A fast and robust point cloud registration library
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[QUESTION] the program is running so slow!!!! #150

Closed weterking closed 2 months ago

weterking commented 1 year ago

I have read the docs and papers but I still don't know why the program is running so slow

274}TN)BV_9HLEUESZANFMG This is my changed code, the S,T point cloud is processed by myself, the size is 10240 ` // An example showing TEASER++ registration with the Stanford bunny model




include <Eigen/Core>

include <teaser/ply_io.h>

include <teaser/registration.h>

// Macro constants for generating noise and outliers

define NOISE_BOUND 0.05

define N_OUTLIERS 1700



inline double getAngularError(Eigen::Matrix3d R_exp, Eigen::Matrix3d R_est) { return std::abs(std::acos(fmin(fmax(((R_exp.transpose() * R_est).trace() - 1) / 2, -1.0), 1.0))); }

void addNoiseAndOutliers(Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic>& tgt) { // Add uniform noise Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic> noise = Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic>::Random(3, tgt.cols()) * NOISE_BOUND; NOISE_BOUND / 2; tgt = tgt + noise;

// Add outliers std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis2(0, tgt.cols() - 1); // pos of outliers std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis3(OUTLIER_TRANSLATION_LB, OUTLIER_TRANSLATION_UB); // random translation std::vector expected_outlier_mask(tgt.cols(), false); for (int i = 0; i < N_OUTLIERS; ++i) { int c_outlier_idx = dis2(gen); assert(c_outlier_idx < expected_outlier_mask.size()); expected_outlier_mask[c_outlier_idx] = true; tgt.col(c_outlier_idx).array() += dis3(gen); // random translation } }

int main() { // Load the .ply file teaser::PLYReader reader; teaser::PointCloud src_cloud; auto status ="./example_data/left_face_10240.ply", src_cloud); int N = src_cloud.size();

// Convert the point cloud to Eigen Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic> src(3, N); for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { src.col(i) << src_cloud[i].x, src_cloud[i].y, src_cloud[i].z; }

// Homogeneous coordinates Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, Eigen::Dynamic> src_h; src_h.resize(4, src.cols()); src_h.topRows(3) = src; src_h.bottomRows(1) = Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, Eigen::Dynamic>::Ones(N);

// Apply an arbitrary SE(3) transformation Eigen::Matrix4d T; // clang-format off T << 9.96926560e-01, 6.68735757e-02, -4.06664421e-02, -1.15576939e-01, -6.61289946e-02, 9.97617877e-01, 1.94008687e-02, -3.87705398e-02, 4.18675510e-02, -1.66517807e-02, 9.98977765e-01, 1.14874890e-01, 0, 0, 0, 1; // clang-format on

// Apply transformation /Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, Eigen::Dynamic> tgt_h = T src_h; Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic> tgt = tgt_h.topRows(3);

// Add some noise & outliers addNoiseAndOutliers(tgt);*/

//add code by dsy //teaser::PLYReader reader; teaser::PointCloud tgt_cloud; auto status1 ="./example_data/right_face_10240.ply", tgt_cloud); int M = tgt_cloud.size(); Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic> tgt(3, M); for (size_t i = 0; i < M; ++i) { tgt.col(i) << tgt_cloud[i].x, tgt_cloud[i].y, tgt_cloud[i].z; }

Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, Eigen::Dynamic> tgt_h; tgt_h.resize(4, tgt.cols()); tgt_h.topRows(3) = tgt; tgt_h.bottomRows(1) = Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, Eigen::Dynamic>::Ones(N);

tgt_h = T * tgt_h; tgt = tgt_h.topRows(3); std::cout << "Run TEASER++ registration" << std::endl; // Run TEASER++ registration // Prepare solver parameters teaser::RobustRegistrationSolver::Params params; params.noise_bound = NOISE_BOUND; params.cbar2 = 1; params.estimate_scaling = false; params.rotation_max_iterations = 100; params.rotation_gnc_factor = 1.4; params.rotation_estimation_algorithm = teaser::RobustRegistrationSolver::ROTATION_ESTIMATION_ALGORITHM::GNC_TLS; params.rotation_cost_threshold = 0.005;

// Solve with TEASER++ std::cout << "Solve with TEASER++" << std::endl; teaser::RobustRegistrationSolver solver(params); std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point begin = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); solver.solve(src, tgt); std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

auto solution = solver.getSolution();

