MKFirmware / MK4duo

MK4duo Firmware Printers 3D for Arduino and Arduino due
GNU General Public License v3.0
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sd read error #770

Open butte22 opened 4 years ago

butte22 commented 4 years ago

Please, follow this template when opening a new issue: this will help us a lot in the process of helping you.

Issue description The SD card looks and you can select the files installed. When I start Gcode, it gets to the start position and gives sd read error. And my nextion screen freezes.

Compile errors If you have problems compiling MK4duo, report here the error messages Arduino IDE gives you.

Before posting this issue, however, take a long breath and check this two things:

If you're not using the latest version of Arduino IDE, please try again with the latest one. Always check if an error (or more than one) starts with DEPENDENCY ERROR: something wrong!: DO NOT POST DEPENDENCY ERRORS, please! They are messages which tell you what config option was set badly. Fix your configuration and try again. If you also get other types of error, please be sure to have fixed dependency errors before posting this issue! Firmware version MK4duo 4.3.9 and MK4duo 4.4.0

My setup



// Advanced command M39 // Info and formatting SD card // This requires more PROGMEM //#define ADVANCED_SD_COMMAND

// // SD CARD: SPI SPEED // // Enable one of the following items for a slower SPI transfer speed. // This may be required to resolve "volume init" errors.



// // SD CARD: ENABLE CRC // // Use CRC checks and retries on the SD communication. //#define SD_CHECK_AND_RETRY

// // Show extended directory including file length. // Don't use this with Pronterface //#define SD_EXTENDED_DIR

// Decomment this if you have external SD without DETECT_PIN


// Some RAMPS and other boards don't detect when an SD card is inserted. You can work // around this by connecting a push button or single throw switch to the pin defined // as SD_DETECT_PIN in your board's pins definitions. // This setting should be disabled unless you are using a push button, pulling the pin to ground. // Note: This is always disabled for ULTIPANEL (except ELB_FULL_GRAPHIC_CONTROLLER). //#define SD_DETECT_INVERTED

define SD_FINISHED_STEPPERRELEASE true // if sd support and the file is finished: disable steppers?

define SD_FINISHED_RELEASECOMMAND "M81" // ORGINAL VALUE "M84 X Y Z E" You might want to keep the z enabled so your bed stays in place.


// Enable this option to scroll long filenames in the SD card menu //#define SCROLL_LONG_FILENAMES


Sort SD file listings in alphabetical order. With this option enabled, items on SD cards will be sorted by name for easier navigation. By default... Use the slowest -but safest- method for sorting. Folders are sorted to the top. The sort key is statically allocated. No added G-code (M36) support. 40 item sorting limit. (Items after the first 40 are unsorted.) SD sorting uses static allocation (as set by SDSORT_LIMIT), allowing the compiler to calculate the worst-case usage and throw an error if the SRAM limit is exceeded. SDSORT_USES_RAM provides faster sorting via a static directory buffer. SDSORT_USES_STACK does the same, but uses a local stack-based buffer. SDSORT_CACHE_NAMES will retain the sorted file listing in RAM. (Expensive!) SDSORT_DYNAMIC_RAM only uses RAM when the SD menu is visible. (Use with caution!) */ //#define SDCARD_SORT_ALPHA // SD Card Sorting options

define SDSORT_LIMIT 40 // Maximum number of sorted items (10-256). Costs 27 bytes each.

define FOLDER_SORTING -1 // -1=above 0=none 1=below

define SDSORT_GCODE false // Allow turning sorting on/off with LCD and M36 g-code.

define SDSORT_USES_RAM true // ORGINAL FALSE Pre-allocate a static array for faster pre-sorting.

define SDSORT_USES_STACK false // Prefer the stack for pre-sorting to give back some SRAM. (Negated by next 2 options.)

define SDSORT_CACHE_NAMES false // Keep sorted items in RAM longer for speedy performance. Most expensive option.

define SDSORT_DYNAMIC_RAM false // Use dynamic allocation (within SD menus). Least expensive option. Set SDSORT_LIMIT before use!

define SDSORT_CACHE_VFATS 2 // Maximum number of 13-byte VFAT entries to use for sorting.


// This function enable the firmware write restart file for restart print when power loss //#define SD_RESTART_FILE // Uncomment to enable

define SD_RESTART_FILE_SAVE_TIME 1 // Seconds between update

define SD_RESTART_FILE_PURGE_LEN 20 // Purge when restart

define SD_RESTART_FILE_RETRACT_LEN 1 // Retract when restart


Please be patient, we'll be trying to help you as soon as possible.

butte22 commented 4 years ago

it looks like there's no error at startup echo:PowerUp echo:MK4duo_4.3.9 echo:Last Updated: 28-09-2019 | Author: (none, default config) echo:Compiled: Nov 27 2019 echo:Free Memory: 81884 PlannerBufferBytes: 1280 echo:SD card ok echo:Factory Settings Loaded Nextion 4.3" connected! Testing X connection... OK Testing Y connection... OK Testing Z connection... OK Testing T0 connection... OK Testing T1 connection... Error: All LOW