A simple cross platform .NET API for Intel MKL
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MKL.NET.Matrix Nuget package in docker container #31

Open RobWomack98 opened 5 days ago

RobWomack98 commented 5 days ago

Encountering errors with matrix multiplication using MKL.NET.Matrix Nuget package in a docker container


WORKDIR c:/test/
COPY test.csproj test.cs ./
RUN dotnet build
RUN dotnet test

test.csproj file

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
    <PackageReference Include="MKL.NET.Matrix" Version="1.1.1"/>
    <PackageReference Include="" Version="2022.0.0.115" />
    <PackageReference Include="MSTest" Version="3.6.2"/>

test.cs file:

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

public class matrix_test {
    public void matrix_multiply_test(){
        MKLNET.matrix matrixA = new MKLNET.matrix(6, 6);
        for (int i = 0; i < matrixA.Cols; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < matrixA.Rows; ++j) {
                    matrixA[i, j] = (i + 1) * (j + 1);
        try { MKLNET.matrix result = matrixA * matrixA;
        } catch (ExternalException e) {

output (catching the exception)

Error Message:
Assert.Fail failed.
Stack Trace:
at matrix_test.matrix_multiply_test() in C:\test\test.cs:line 20

Standard Output Messages:
-2147467259 (translates to 0x80004005, an Unspecified Error)

output (not catching the exception)

System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an exception.
Stack Trace:
at MKLNET.Blas.Unsafe.gemm(Layout Layout, Trans TransA, Trans TransB, Int32 M, Int32 N, Int32 K, Double alpha, Double* A, Int32 lda, Double* B, Int32 ldb, Double beta, Double* C, Int32 ldc)
at MKLNET.Expression.MatrixMultiply.Evaluate()
at MKLNET.Expression.MatrixExpression.op_Implicit(MatrixExpression a)
at matrix_test.matrix_multiply_test() in C:\test\test.cs:line 16

Some scenarios where this error doesn't exist (that could help isolate the issue):

  1. when using image (I change the runtime package to MKL.NET.linux-x64 and change dockerfile test path to /test/)
  2. executing the unit test outside of a docker image (i.e. normal windows 11)

Insight on why this error could be happening or how to get more information out of the external failure would be greatly helpful. Thanks

delreluca commented 8 hours ago

~There should be an SEHException.ErrorCode property, maybe if you print the value you can find out more.~

Oh, you already did that, sorry…

Maybe the windowsservercore-ltsc2022 image is missing something, like an MSVC redistributable or other libraries? That typically should give you a missing DLL error, but I do not have much experience with Windows containers.