// Compare results std::cout << "=====================================" << std::endl; std::cout << " TEASER++ Results " << std::endl; std::cout << "=====================================" << std::endl; std::cout << "Expected rotation: " << std::endl; std::cout << T.topLeftCorner(3, 3) << std::endl; std::cout << "Estimated rotation: " << std::endl; std::cout << solution.rotation << std::endl; std::cout << "Error (deg): " << getAngularError(T.topLeftCorner(3, 3), solution.rotation) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Expected translation: " << std::endl; std::cout << T.topRightCorner(3, 1) << std::endl; std::cout << "Estimated translation: " << std::endl; std::cout << solution.translation << std::endl; std::cout << "Error (m): " << (T.topRightCorner(3, 1) - solution.translation).norm() << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of correspondences: " << N << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of outliers: " << N_OUTLIERS << std::endl; std::cout << "Time taken (s): " << std::chrono::duration_cast(end - begin).count() / 1000000.0 << std::endl; }


weterking commented 1 year ago

This is the point cloud file I use 链接: 提取码:1024

jingnanshi commented 1 year ago

Given the point cloud, you need to first obtain correspondences first, then feed the correspondences to the solver (around 100 to 500 correspondences will work well). Judging from the terminal output, the compatibility graph is large and dense, hence the max clique solver is slow. In addition, in cases with low outlier ratio, TEASER++ will take longer than those with high outlier ratio, due to the compatibility graph being dense.

weterking commented 1 year ago

Given the point cloud, you need to first obtain correspondences first, then feed the correspondences to the solver (around 100 to 500 correspondences will work well). Judging from the terminal output, the compatibility graph is large and dense, hence the max clique solver is slow. In addition, in cases with low outlier ratio, TEASER++ will take longer than those with high outlier ratio, due to the compatibility graph being dense.

I'm sorry to take your precious time, maybe my question is more basic, (1) I want to confirm whether teaser_cpp_ply can calculate the corresponding point; (2) What is compatibility graph? Your paper does not seem to have this word; (3) Why is it in the distance slower with low outlier rate, which seems counter-intuitivecounter-intuitiv

jingnanshi commented 1 year ago

(1) I want to confirm whether teaser_cpp_ply can calculate the corresponding point;

No. You need to use a NN to estimate the correspondences.

(2) What is compatibility graph? Your paper does not seem to have this word;

It's the graph generated from TIMs.

(3) Why is it in the distance slower with low outlier rate, which seems counter-intuitivecounter-intuitiv

Because the maximum clique solver is the fastest on sparse graphs.

weterking commented 1 year ago

No. You need to use a NN to estimate the correspondences.

I wonder if NN refers to neural network?

weterking commented 1 year ago

I looked at the code and, for the addNoiseAndOutliers() function ` void addNoiseAndOutliers(Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic>& tgt) { // Add uniform noise Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic> noise = Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic>::Random(3, tgt.cols()) * NOISE_BOUND; NOISE_BOUND / 2; tgt = tgt + noise;

` Among them, the variable NOISE_BOUND, you have executed NOISE_BOUND/2; on it whether the original code you want to execute is: NOISE_BOUND/=2;

weterking commented 1 year ago

face_10240 I used teaser_cpp_fpfh to test the same data set I uploaded before. I found that the error of the rotation matrix is ​​acceptable, but the error of the translation vector is relatively large. Is this a disadvantage of the algorithm? I guess that when the error of the rotation matrix is ​​small, there should be many algorithms that can calculate the translation matrix more accurately. Why is there such a large error?

jingnanshi commented 1 year ago

No. You need to use a NN to estimate the correspondences.

I wonder if NN refers to neural network?


jingnanshi commented 1 year ago

face_10240 I used teaser_cpp_fpfh to test the same data set I uploaded before. I found that the error of the rotation matrix is ​​acceptable, but the error of the translation vector is relatively large. Is this a disadvantage of the algorithm? I guess that when the error of the rotation matrix is ​​small, there should be many algorithms that can calculate the translation matrix more accurately. Why is there such a large error?

There's some issue with the included FPFH estimator. I recommend using Open3D's FPFH features and use the python binding.

weterking commented 1 year ago

I looked at the code and, for the addNoiseAndOutliers() function ` void addNoiseAndOutliers(Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic>& tgt) { // Add uniform noise Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic> noise = Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic>::Random(3, tgt.cols()) * NOISE_BOUND; NOISE_BOUND / 2; tgt = tgt + noise;

` Among them, the variable NOISE_BOUND, you have executed NOISE_BOUND/2; on it whether the original code you want to execute is: NOISE_BOUND/=2;

You don't seem to see this question, looking forward to answering it in your free time

weterking commented 1 year ago

face_10240 I used teaser_cpp_fpfh to test the same data set I uploaded before. I found that the error of the rotation matrix is ​​acceptable, but the error of the translation vector is relatively large. Is this a disadvantage of the algorithm? I guess that when the error of the rotation matrix is ​​small, there should be many algorithms that can calculate the translation matrix more accurately. Why is there such a large error?

