MKFirmware / MK4duo

MK4duo Firmware Printers 3D for Arduino and Arduino due
GNU General Public License v3.0
206 stars 117 forks source link

BED_PID_MAX not work #524

Closed robertoscipione closed 6 years ago

robertoscipione commented 6 years ago

Please, follow this template when opening a new issue: this will help us a lot in the process of helping you.

Issue description

the parameter BED_PID_MAX not work

Firmware version

Mk4duo 4.3.6

My setup










/* Below you will find the configuration string, that created with Configurator tool online ========== Start configuration string ========== { "printer": "prusa_i3", "processor": 0, "serial": 0, "baudrates": 250000, "customname": "none", "customconfig": "default config", "machineuuid": "6e8f83e2-c930-0417-c855-67227dc35639", "notimeouts": 1000, "advancedok": "0", "killMethod": 0, "motherboards": "BOARD_RAMPS_13_HFB", "mechanism": 0, "power": 0, "defaultpower": "0", "delayafterpower": 5, "powertimeout": 30, "extruders": 1, "driverextruders": 1, "bed": "1", "chamber": "0", "cooler": "0", "tempunitsupport": "0", "dhtsupport": "0", "tempsensor0": "2", "tempsensor1": "0", "tempsensor2": "0", "tempsensor3": "0", "tempsensorbed": "2", "tempsensorchamber": "0", "tempsensorcooler": "0", "seriesrs": 4700, "t9name": "User sensor", "t9r25": 100000, "t9betak": 4036, "ad595offset": 0, "ad595gain": 1, "dummy998": 25, "dummy999": 25, "maxtemp0": 275, "maxtemp1": 275, "maxtemp2": 275, "maxtemp3": 275, "maxtempbed": 150, "maxtempchamber": 150, "maxtempcooler": 150, "mintemp0": 5, "mintemp1": 5, "mintemp2": 5, "mintemp3": 5, "mintempbed": 5, "mintempchamber": 5, "mintempcooler": 5, "plahotendtemp": 190, "plabedtemp": 60, "plafanspeed": 255, "abshotendtemp": 240, "absbedtemp": 100, "absfanspeed": 255, "gumhotendtemp": 230, "gumbedtemp": 60, "gumfanspeed": 255, "autotemp": "1", "autotempoldweight": 0.98, "heaterpwmspeed": 0, "pidtemp": "1", "pidmax": 255, "piddrivemin": 40, "piddrivemax": 230, "pidautotunemenu": "1", "pidextrusionrate": "0", "pidkp0": 40, "pidki0": 7, "pidkd0": 60, "pidkc0": 100, "pidkp1": 40, "pidki1": 7, "pidkd1": 60, "pidkc1": 100, "pidkp2": 40, "pidki2": 7, "pidkd2": 60, "pidkc2": 100, "pidkp3": 40, "pidki3": 7, "pidkd3": 60, "pidkc3": 100, "pidbedtemp": "1", "maxbedpower": 255, "pidbedkp": 10, "pidbedki": 1, "pidbedkd": 305, "pidchambertemp": "0", "maxchamberpower": 255, "pidchamberkp": 10, "pidchamberki": 1, "pidchamberkd": 305, "pidcoolertemp": "0", "fastpwmcooler": "0", "maxcoolerpower": 255, "pidcoolerkp": 10, "pidcoolerki": 1, "pidcoolerkd": 305, "invertedheaterpins": "0", "invertedbedpin": "0", "invertedchamberpin": "0", "invertedcoolerpin": "0", "thermalprotectionhotend": "0", "thermalprotectionperiod": 40, "thermalprotectionhysteresis": 4, "thermalprotectionbed": "0", "thermalprotectionbedperiod": 20, "thermalprotectionbedhysteresis": 2, "thermalprotectionchamber": "0", "thermalprotectionchamberperiod": 20, "thermalprotectionchamberhysteresis": 2, "thermalprotectioncooler": "0", "thermalprotectioncoolerperiod": 20, "thermalprotectioncoolerhysteresis": 2, "uiprintername": "RSCOM - 3D