A fast and robust point cloud registration library
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[BUG] Solver killed in teaser++ python #111

Open jbalado opened 3 years ago

jbalado commented 3 years ago

I ran the code for Minimal Python 3 example for linux and the result was as expected.

I modified the code to read two point clouds (25k points each with partial overlap) and perform the registration. The code reads and saves the parameters, but when I run the solver.solve it crashes and ends up being killed.

How can I fix this?

# Libraries
import copy
import time
import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
import teaserpp_python


if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("        TEASER++ Python registration example      ")

    # Load data
    src_cloud ="../example_data/Car_000000.txt",format='xyz')
    src = np.transpose(np.asarray(src_cloud.points))
    N = src.shape[1]

    dst_cloud ="../example_data/s1.txt",format='xyz')
    dst = np.transpose(np.asarray(dst_cloud.points))

    # Populating the parameters
    solver_params = teaserpp_python.RobustRegistrationSolver.Params()
    solver_params.cbar2 = 1
    solver_params.noise_bound = NOISE_BOUND
    solver_params.estimate_scaling = False
    solver_params.rotation_estimation_algorithm = teaserpp_python.RobustRegistrationSolver.ROTATION_ESTIMATION_ALGORITHM.GNC_TLS
    solver_params.rotation_gnc_factor = 1.4
    solver_params.rotation_max_iterations = 100
    solver_params.rotation_cost_threshold = 1e-12

    solver = teaserpp_python.RobustRegistrationSolver(solver_params)
    start = time.time()
    solver.solve(src, dst)
    end = time.time()

    solution = solver.getSolution()

    print("          TEASER++ Results           ")

    print("Estimated rotation: ")

    print("Estimated translation: ")

    print("Time taken (s): ", end - start)
jingnanshi commented 3 years ago

@jbalado Thanks for your interest. It's probably crashing due to memory insufficiency. Note that the src and dst should be viewed as correspondences. In other words, a better way to do what you want to do is to extract corresponding points, then pass those points as Eigen matrices to TEASER++.

jbalado commented 3 years ago

@jingnanshi Thanks a lot. I will try it

jbalado commented 3 years ago

@jingnanshi I tried to applied the same code to both downsampled point clouds (4k points) and I received the following error: Segment violation ('core' generated)

jingnanshi commented 3 years ago

@jbalado Have you tried adding OMP_NUM_THREADS=12 to your environment: something like OMP_NUM_THREADS=12 python ./

jbalado commented 3 years ago

Yes, but the error continues

jingnanshi commented 3 years ago

Please try to compile everything in debug mode, and use gdb to locate the exact line at which the program faults.

Also, 4k points might still be too much --- you need to double check your memory consumption.

LimHyungTae commented 5 months ago

Yes, I think 4K of correspondences are too many (empirically, TEASER++ works in near-real time under 600 correspondences). Please filter the correspondences before you give them as inputs.

LimHyungTae commented 4 months ago

If there are no further questions, we will close the issue :) Thx