MKelm / mct

"Mass Control Tycoon" a GPL game for Windows, Mac and Linux
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Game Events #23

Closed ghost closed 8 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago

Events where something good or bad happens to the company. Example: A: Oh, NO the machines are malfunctioning. What should we do?

MKelm commented 11 years ago

Ok, nice, you do not have to do often additions in the upstream, it is better to make more full functional updates in a lower quantity or when you have an important part another one requested, that reduces the management overhead for you and me, it is important that you update your own local files often from the upstream only.

Some improvements for the mct data structure, the eventManager is affected too: e.g. the wording was a duplication, because mct is the game

jackery4444 commented 11 years ago

Ok. The new data structure seems much cleaner and easier to manage. Great work :)

This might be the java developer in me talking, but are we not going to use object orientation? From the few files that we have so far only one, EventManager, uses it, but I think it would be hugely beneficial to use a class-like system, especially in the later stages of development.

MKelm commented 11 years ago

Classes are in focus, when it makes sense, I think some refactoring tasks might benefit by that in the later stages.

MKelm commented 11 years ago

Added event message window calls into event manger

A welcome event window call is in the menu scene:

Update: The word wrap works correct now, it might be better to determine the max line length by the available window size, but the current implementation was enough effort for now. The next important part is to fix the layer interactions, then I can extend the content text support for a text list view and some companies might be visible after that ... that are the aims for the next pre-alpha release ...

MKelm commented 10 years ago

I have added the first files for the MCT framework, the event manager does not fit in there yet, because it does not use prototyping. A refactoring to the MCT framework with prototyping might be good ...

I use prototyping like pixi.js, the framework is speed optimized, prototyping offers it ...

A benchmark in my node-webkit:

Test source ->

More in MCT.js and the MCT folder ...

MKelm commented 10 years ago

The game uses the utility class PIXI.EventTarget now, it is easy to use to dispatch events. Currently it is used to handle button interaction events, but it is needed to dispatch element event functions on game events too.

See more about it here:

jackery4444 commented 10 years ago

That file means absolutely nothing to me. I'm afraid any PIXI.EventTarget programming will have to be done without my help, at least for the time being.

MKelm commented 10 years ago

Update: I renamed the issue to "Game Events" because the issue is not directly about logic events, but includes them.

Here is a comment to "Events (PIXI.EventTarget) ...

MKelm commented 10 years ago

More about game events and effect methods:

That is useful to register listeners for effects without removing them, because the effect events will be available the whole game and the amount of effect methods in one effect event depends more on the amount of available elements related to the effect event.

E.g. if "effectA" has listeners in MCT.Planet classes (planet effect event) the amount of effect methods depends on the amount of available MCT.Planet objects.