MKFirmware / MK4duo

MK4duo Firmware Printers 3D for Arduino and Arduino due
GNU General Public License v3.0
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HOME_DIR not working if set to -1 #811

Open PhilippeGonze opened 4 years ago

PhilippeGonze commented 4 years ago

Hi, I recently purchased the Minitronics V2.0 for replacing the board of my printrbot simple metal. I use repetier host ver 2.1.6

I am trying to get the X_HOME_DIR and Z_HOME_DIR to -1 (Min mode) as my endstops are at X0 and Z0. Unfortunately, if I set ..._HOME_DIR to -1 the G28 request does not home them any more (no reaction). M119 does not return any infos on X ad Z endstops.

Y_HOME_DIR is set to 1 (max mode) as it is at Y150. G28 homes the Y perfectly. In fact, it just "skips" the homing of X and Z M119 returns the state of Y enstop correctly.

Once I try setting Y_HOME_DIR to -1 (min mode), the G28 fails for X,Y and Z. M119 does not return any endstop state any more.

Turning all HOME_DIR to 1 enables the G28 for X,Y and Z of course, in the wrong direction for X and Z. M119 then returns the state of all endstops correctly.

To summarise : HOME_DIR does not work if set to -1

Manual moves (G00, G01) works perfectly on all axis independently of HOME_DIR I tried to reverse the stepper direction and the stepper physical wiring but it does not solve my problem as prints would be mirrored in X and Z (which is not very convenient :-p )

I do not have any compiling errors I am usine the latest Arduino IDE that I just downloaded. Board manager is 1.0.2 for SAMD21 The computer is new and runs on windows 10 pro, it also didn't work on my older computer on windows 7. I use repetier host ver 2.1.6

Firmware version is the 4.3.7_beta that is supplied on reprapworld by @brupje

My setup is exactly the one from the link hereunder but with the following changes :


define X_HOME_DIR -1

define Y_HOME_DIR 1

define Z_HOME_DIR -1



define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMIN true //as active inductive sensor fixed on hotend


define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {160, 160, 4056, 160, 625, 625, 625}

define DEFAULT_Kp {10.97, 40, 40, 40} // Kp for H0, H1, H2, H3

define DEFAULT_Ki {0.51, 07, 07, 07} // Ki for H0, H1, H2, H3

define DEFAULT_Kd {59.09, 60, 60, 60} // Kd for H0, H1, H2, H3

I honestly tried most of the features and options that I thought could lead to that problem but with no results yet. I have been working on this printer for three weeks and this problem kept me awake at night for half that time. Thank you in advance for your help,

PhilippeGonze commented 4 years ago

@MagoKimbra any ideas ? (X_HOME_DIR not working if set to -1)

MagoKimbra commented 4 years ago

X_HOME_DIR It works perfectly... when you set X_HOME_DIR -1 what print M119?

PhilippeGonze commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your answer, when I use M119, the M119 only answers with the axis with HOME_DIR that are set to 1. It seems as if the -1 has a "blocking effet". In fact, if I try X_HOME_DIR and Z_HOME_DIR to 1, the homing works and M119 too (of course in the wrong direction)

(the complete description of the issue is in the first comment of this issue)

MagoKimbra commented 4 years ago

A ok i see you have minitronics... in file 2706.h only max pin is defined

define ORIG_X_MIN_PIN NoPin

define ORIG_X_MAX_PIN 8

define ORIG_Y_MIN_PIN NoPin

define ORIG_Y_MAX_PIN 9

define ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN NoPin

define ORIG_Z_MAX_PIN 4

Now i f you use x_min and not x_max you must change pin in this file.

define ORIG_X_MIN_PIN 8

define ORIG_X_MAX_PIN NoPin

define ORIG_Y_MIN_PIN NoPin

define ORIG_Y_MAX_PIN 9

define ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN NoPin

define ORIG_Z_MAX_PIN 4

PhilippeGonze commented 4 years ago

Awesome ! This worked on the first try :-D A very very very big thank you, you can't imagine how long I tried to solve this. I never could have done it myself.

--> you, Sir, are my hero !

