), camera_names_.size());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < camera_names_.size(); i++) {
    LOG(INFO) << "\n"
              << (i == 0 ? "Left" : "Right")
              << " camera name: " << camera_names_[i] << ", with params:\n";;[i]).print();
  if (FLAGS_minloglevel < 1) {
  LOG(INFO) << "-------------------------------------------------------------";


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
MonoEurocDataProvider::MonoEurocDataProvider(const std::string& dataset_path,
                                             const int& initial_k,
                                             const int& final_k,
                                             const VioParams& vio_params)
    : EurocDataProvider(dataset_path, initial_k, final_k, vio_params) {}

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
MonoEurocDataProvider::MonoEurocDataProvider(const VioParams& vio_params)
    : EurocDataProvider(vio_params) {}

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
MonoEurocDataProvider::~MonoEurocDataProvider() {
  LOG(INFO) << "Mono ETHDataParser destructor called.";

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool MonoEurocDataProvider::spin() {
  if (dataset_parsed_) {
    if (!is_imu_data_sent_) {
      // First, send all the IMU data. The flag is to avoid sending it several
      // times if we are running in sequential mode.
      if (imu_single_callback_) {
      } else {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Imu callback not registered! Not sending IMU data.";
      is_imu_data_sent_ = true;

    // Spin.
    CHECK_EQ(vio_params_.camera_params_.size(), 2u);
    // CHECK_GT(final_k_, initial_k_);
    // We log only the first one, because we may be running in sequential mode.
    LOG_FIRST_N(INFO, 1) << "Running dataset between frame " << initial_k_
                         << " and frame " << final_k_;
    while (!shutdown_ && spinOnce()) {
      if (!vio_params_.parallel_run_) {
        // Return, instead of blocking, when running in sequential mode.
        return true;
  } else {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Euroc dataset was not parsed.";
  LOG_IF(INFO, shutdown_) << "EurocDataProvider shutdown requested.";
  return false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool MonoEurocDataProvider::spinOnce() {
  CHECK_LT(current_k_, std::numeric_limits<FrameId>::max())
      << "Are you sure you've initialized current_k_?";
  if (current_k_ >= final_k_) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Finished spinning Euroc dataset.";
    return false;

  const CameraParams& left_cam_info =;
  const bool& equalize_image =

  const Timestamp& timestamp_frame_k = timestampAtFrame(current_k_);
  VLOG(10) << "Sending left frame k= " << current_k_
           << " with timestamp: " << timestamp_frame_k;

  // TODO(Toni): ideally only send cv::Mat raw images...:
  // - pass params to vio_pipeline ctor
  // - make vio_pipeline actually equalize or transform images as necessary.
  std::string left_img_filename;
  bool available_left_img = getLeftImgName(current_k_, &left_img_filename);
  if (available_left_img) {
    // Both stereo images are available, send data to VIO
                                // TODO(Toni): this info should be passed to
                                // the camera... not all the time here...
                                    left_img_filename, equalize_image)));
  } else {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Missing left image, proceeding to the next one.";

  // This is done directly when parsing the Imu data.
  // imu_single_callback_(imu_meas);

  VLOG(10) << "Finished VIO processing for frame k = " << current_k_;
  return true;

}  // namespace VIO

Here is the Error from GTSAM,

I1025 10:37:58.958392  4880 EurocDataProvider.cpp:804] Running dataset between frame 50 and frame 2912
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'gtsam::IndeterminantLinearSystemException'
Indeterminant linear system detected while working near variable
8646911284551352320 (Symbol: x0).

Thrown when a linear system is ill-posed.  The most common cause for this
error is having underconstrained variables.  Mathematically, the system is
underdetermined.  See the GTSAM Doxygen documentation at on gtsam::IndeterminantLinearSystemException for
more information.

Am I doing something wrong with the data provider? Can you please provide guidance to make this work? Thanks in advance!

Mona-ShZeinoddin commented 12 months ago


Were you able to solve this?

marcusabate commented 12 months ago

This error is probably not related to your data-provider. GTSAM throws these errors when the system is ill-posed, so in this case the optimization is likely under-constrained. This means that many of the factors in the optimization are not agreeing with each other.

It could be caused by any of the factors. Some common problems:

Given your discussion in #217 it seems likely the two problems are related. I would check that IMU data is properly formed, that your gravity vector is correct, and that your extrinsic calibration between the IMU and the camera is correct.

As for why your code fails to run Euroc, I'm not sure. Have you set autoInitialize in BackendParams.yaml to 0? This will be required if you run Euroc without access to ground truth. One note: you've commented out every call to CHECK_GT, this is not a call to any ground truth function but rather sanity checks to make sure the incoming data is correct. You can keep most or all of those uncommented.

More generally, I'd recommend making a new iPhoneDataProvider instead of modifying the EurocDataProvider directly. You can copy most of the code and not include any GT parts, and you can retain full Euroc functionality. You'll just need to add your new DataProvider to the options in examples/KimeraVIO.cpp and use the dataset_type variable to instruct the executable to use your new DataProvider by assigning it to value 2 or similar.

HtutLynn commented 11 months ago

@marcusabate , Hi, as for the GTSAM error. I used the modified EurocDataProvider.cpp to test Mono VIO pipeline with EUROC dataset and I am not using custom dataset from iPhone sensors. To test whether Kimera works properly without ground truth data with modified script, I just deleted ground_truth_estimates from V1_01_easy folder and this GTSAM error comes up. So I think it doesn't have to do with the dataset but the script that I modified. autoInitialize param from BackendParams.yaml is also set to 0.

cdebeunne commented 10 months ago

Hello everybody, I had the same issue with my custom fisheye stereo bench, on ubuntu 20.04 and with the branch 'origin/feature/prerelease'. I finally managed to make it work doing the following steps:

I hope this will help!

HtutLynn commented 10 months ago

@cdebeunne , Thanks, it fixed my problem.