Printer", "Xminendstop": "0", "Xmaxendstop": "0", "Yminendstop": "0", "Ymaxendstop": "0", "Zminendstop": "0", "Zmaxendstop": "0", "X2minendstop": "0", "X2maxendstop": "0", "Y2minendstop": "0", "Y2maxendstop": "0", "Z2minendstop": "0", "Z2maxendstop": "0", "Zprobeendstop": "0", "Xhoming": 0, "Yhoming": 0, "Zhoming": 0, "Ehoming": 0, "Xinvertenable": 0, "Yinvertenable": 0, "Zinvertenable": 0, "Einvertenable": 0, "Xinvertstep": "0", "Yinvertstep": "0", "Zinvertstep": "0", "Einvertstep": "0", "Xinvertdir": "0", "Yinvertdir": "0", "Zinvertdir": "0", "E0invertdir": "0", "E1invertdir": "0", "E2invertdir": "0", "E3invertdir": "0", "E4invertdir": "0", "E5invertdir": "0", "disableX": "1", "disableY": "1", "disableZ": "1", "disableE": "1", "Xmaxpos": 200, "Xminpos": 0, "Ymaxpos": 200, "Yminpos": 0, "Zmaxpos": 140, "Zminpos": 0, "Zsafehoming": "0", "ZsafehomingX": 100, "ZsafehomingY": 100, "Zminheightbeforehoming": 0, "Zprobetype": 0, "Zprobesledoffset": 5, "Xprobeoffset": 0, "Yprobeoffset": 0, "Zprobeoffset": -1, "xyprobespeed": 8000, "zprobespeed": 3600, "zprobespeedfast": 200, "zprobespeedslow": 100, "zprobingrepeat": "0", "Zproberepetitions": 1, "Zraiseprobedeploystow": 15, "Zraisebetweenprobe": 10, "lcdbedlevel": "0", "lcdzstep": 0.025, "lcdprobezrange": 4, "levelingfadeheight": "0", "bedlevel": 0, "meshinset": 10, "meshg28rest": "0", "maxgridpointX": 3, "maxgridpointY": 3, "leftprobe": 20, "rightprobe": 180, "backprobe": 180, "frontprobe": 20, "Xprobe1": 15, "Yprobe1": 180, "Xprobe2": 15, "Yprobe2": 15, "Xprobe3": 180, "Yprobe3": 15, "manualhomepos": "0", "bedcenter00": "0", "Xhomepos": 0, "Yhomepos": 0, "Zhomepos": 0, "Xstepspermm": 80, "Ystepspermm": 80, "Zstepspermm": 4000, "E0stepspermm": 625, "E1stepspermm": 625, "E2stepspermm": 625, "E3stepspermm": 625, "E4stepspermm": 625, "E5stepspermm": 625, "Xmaxspeed": 300, "Ymaxspeed": 300, "Zmaxspeed": 2, "E0maxspeed": 100, "E1maxspeed": 100, "E2maxspeed": 100, "E3maxspeed": 100, "E4maxspeed": 100, "E5maxspeed": 100, "Xmanualspeed": 100, "Ymanualspeed": 100, "Zmanualspeed": 2, "Emanualspeed": 10, "minimumspeed": 0, "minimumtravelspeed": 0, "minimumplannerspeed": 0.05, "Xmaxacceleration": 3000, "Ymaxacceleration": 3000, "Zmaxacceleration": 50, "E0maxacceleration": 3000, "E1maxacceleration": 3000, "E2maxacceleration": 3000, "E3maxacceleration": 3000, "E4maxacceleration": 3000, "E5maxacceleration": 3000, "E0retractacceleration": 10000, "E1retractacceleration": 10000, "E2retractacceleration": 10000, "E3retractacceleration": 10000, "E4retractacceleration": 10000, "E5retractacceleration": 10000, "defaultacceleration": 3000, "defaulttravelacceleration": 3000, "maxXjerk": 10, "maxYjerk": 10, "maxZjerk": 0.4, "maxE0jerk": 5, "maxE1jerk": 5, "maxE2jerk": 5, "maxE3jerk": 5, "maxE4jerk": 5, "maxE5jerk": 5, "Xhomingspeed": 100, "Yhomingspeed": 100, "Zhomingspeed": 2, "XbumpMM": 5, "YbumpMM": 5, "ZbumpMM": 2, "Xbumpdivisor": 5, "Ybumpdivisor": 5, "Zbumpdivisor": 2, "hotendoffsetXE1": 0, "hotendoffsetXE2": 0, "hotendoffsetXE3": 0, "hotendoffsetYE1": 0, "hotendoffsetYE2": 0, "hotendoffsetYE3": 0, "hotendoffsetZE1": 0, "hotendoffsetZE2": 0, "hotendoffsetZE3": 0, "hysteresis": "0", "hysteresisXmm": 0, "hysteresisYmm": 0, "hysteresisZmm": 0, "hysteresiscorrection": 1, "deltasegmentpersecond": 