MKelm / mct

"Mass Control Tycoon" a GPL game for Windows, Mac and Linux
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Music #33

Open jackery4444 opened 10 years ago

jackery4444 commented 10 years ago

As I said in my comment on steam, music, and particularly composition, is a passion of mine and the music for the game is an area that I would like to contribute to. In my opinion the opening music for any game, in particular Sci-fi games, should grab the player's attention and hook their interest. It is the first interaction the player has with the game and it will instantly highlight the quality and finish of the game. The music we have at the moment, I feel, doesn't grab the player's attention. It is very quit and repetitive, perform for in-game music, but not for the title screen.

If you will let me I'd like to compose a more striking piece of music that I think will show the game in a better light and command the player's attention.

MKelm commented 10 years ago

Yes, it is just a first test to use in game music, I do not have much experience with that, so you are invited to join the process! And the todo for a javsscript playlist function (more or less intelligent) in combination with the current HTML5 audio element is open, if it is possible, I did not researched it yet.

Note: This issue has a relation to this wiki article

I changed the milestone to "Game alpha 1" that gives one month time for the first improvements.

If you want to start development on a music feature or music you can, I changed the issue assignment to you.

MKelm commented 10 years ago

Fame for you on Twitter (with indieDB connection) / Facebook

MKelm commented 10 years ago

I have added a new audio.js with more js logic* and a music status setting in game.js to enable / disable music

*this can be extended with playlist functionality

MKelm commented 10 years ago

here is the audio effect channels handler set = 1 in base/init.js to enable an effects sound test

update: a new configuration file for audio and music themes

the idea for music themes is to activate different sets of music in different areas, that needs two audio objects / channels for music, to fade them if an area transition occurs. The last track and last play time of track on fadeout has to be saved, to re-start the track of the old area if a area transition to it occurs again, and so on ...

the theme definitions contains arrays with music handles to use them as playlist, no playlist logic yet

update: simple playlist logic for music themes without fading yet

update2: transition effect for playlist items

update3: click events implemented and effects demo slightly improved, enabled by default