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Touchstone/SAML guide suggestion #45

Open william-gross opened 2 years ago

william-gross commented 2 years ago

Hi @JPrevost,

I'm the developer of a room-scheduling system used by several different labs/departments at MIT, including MIT Economics. We're currently adding support for Touchstone authentication, and Andy Dorner passed along your guide:

First, I wanted to say that this has been extremely helpful since we also decided to directly implement a SAML Service Provider rather than using Shibboleth SP. Thank you!

I have one suggestion for the guide. I don't believe ngrok is necessary for local testing of a SAML SP against (the new incarnation of I produced SAML SP metadata containing localhost URLs, uploaded it to samltest, and everything worked fine. I think this is because there is no back-channel communication at all - i.e. samltest never actually talks directly to the SP; everything goes through the user's browser. So if the browser is on my machine, the localhost URLs will be interpreted correctly.

Anyway, thanks again for publishing your SAML/Touchstone guide and I hope this small bit of feedback is helpful.

Bill Gross EnduraCode