200, "deltadiagonalrod": 220, "deltasmoothrodoffset": 145, "deltaeffectoroffset": 20, "deltacarriageoffset": 20, "deltaprinterradius": 70, "deltaheight": 210, "towerAendstop": 0, "towerBendstop": 0, "towerCendstop": 0, "towerAangle": 0, "towerBangle": 0, "towerCangle": 0, "towerAradius": 0, "towerBradius": 0, "towerCradius": 0, "towerAdiagonalrod": 0, "towerBdiagonalrod": 0, "towerCdiagonalrod": 0, "deltaautoprecision": 0.1, "deltaautogrid": 7, "deltaXdeploystart": 0, "deltaYdeploystart": 0, "deltaZdeploystart": 30, "deltaXdeployend": 0, "deltaYdeployend": 0, "deltaZdeployend": 30, "deltaXretractstart": 0, "deltaYretractstart": 0, "deltaZretractstart": 30, "deltaXretractend": 0, "deltaYretractend": 0, "deltaZretractend": 0, "deltaautocalibration": 0, "deltahomesafezone": "1", "deltahomeonpower": "0", "disableddoublequadstepping": "0", "junctiondeviation": "0", "junctiondeviationfactor": 0.02, "bezierjerk": "0", "stepperpulse": 0, "stepperrate": 500000, "directiondelay": 0, "stepsmoothing": "0", "Xtwostepper": "0", "X2vsXdir": "0", "Xtwoendstop": "0", "Ytwostepper": "0", "Y2vsYdir": "0", "Ytwoendstop": "0", "Ztwostepper": "0", "Z2vsZdir": "0", "Ztwoendstop": "0", "extencoder": "0", "extencodererrorstep": 500, "extencoderminstep": 10, "Xmicrostep": 16, "Ymicrostep": 16, "Zmicrostep": 16, "X2microstep": 16, "Y2microstep": 16, "Z2microstep": 16, "E0microstep": 16, "E1microstep": 16, "E2microstep": 16, "E3microstep": 16, "E4microstep": 16, "E5microstep": 16, "Xcurrent": 800, "Ycurrent": 800, "Zcurrent": 800, "X2current": 800, "Y2current": 800, "Z2current": 800, "E0current": 800, "E1current": 800, "E2current": 800, "E3current": 800, "E4current": 800, "E5current": 800, "Xdrivertype": "DRV8825", "Ydrivertype": "DRV8825", "Zdrivertype": "DRV8825", "X2drivertype": "A4988", "Y2drivertype": "A4988", "Z2drivertype": "A4988", "E0drivertype": "DRV8825", "E1drivertype": "A4988", "E2drivertype": "A4988", "E3drivertype": "A4988", "E4drivertype": "A4988", "E5drivertype": "A4988", "fanpwmspeed": 0, "fankickstarttime": 0, "fanminpwm": 0, "autofan0": -1, "autofan1": 0, "autofan2": -1, "autofan3": -1, "autofan4": -1, "autofan5": -1, "Ecoolertemp": 50, "Ecoolerspeed": 255, "Ecoolerminspeed": 0, "defaultfilamentdia": 1.75, "dangerousextrude": "1", "extrudemintemp": 170, "lengthextrude": "1", "extrudemaxlenght": 400, "singlenozzle": "0", "baricuda": "0", "colormixingextruder": "0", "mixingsteppers": "2", "virtualtools": 16, "mkr4": "0", "invertrelepin": "0", "E0E1pin": -1, "E0E2pin": -1, "E1E3pin": -1, "mkr6": "0", "mkr12": "0", "EX1pin": -1, "EX2pin": -1, "dondolo": "0", "dondolodualmotor": "0", "dondoloservo": 0, "dondoloservoe0": 120, "dondoloservoe1": 10, "dondolodelay": 1000, "workspace": "0", "softwareminendstop": "1", "softwaremaxendstop": "1", "endstoponlyforhome": "1", "abortendstophit": "0", "abortendstophitinit": "1", "servos": "0", "numservos": 0, "Zservo": -1, "angleextendservosZ": 0, "angleretractservosZ": 0, "servodeactivate": "0", "servodeactivatedelay": 300, "babystepping": "0", "babysteppingXY": "0", "babysteppingZprobe": "0", "babysteppingdoubleclick": "0", "filamentsensor": "0", "filamentsensorextruder": 0, "filamentsensormaxdia": 