MK-2001 / ioBroker.go-e

go-eCharger is the wallbaox with an open API. This adapter for ioBroker can used to connect the callbox with your home environment
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Wrong date in iobroker #35

Closed Wildbill-Z closed 3 years ago

Wildbill-Z commented 3 years ago

My go-echarger seems to give me a wrong date (today is the 20th of February 2021 14:00. In the json I see "2002211400" for tme which is obviously wrong. That should be "2002201400". I have set "tof":"101","tds":"1" in the go-echarger, which would be correct for timezone Euroe/Berlin I hope. Nevertheless, in iobroker I see this for the datapoint synctime/tme: Fri Feb 21 2020 14:00:00 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit) The date is exatly what the go-echarger is delivering, but the weekday is wrong. The 21st should be a Sunday and not Friday. So the go-echarger seems to make a misstake (don't know why, maybe problem with But the adapter also seems to make a misstake by delivering the wrong weekday.

Greetings, Jürgen

Wildbill-Z commented 3 years ago

I tested a while and then found the wrong thing. Go-echarger is sending date/time in format ddmmyyhhmm as in API description and as you can see below: 2002211635 That was the value for now, 20st February 2021 16:35 The adapter reads it as yymmddhhmm which results in 20th February 2020 16:35 which was a Friday. So you should change the adapter reading.

Greetings, Jürgen

MK-2001 commented 3 years ago

Hi Jürgen,

thank you. you are complete right! It will be changed in the next version. Kind regards Marcus

andispammonyer commented 3 years ago


@MK-2001 thanks a lot for your adapter!!! By when do you expect this fix?

MK-2001 commented 3 years ago

It is already in the latest available. I thought I wait until some other features are ready. But currently there is no time on my site... Corona, Lockdown Kindergarden. You know?

andispammonyer commented 3 years ago

Sure I can understand you. What do you mean with it's in the latest available? Release 1.0.0?