MKelm / mct

"Mass Control Tycoon" a GPL game for Windows, Mac and Linux
5 stars 1 forks source link

Story & Company Events #32

Closed jackery4444 closed 10 years ago

jackery4444 commented 10 years ago

First off, let me say I've never used git hub before so I'm unsure if this is the right way to comment. If not, my apologies.

I read the comment that you wrote regarding events and, though It didn't make complete sense to me. Let me see if I understand: I think I understand that your idea for company events are similar to random events in other games. Ie, a problem or opportunity presents it's self at random or possibly by a trigger (eg, accumulating x amount of cash) and you choose how to solve it, each option giving different outcomes, be it good or bad. I think that your idea for story events are somewhat similar to console releases in Game Dev Tycoon which you mentioned on Steam; a message presents it's self telling you a about the event (release of a console) which will effect the game, but you cannot do anything about it.

I like the basic principles for both, but I have 2 suggestions.

For company events, I think that you should have to do something rather that selecting an option and then getting some sort of reward, you should be presented with courses of action to take. An example event might be something like this:

Employees Strike! Your employees have gone one strike, demanding a pay rise before they return to their duties at your company. Until this is resolved we won't be able to do (whatever) . You can either appease their demands and give them all a 5 (currency?) raise or fire them all.

If you chose to give them a pay rise then you spend a bit of money but nothing else happens.

If you chose to fire them then you'd have to hire some new staff.

If you left the matter unresolved for a certain amount of time then they would all quit and take some of your money with them.

I haven't explained it very well, but I hope you get the gist of what I am trying to say: that you have to actually do something rather than just choosing an option.

My second suggestion is for story events. I think that the player should be able to both trigger them and in some cases be able to have involvement in them. I think it would be a really nice idea to let the player shape the story so that each play through is different.

MKelm commented 10 years ago

Your comment refers to Issue 23, it's an answer to it. You should use the comment form below all comments of an issue if you want to write an answer / comment to the current issue your read.

I will close this issue and write an answer in Issue 23. Link see above.