I made a donation on to thank you Have a very nice day

PhilippeGonze commented 4 years ago

OK I might have gotten little bit carried away. This is not 100% as it should be.

I set

define X_HOME_DIR -1

define Y_HOME_DIR 1

define Z_HOME_DIR -1

and as you wrote, I changed 2706.h to

define ORIG_X_MIN_PIN 8

define ORIG_X_MAX_PIN NoPin

define ORIG_Y_MIN_PIN NoPin

define ORIG_Y_MAX_PIN 9

define ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN 4 //because I use a min pin with inductive probe fixed on head

define ORIG_Z_MAX_PIN NoPin

Now X and Y home perfectly thanks to you but Z only goes up for a few millimeters and down again resulting in a slight elevation of the head but no change in the Z position returned by repetier.

It shoul normally go down until reaching endstop min as Z_HOME_DIR is -1.

M119 works 100% on all endstops but it does not seem to affect the Z axis behaviour. I disabled software endstops so it should'nt be it.

Best regards,

MagoKimbra commented 4 years ago

Please remove the comments from the line.

define ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN 4 //because I use a min pin with inductive probe fixed on head

Test probe with M119

PhilippeGonze commented 4 years ago

Ok it is done, I reloaded the firmware but nothing has changed.

G28 homes X and Y correctly, Z goes up for approx 5 mm and down 1-2 mm. M119 returns the following : 21:17:54.096 : x_min: TRIGGERED 21:17:54.104 : y_max: TRIGGERED 21:17:54.111 : z_min: NOT TRIGGERED and it reacts correctly if I switch them manually.

Funny stuff, if I home only Z multiple times, it sometimes doesn't go down after going up. It also sometimes do a little down before going upas usual.

I also tried to restart from sratch on the original file supplied on reprapworld by @brupje I changed 2706.h as discussed : //###ENDSTOP

define ORIG_X_MIN_PIN 8

define ORIG_X_MAX_PIN NoPin

define ORIG_Y_MIN_PIN NoPin

define ORIG_Y_MAX_PIN 9

define ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN 4

define ORIG_Z_MAX_PIN NoPin

And in the firmware on arduino IDE only changing those :




define X_HOME_DIR -1

define Y_HOME_DIR 1

define Z_HOME_DIR -1

define X_MAX_POS 150

define DEFAULT_Kp {17.33, 40, 40, 40} // Kp for H0, H1, H2, H3

define DEFAULT_Ki {3.19, 07, 07, 07} // Ki for H0, H1, H2, H3

define DEFAULT_Kd {23.51, 60, 60, 60} // Kd for H0, H1, H2, H3

define X_MIN_POS 0

define Y_MAX_POS 150

define Y_MIN_POS 0

define Z_MAX_POS 150

define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {160, 160, 4056, 160, 625, 625, 625}

Still, M119 returns good answers but the Z axis won't home.

MagoKimbra commented 4 years ago

Does the probe work with M119? If when it detects triggered it stops it is normal for it to do it 2 mm before reaching the floor depends on its detection distance ... The problem is that you have not set that you have a probe, but you are using it as a normal endstop, you have to set that you have a fixed type probe and then you adjust everything with the z probe offset. When you do the home it stops when it detects, but when the G1 Z0,2 command arrives, for example the first layer will drop to that altitude ...

PhilippeGonze commented 4 years ago

Ok, I changed the following :

in the firmware :



define Z_MIN_PIN NoPin


and in 2706.h


define ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN NoPin

Now, G28 homes X and Y still perfectly and Z does not move any more. M119 returns the correct state of all stops (Z being identified as a probe) 23:05:28.492 : x_min: NOT TRIGGERED 23:05:28.501 : y_max: NOT TRIGGERED 23:05:28.516 : z_probe: NOT TRIGGERED

(again I would like to thank you for the awesome support and time on this issue)

MagoKimbra commented 4 years ago

No, if you put the probe and don't have the classic endstop, the probe becomes the endtop z-min So you don't have to set the probe pin, that remains Z-min This is error

define Z_MIN_PIN NoPin


This is correct


define Z_PROBE_PIN No_pin

and in 2706.h

define ORIG_Z_PROBE_PIN Nopin

define ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN 4

The three endstops must always be there. Set the probe pin only if you leave the classic z_min end stop for emergency.

