MJRLegends / Planet-Progression

A Galacticraft addon for Planet Research Progression
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Satellite Controller Researches Previously Discovered Planets with ExtraPlanets #64

Closed RowanSonder closed 4 years ago

RowanSonder commented 4 years ago

---Issue Report---


Have you checked Closed Issues (if applicable & PLEASE CHECK BEFORE POSTING): [Yes or No] Yes #52 is closest but I still have an issue

Description of Issue

Satellite controller alternates between researching Mercury and Jupiter despite the fact I've discovered them both in the telescope. My next planet Ceres, doesn't get researched by the controller.

I do remember that I discovered Jupiter before any other planet from a chest paper so i suspect that may be the issue.

Steps to Reproduce Issue

  1. Discover planet from chest paper
  2. Progress to that planet with controller and no further planets are discovered

Crash log/Log (if applicable): [PASTEBIN. Do NOT copy and paste the log into the issue post itself.]

How do i locate a crash log on Minecraft on Curse/Twitch? see https://gyazo.com/3c616a7dfcbe69033ea210805b093f82 How do i locate a crash log on Minecraft on FTB? see http://imgur.com/a/IbWNC N/A Screenshots (if applicable):

Version of Mod using (PLEASE DONT USE 'Latest' OR 'Newest'): [VERSION] 1.12.2-0.4.1 Where did this bug happen: [Single Player or Server] Server

Additional Information

[Any other information that may be able to help me with the problem]

I did notice what I thought was the same problem where the controller alternated between Mercury and Io however I hadn't discovered Io in the telescope yet. The controller then start working again but it would research Mercury every other planet (Ganymede -> Mercury -> Europa -> Mercury -> Callisto -> Mercury -> Jupiter)

I've triple checked that I have discovered Jupiter in the telescope and as I mention I unlocked it from a chest paper.

MJRLegends commented 4 years ago

Please can you include a log file and if possible a single player world that has this issue for you

RowanSonder commented 4 years ago

So I was curious and did some investigation.

In my player DAT file I noticed Mercury and Jupiter are stored as 'planet.Mercury' and 'planet.Jupiter' but you add them to the static researchPapers variable in PlanetProgression_Items as 'planet.mercury' and 'planet.jupiter'.

I think this causes temp.contains(newName) to incorrectly return false on lines 263 and 274 of TileEntitySatelliteController due to the casing difference.

I couldn't see why Mercury and Jupiter were capitalised but I guess all the extra planets names will be stored like this.

The only thing is I would expect this issue to affect everyone. I'll try and test this tomorrow.

MJRLegends commented 4 years ago

Please provide the things i requested, i respect your trying to help but all i need is that them things i requested.

Its slowly down me fixing your issue if im honest

RowanSonder commented 4 years ago

Not sure which log file you want as there is no crash report or anything. Here is a world with the issue. (It's from The 1.12.2 Pack)


MJRLegends commented 4 years ago

Just the normal latest.log please

RowanSonder commented 4 years ago


DeadlySoren commented 4 years ago

Hey I just wanted to comment and say that I have the exact same issue. Right down to it being Mercury and Jupiter as well. Once I had researched mercury every second research was Mercury again it took a lot longer to research planets but after I got Jupiter it got stuck in a loop and now I can't progress at all.

MJRLegends commented 4 years ago

Updates are rolling out as we speak to fix this