There's some issue with the included FPFH estimator. I recommend using Open3D's FPFH features and use the python binding.

According to your suggestion, I abandoned the FPFH feature, used the work of my lab for feature extraction, and used SVD and TEASER to test under the same corresponding point, the results are as follows, SVD is not as good as TEASER in terms of rotation, but SVD is not as good in terms of translation. The results are far superior to TEASER. SVD image TEASER image

jingnanshi commented 1 year ago

I looked at the code and, for the addNoiseAndOutliers() function void addNoiseAndOutliers(Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic>& tgt) { // Add uniform noise Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic> noise = Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic>::Random(3, tgt.cols()) * NOISE_BOUND; NOISE_BOUND / 2; tgt = tgt + noise; Among them, the variable NOISE_BOUND, you have executed NOISE_BOUND/2; on it whether the original code you want to execute is: NOISE_BOUND/=2;

You don't seem to see this question, looking forward to answering it in your free time

Great catch! It should be NOISE_BOUND/2 for the noise generation. Can you try the example again in this branch:

jingnanshi commented 1 year ago

face_10240 I used teaser_cpp_fpfh to test the same data set I uploaded before. I found that the error of the rotation matrix is ​​acceptable, but the error of the translation vector is relatively large. Is this a disadvantage of the algorithm? I guess that when the error of the rotation matrix is ​​small, there should be many algorithms that can calculate the translation matrix more accurately. Why is there such a large error?

There's some issue with the included FPFH estimator. I recommend using Open3D's FPFH features and use the python binding.

According to your suggestion, I abandoned the FPFH feature, used the work of my lab for feature extraction, and used SVD and TEASER to test under the same corresponding point, the results are as follows, SVD is not as good as TEASER in terms of rotation, but SVD is not as good in terms of translation. The results are far superior to TEASER. SVD image TEASER image

Can you check how many inliers are there for TEASER? It is possible that the noise bound is too tight. If you are using the example code, then see the comment above, as the noise generation was using the incorrect bound.

weterking commented 1 year ago

face_10240 I used teaser_cpp_fpfh to test the same data set I uploaded before. I found that the error of the rotation matrix is ​​acceptable, but the error of the translation vector is relatively large. Is this a disadvantage of the algorithm? I guess that when the error of the rotation matrix is ​​small, there should be many algorithms that can calculate the translation matrix more accurately. Why is there such a large error?

There's some issue with the included FPFH estimator. I recommend using Open3D's FPFH features and use the python binding.

According to your suggestion, I abandoned the FPFH feature, used the work of my lab for feature extraction, and used SVD and TEASER to test under the same corresponding point, the results are as follows, SVD is not as good as TEASER in terms of rotation, but SVD is not as good in terms of translation. The results are far superior to TEASER. SVD image TEASER image

Can you check how many inliers are there for TEASER? It is possible that the noise bound is too tight. If you are using the example code, then see the comment above, as the noise generation was using the incorrect bound.

There is a problem, your noise bound originally wanted to use noise_bound /=2;, but it was used as noise_bound /2;.The noise bound is not getting smaller. According to intuition, the noise boundary should become looser.

Even I see your latest code, you define noise_bound as 0.001(Originally 0.05), isn't this the tighter bound?

The original noise bound was 0.05, and I expanded him 4 times. This is the result of four times image To figure it out, I scaled it down by a factor of four This is the result image The effect is actually not ideal

jingnanshi commented 1 year ago

You need to understand that the FPFH example uses the noise bound for generating random noise, and setting up the solver. FPFH's behavior depends on the search radius, and the old value 0.005 was too large for it to have satisfactory performance.

In my previous comment about noise bound being too tight, I was referring to your test on your own point cloud data, which is separate from the FPFH example. For your test, you probably do not want to actually add noise to your data.

weterking commented 1 year ago

In my previous comment about noise bound being too tight, I was referring to your test on your own point cloud data, which is separate from the FPFH example. For your test, you probably do not want to actually add noise to your data.

What you mean is that my data needs a looser boundary? But I quadrupled the bound and the effect got worse。

jingnanshi commented 1 year ago

The larger the bound, TEASER++ will behave more similar to a solution obtained with SVD, as the GNC will essentially terminate at the first iteration. You can also try to estimate the ground truth outlier ratio here, by essentially calculating how many correspondences are close enough after ground truth rotation and translation, and see whether TEASER++ is selecting the correct inliers. If TEASER++ is selecting the correct inliers, but the result is still bad, then there might be some hidden bugs in the solver. If on the other hand TEASER is selecting the incorrect inliers (even after tuning the thresholds), then that means your data is somehow violating our assumptions about either isotropic noise, or the point cloud is not from rigid objects.

LimHyungTae commented 2 months ago

If there are no further questions, we will close the issue :) Thx