PhilippeGonze commented 4 years ago

Allright then, I use the probe as min pin so I changed following your recommendation.


define Z_PROBE_PIN NoPin

and in 2706.h

define ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN 4


Now the M119 returns correctly 17:55:34.768 : x_min: NOT TRIGGERED 17:55:34.784 : y_max: NOT TRIGGERED 17:55:34.790 : z_min: NOT TRIGGERED G28 homes X and Y correctly but Z goes up for a few mm-cm (varying) and then down 1-5mm.

MagoKimbra commented 4 years ago

Stet for mm Z is it ok?

PhilippeGonze commented 4 years ago

no, not at all. The extruder ends up a few centimeters above the bed. If I G28 Z only, it does exactly the same thing, going up a few cm then down a few mm resulting in an even higer position but the position indicated by repetier does not change.

I tried to "interrupt" the first movement (up) by triggering the inductive probe but it does not seem to change anything : the printer continues going up and then down then stops.

MagoKimbra commented 4 years ago

The nozzle goes up to the probe then it goes down if it detects triggered it bumps up and then it goes down slowly until it finds the plane ... The probe you have detects the plane before the nozzle touches the plane depends on its sensitivity at that point you have to adjust the probe offset to ensure that with G1 Z0 it goes on the plane ...

PhilippeGonze commented 4 years ago

Hmmm I am not sure I made myself clear here.

Let me reorder things by this example : 1) X and Z are in 0, Y is in 150 both in repetier and physically (X and Y automatically, Z manually) 2) M119 returns X,Y and Z endstops as triggered 3) I request a G28 4) X and Y home perfectly (X to 0, Y to 150) but... 5) Z does not home, instead it goes up for a few centimeters (no reaction during this movement if I trigger the Z-probe with a metal piece) 6) Z goes down a little bit but not as much as in 5) 7) machine stops and repetier indicates X and Z in 0, Y in 150 wheareas physically, Z is at ex. 35mm. 8) M119 returns X,Y as triggered, Z endstop as not triggered 9) if I ask again G28,X and Y home perfectly, Z goes up and down again, repetier still indicates Z = 0 but physically, it is at ex. 60 mm

For info,


MagoKimbra commented 4 years ago

I can't understand ... Manually put Z at 0 .. give the command G92 Z0 (set the coordinates of Z to 0) From G1 Z100 and see if it has risen 100 mm

PhilippeGonze commented 4 years ago

It has risen 100mm exactly :-/ I did a few prints in the meantime by manually setting Z to zero and the dimensions are good so my steps/mm are ok.

MagoKimbra commented 4 years ago

Ok now a this point give G28 Z0

PhilippeGonze commented 4 years ago

Ok so I was physically at Z 100, I typed G28 Z0 but in return I get 21:28:19.520 : echo:Home XY first 21:28:19.551 : X:50.00 Y:75.00 Z:100.000 E:0.0000 and nothing moves. (X and Y are physically at 50 and 75, that is where I do my Z homing)

I went to see if my feature force home XY before Z was active but it is disabled as //#define FORCE_HOME_XY_BEFORE_Z

PhilippeGonze commented 4 years ago

Sorry I forgot to mention that I get in return the 22:34:19.189 : echo:Home XY first That I why I checked the FORCE_HOME_XY_BEFORE_Z which is disabled

phongshader commented 4 years ago

Did this get resolved? I'm having a similar issue but I'm using a BLTouch clone, switching to a real one in a couple of days when it arrives. X and Y home as expected, for z the bed moves away from probe then moves towards probe and stops before the probe is triggered. Triggering the probe manually does not affect the homing of z at all. M119 shows all stops/probes as triggered when they are physically triggered/closed.

PhilippeGonze commented 4 years ago

@phongshader, thank your for your input. It is nice to see that I am not the only one :-) Sadly the issue is not yet solved. I contacted @brupje (the designer of the minitronics V2.0 and the firmware on reprapworld) and gave him the link to this issue entry, I am wainting for his answer. I hope we will be able to solve this together.