2, "filamentsensormindia": 1.35, "filamentsensordia": 1.75, "filamentsensorlcd": "0", "filamentrunout": "0", "filamentrunoutdav": "0", "filamentrunoutpininverting": "0", "filamentrunoutpullup": "1", "filamentrunoutscript": "M600", "powerconsumption": "0", "dooropen": "0", "doorendstop": "0", "powercheck": "0", "powercheckendstop": "0", "caselight": "0", "caselightinvert": "0", "caselightdefault": "0", "caselightbrightness": 255, "eeprom": "1", "eepromsd": "0", "eepromchitchat": "1", "sdsupport": "1", "sdslow": "0", "sdextraslow": "0", "sddisableddetect": "0", "sddetectinverted": "0", "sdrestart": "0", "sdrestarttime": 1, "sdsetting": "0", "sdsettingtime": 300, "lcdlanguages": "en", "encoderpulsesstep": 5, "encoderstepmenu": 1, "invertclickbutton": "0", "invertbackbutton": "0", "invertrotaryswitch": "0", "invertmenudirection": "0", "displays": 3, "nextion_model": 8, "nextion_port": 1, "nextionGFX": "0", "lcdprogressbar": 0, "lcdprogressbarbartime": 3, "lcdprogressbarmsgtime": 1, "lcdprogressbarmsgexpire": 0, "laserbeam": "0", "lasercontrol": 1, "laserfocus": "0", "laserraster": "0", "rfidmodule": "0", "rfidserial": 1, "rgbled": "0", "rgbwled": "0", "pca9632": "0", "neopixelled": "0", "neopixeltype": "NEO_GRB", "neopixelpixels": 16, "eventled": "0", "jsonoutput": "0", "testmode": "0", "inchmodesupport": "0", "blockbuffersize": 16, "bufsize": 4, "nozzlecleanfeature": "0", "nozzlecleanstrokes": 12, "nozzlecleantriangle": 3, "nozzlecleanstart_x": 30, "nozzlecleanstart_y": 30, "nozzlecleanstart_z": 1, "nozzlecleanend_x": 100, "nozzlecleanend_y": 60, "nozzlecleanend_z": 1, "nozzlecleangoback": "1", "nozzleparkfeature": "0", "nozzleparkXpos": 10, "nozzleparkYpos": 10, "nozzleparkZpos": 20, "nozzleparkXYfr": 100, "nozzleparkZfr": 5, "filamentchangeenable": "0", "filamentchangeretract": 5, "filamentchangeretractfr": 20, "filamentchangeunload": 100, "filamentchangeunloadfr": 50, "filamentchangeslowload": 5, "filamentchangeslowloadfr": 6, "filamentchangefastload": 100, "filamentchangefastloadfr": 50, "filamentchangeextrude": 50, "filamentchangeextrudefr": 5, "filamentchangeunloadretract": 10, "filamentchangeunloadretractdelay": 5000, "filamentchangeunloadretractpurge": 8, "filamentchangenozzletimeout": 45, "filamentchangeprinteroff": 5, "filamentchangenumberbeep": 5, "filamentchangenosteppertimeout": "1", "filamentchangeparkheadonpause": "0", "filamentchangehomebefore": "0", "filamentchangegcodes": "0", "filamentchangeallextruder": "0", "Xmotor": { "name": "X motor", "step": "ORIG_X_STEP_PIN", "dir": "ORIG_X_DIR_PIN", "enable": "ORIG_X_ENABLE_PIN" }, "Ymotor": { "name": "Y motor", "step": "ORIG_Y_STEP_PIN", "dir": "ORIG_Y_DIR_PIN", "enable": "ORIG_Y_ENABLE_PIN" }, "Zmotor": { "name": "Z motor", "step": "ORIG_Z_STEP_PIN", "dir": "ORIG_Z_DIR_PIN", "enable": "ORIG_Z_ENABLE_PIN" }, "X2motor": { "name": "Extruder 1", "step": "ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN", "dir": "ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN", "enable": "ORIG_E1_ENABLE_PIN" }, "Y2motor": { "name": "Extruder 1", "step": "ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN", "dir": "ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN", "enable": "ORIG_E1_ENABLE_PIN" }, "Z2motor": { "name": "Extruder 