MITRECND / bro-http2

Plugin for Zeek/Bro which provides http2 decoder/analyzer
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Support 4.1.x #16

Closed eric-ooi closed 2 years ago

eric-ooi commented 2 years ago

With Zeek v4.1.1 recently released, it'd be great to get support for the 4.1.x releases. Submitting this for tracking and to show that there's demand for it. :)

Thanks, @Mraoul!

Mraoul commented 2 years ago

I've pushed a new branch called support-zeek-41 which should support Zeek 4.0 and 4.1. Need to test it a bit more, but this should address all of the changes/deprecations I didn't address in the support-zeek-40 branch. Assuming no issues, I can merge this one and cut a release.

eric-ooi commented 2 years ago

Thanks so much, @Mraoul! I just installed it with no errors and http2.log is showing up again. You are awesome, thanks again! 🙏

eric-ooi commented 2 years ago

Just wanted to say that the newly released Zeek 4.2.x is fully supported with the current release. Thanks again!