Open Ruslaneo opened 5 years ago
Hello! Here is a pictorial photo number 1, neither of which is done and the screen displays that the laser is working. This is clearly a photo №2, the cutting program starts, for example, and the laser does not work on the screen. I tried to change the values of the reverse in the firmware (photo No. 3), the reverse effect on the twist and there is no indication on the screen. Also for the experiment I took the speaker (Speaker), the sound disappeared, then I commented on the speaker (Speaker) the sound appeared. All the opposite turns out. The data is displayed on the contrary, how and where to change it in the firmware, I do not know, please look at the firmware.
Здравствуйте! Проблема с прошивкой лазер. Ни чего ни делается а на экран выводится информация что работает лазер. Когда запускается программа резки на экран выводится информация что не работает лазер. Пробовал в прошивке менять значения реверс, он действует только на регулировку, а на показания экрана нет. Так же для эксперимента взял расскоменировал динамик (Speaker) звук пропал, потом закоментировал динамик (Speaker) звук появился. Все в прошивке работает наоборот. На экран выводятся данные наоборот, посмотрите пожалуйста прошивку.
Hello! The problem with the laser firmware. Nothing is done and the screen displays information that the laser is working. When the cutting program starts, the screen displays information that the laser is not working. I tried to change the reverse values in the firmware, it acts only on the adjustment, and there is no indication on the screen. Also for the experiment I took the speaker (Speaker), the sound disappeared, then I commented on the speaker (Speaker) the sound appeared. Everything in the firmware works the other way around. Data is displayed on the contrary, please see the firmware.
//#define SPEAKER Everything in the firmware works the other way around.
in laser mode
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Compile errors
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Before posting this issue, however, take a long breath and check this two things:
DEPENDENCY ERROR: _something wrong!_
: DO NOT POST DEPENDENCY ERRORS, please! They are messages which tell you what config option was set badly. Fix your configuration and try again. If you also get other types of error, please be sure to have fixed dependency errors before posting this issue!Firmware version
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My setup
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