1", "step": "ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN", "dir": "ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN", "enable": "ORIG_E1_ENABLE_PIN" }, "E0motor": { "name": "Extruder 0", "step": "ORIG_E0_STEP_PIN", "dir": "ORIG_E0_DIR_PIN", "enable": "ORIG_E0_ENABLE_PIN" }, "E1motor": { "name": "Extruder 1", "step": "ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN", "dir": "ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN", "enable": "ORIG_E1_ENABLE_PIN" }, "E2motor": { "name": "Extruder 2", "step": "ORIG_E2_STEP_PIN", "dir": "ORIG_E2_DIR_PIN", "enable": "ORIG_E2_ENABLE_PIN" }, "E3motor": { "name": "Extruder 3", "step": "ORIG_E3_STEP_PIN", "dir": "ORIG_E3_DIR_PIN", "enable": "ORIG_E3_ENABLE_PIN" }, "E4motor": { "name": "Extruder 4", "step": "ORIG_E4_STEP_PIN", "dir": "ORIG_E4_DIR_PIN", "enable": "ORIG_E4_ENABLE_PIN" }, "E5motor": { "name": "Extruder 5", "step": "ORIG_E5_STEP_PIN", "dir": "ORIG_E5_DIR_PIN", "enable": "ORIG_E5_ENABLE_PIN" }, "heater0pin": "ORIG_HEATER_0_PIN", "heater1pin": "ORIG_HEATER_1_PIN", "heater2pin": "ORIG_HEATER_2_PIN", "heater3pin": "ORIG_HEATER_3_PIN", "heaterbedpin": "ORIG_HEATER_BED_PIN", "heaterchamberpin": "NoPin", "heatercoolerpin": "NoPin", "temp0pin": "ORIG_TEMP_0_PIN", "temp1pin": "ORIG_TEMP_1_PIN", "temp2pin": "ORIG_TEMP_2_PIN", "temp3pin": "ORIG_TEMP_3_PIN", "tempbedpin": "ORIG_TEMP_BED_PIN", "tempchamberpin": "NoPin", "tempcoolerpin": "NoPin", "Xminpin": "ORIG_X_MIN_PIN", "Xmaxpin": "ORIG_X_MAX_PIN", "Yminpin": "ORIG_Y_MIN_PIN", "Ymaxpin": "ORIG_Y_MAX_PIN", "Zminpin": "ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN", "Zmaxpin": "ORIG_Z_MAX_PIN", "X2minpin": "NoPin", "X2maxpin": "NoPin", "Y2minpin": "NoPin", "Y2maxpin": "NoPin", "Z2minpin": "NoPin", "Z2maxpin": "NoPin", "Zprobepin": "NoPin", "Xcspin": "NoPin", "Ycspin": "NoPin", "Zcspin": "NoPin", "X2cspin": "NoPin", "Y2cspin": "NoPin", "Z2cspin": "NoPin", "E0cspin": "NoPin", "E1cspin": "NoPin", "E2cspin": "NoPin", "E3cspin": "NoPin", "E4cspin": "NoPin", "E5cspin": "NoPin", "fanpin": "ORIG_FAN0_PIN", "fan1pin": "ORIG_FAN1_PIN", "fan2pin": "ORIG_FAN2_PIN", "fan3pin": "ORIG_FAN3_PIN", "fan4pin": "ORIG_FAN4_PIN", "fan5pin": "ORIG_FAN5_PIN", "PSONpin": "ORIG_PS_ON_PIN", "beeperpin": "ORIG_BEEPER_PIN", "E0encoderpin": "NoPin", "E1encoderpin": "NoPin", "E2encoderpin": "NoPin", "E3encoderpin": "NoPin", "E4encoderpin": "NoPin", "E5encoderpin": "NoPin", "filamentsensorpin": "NoPin", "flowmeterpin": "NoPin", "filrunoutdavpin": "NoPin", "filrunoutpin": "NoPin", "filrunoutpin1": "NoPin", "filrunoutpin2": "NoPin", "filrunoutpin3": "NoPin", "filrunoutpin4": "NoPin", "filrunoutpin5": "NoPin", "laserpwrpin": "ORIG_LASER_PWR_PIN", "laserpwmpin": "ORIG_LASER_PWM_PIN", "laserperipheralspin": "NoPin", "laserperipheralsstatuspin": "NoPin", "cncrouterpin": "NoPin", "powerconsumptionpin": "NoPin", "doorpin": "NoPin", "powercheckpin": "NoPin", "caselightpin": "NoPin", "rgbledRpin": "NoPin", "rgbledGpin": "NoPin", "rgbledBpin": "NoPin", "rgbledWpin": "NoPin", "neopixelpin": "NoPin", "dhtdatapin": "NoPin", "END_DATA": 0 } ========== End configuration string ========== */

