MJoergen / C64MEGA65

Commodore 64 core for the MEGA65 based on the MiSTer FPGA C64 core
GNU General Public License v3.0
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V5.1 RC1 vs. Alpha 3: Attack of the PETSCII Robots REU version fails #127

Closed sy2002 closed 5 months ago

sy2002 commented 5 months ago

@MJoergen Assigning this to you as you were the one who changed the HyperRAM stuff in Alpha 4 :-) As far as I remember, you wanted to find a setting that works for all boards (R3/R3A, R4, R5, R6) but I suspect that you now broke compatibility with some revisions of HyperRAM used on R3/R3A boards: For your convenience: Alpha 3 is commit c099921 and Alpha 4 is fdd6ec0.

Maybe we go to one PhaseShift setting per board?

Or any other ideas such as:

@amb5l and @MJoergen should we take this incident to fix HyperRAM stability once and for all?

sy2002 commented 5 months ago

@Schwefelholz FYI

amb5l commented 5 months ago

@sy2002 @MJoergen I will compare the Alpha 3 commit with RC1. Can you tell me anything about the different HyperRAM chips that were used on R3/A? Part numbers?

MJoergen commented 5 months ago

The original R3 boards use "IS66WVH8M8BLL-100B1LI". During production of the R3 boards, Trenz changed the part number from "revision B" to a "revision D". See this GitHub issue : https://github.com/MJoergen/HyperRAM/issues/2

amb5l commented 5 months ago

I've looked at Alpha 3 vs the latest RC1/develop. common.xdc includes the HyperRAM timing constraints we worked on together previously.

We are missing a constraint: the FPGA-to-HyperRAM section should constrain hr_rwds_io in the same was as *hr_d_io[]**.

To correct this, add hr_rwds_io to the constraints as follows:

# FPGA to HyperRAM (address and write data)

# setup
set_output_delay -max  $HR_tIS -clock hr_ck [get_ports hr_rwds_io hr_d_io[*]]
set_output_delay -max  $HR_tIS -clock hr_ck [get_ports hr_rwds_io hr_d_io[*]] -clock_fall -add_delay

# hold
set_output_delay -min -$HR_tIH -clock hr_ck [get_ports hr_rwds_io hr_d_io[*]]
set_output_delay -min -$HR_tIH -clock hr_ck [get_ports hr_rwds_io hr_d_io[*]] -clock_fall -add_delay


If this does not fix the issue, could one of you run a timing simulation and inspect the waveforms to see how the implemented design is behaving with respect to the constraints?

sy2002 commented 5 months ago

@amb5l Thank you for your analysis! We will create a new Alpha version for @Schwefelholz and let him test if this fixes the issue.

MJoergen commented 5 months ago

When building bitstream with this extra constraint I get a single (large) timing violation of over 700 ps.

I will probably have to refactor some of the code, to move registers into the I/O buffer.



MJoergen commented 5 months ago

Interestingly, the corresponding path on the DQ signal has a large margin, with a positive slack of 8 ns.



MJoergen commented 5 months ago

@amb5l What are your thoughts here? We previously added a set_multicycle_path to the DQ lines and asserted the corresponding Output Enable pin one cycle earlier.

We are already asserting the OE line for the RWDS signal one cycle earlier, just like for the DQ lines. Should we just add a corresponding set_multicycle_path as well ?

amb5l commented 5 months ago

Should we just add a corresponding set_multicycle_path as well ?

Yes, you are right, it should be applied to rwds also. -to [get_ports hr_d_io[*]] should become -to [get_ports hr_rwds_io hr_d_io[*]]

(These set_multicycle_path constraints should be moved into the FPGA-to-HyperRAM section.)

sy2002 commented 5 months ago

Infos from Senfsosse on Discord see screenshots

grafik grafik grafik
sy2002 commented 5 months ago

@Schwefelholz here is an "Alpha 10" test build for R3/R3A machines. Please test if it fixes the issue: C64MEGA65-V5.1A10.zip

amb5l commented 5 months ago

@MJoergen @sy2002 Just to clarify: the VGA output does NOT use HyperRAM, so this issue is somewhere else?

Regardless, it's good that we looked at HyperRAM constraints again, they were not perfect.

sy2002 commented 5 months ago

@amb5l Yes, the VGA output does not use HyperRAM. But the C64 RAM Extension Unit aka REU does use HyperRAM, so @MJoergen and I assume that we have a HyperRAM problem here as we are talking about the "REU" version of the game. List of "evidence":

MJoergen commented 5 months ago

@amb5l We've adopted the change you suggested above. I hope that fixes the issue. If not, my next steps are:

set_property IOB TRUE [get_ports hr_rwds_oe_n_o ]

However, currently the code has logic after the output register, hence the need for a refactoring, which will also involve the file hyperram_ctrl.vhd.

Schwefelholz commented 5 months ago

@sy2002 Seems I cannot get the "Alpha 10" core started at all. Flashed it twice, but the outcome is always the same. Just the background color differs from start to start. PhotoPictureResizer_1706633007633_copy_918x1632

MJoergen commented 5 months ago

@Schwefelholz Does the On Screen Menu work, when the screen is blue like above?

And if this is HDMI output, could you try the VGA output as well, if the result is the same ?

Schwefelholz commented 5 months ago

@MJoergen Idiot me... Yes, the screen menu is working and yes, I get a working core over VGA.

sy2002 commented 5 months ago

@Schwefelholz Does "working core over VGA" mean that Attack of the PETSCII Robots works with A10 (without HDMI)?

Schwefelholz commented 5 months ago

I was just referring to the core itself. Still need to test PETSCII Robots. Too little time yesterday. Will give an update later.

Schwefelholz commented 5 months ago

@sy2002 Just checked PETSCII Robots on the A10 core. It doesn't work at all. Using the core with VGA, attaching the 1st disk. LOAD"*",8 is working, but RUNing the program makes the core hang.

It actually should show a boot screen and commence loading from disk. For me, A10 is definitely behaving worse than the RC1 core.

MJoergen commented 5 months ago

@Schwefelholz here is an "Alpha 11" test build for R3/R3A machines. Please test if it fixes the issue:


Schwefelholz commented 5 months ago

I'll be back at the Mega at the earliest tomorrow evening. Will let you know.

sy2002 commented 5 months ago

@MJoergen Just as an FYI: I tested Alpha 11 with the game and it works like a charme. But this is not yet great news, because on my machine also RC1 worked like a charme :-) Let's see what @Schwefelholz comes back with.

Schwefelholz commented 5 months ago

@MJoergen @sy2002 The A11 core seems to be working fine for me. I started it and PETSCII Robots five times in a row with no issues on HDMI.

However, the graphics glitch described in issue #86 is still present.

MJoergen commented 5 months ago

@Schwefelholz here is an "Alpha 12" test build for R3/R3A machines. Please test if it fixes the issue:


Schwefelholz commented 5 months ago

@MJoergen "Alpha 12" is a step back to where we already were with "Alpha 10": No output on HDMI at all. And on VGA PETSCII Robots behaves as described in https://github.com/MJoergen/C64MEGA65/issues/127#issuecomment-1919330671

sy2002 commented 5 months ago

Since @Schwefelholz confirmed that the refactored HyperRAM from Alpha 11 fixes the issue and that the changed constraints of Alpha 12 are a step back, we are now sticking to the code from Alpha 11 and can close this issue.

P.S. The graphical glitches of issue #86 were also present in Version 5, so they are no regression of 5.1 and therefore not a blocker for the 5.1 release.