Have you configured MK4duo manually? Then write here a list of the settings that may be related to the issue:

i have tryed on other firmware marlin and repetier and it works, thanks for the support

MagoKimbra commented 6 years ago

This valor is saved in to EEPROM check with command if you have this valor. M306 H-1

robertoscipione commented 6 years ago

Ok thanks now it work. The parameter now are stored in EEPROM.

This is the procedure: M306 H-1 show actual PID max for the bed M306 H-1 C140 (140 is the power, you need to chose your parameter) M500 to save the new parameter to EEPROM

Thanks for the support

robertoscipione commented 6 years ago

i need other question, why PID max for the bed not listed in the gui of the eeprom parameters from Repetier Host ?


iosonopersia commented 6 years ago

It's because its definition is missing in the file marlineeprom.xml which tells RepetierHost what are the values stored in eeprom. I'm currently working on that file to complete it, but it will take some time...

robertoscipione commented 6 years ago

I'm designing a Cartesian 3D printer and I see that mk4duo works well. When I finished I will release open source with fw mk4duo;) thanks for now

iosonopersia commented 6 years ago

@robertoscipione you can find the complete marlineeprom.xml file inside src/plugin Repetier folder of MK4duo. Use it to replace the marlineeprom.xml file contained inside C://Program Files/Repetier-Host/plugins/RRFirmwares/ . This will let you modify almost every aspect of your printer! Have fun!