MKelm / mct

"Mass Control Tycoon" a GPL game for Windows, Mac and Linux
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A.I. topics #39

Open MKelm opened 10 years ago

MKelm commented 10 years ago

I start this issue with a link to some tutorials to create Dungeon/Monster A.I.

That is not an AI the game needs directly but maybe it has some general mechanism which can be used.

Our monsters are up to 49 mass control companies on each planet (map). To make it easier I think they can not leave their map to trade and expand, and they do not know the planet map, they are more located on something like a decision node map. So they have to decide which decision way to choose, and each decision way can have branches and further ways until an intermediate goal is reached.

I read some sentences of the first monster article only yet, but there is something about different states of monsters, and we can add these states to, to make some decision ways more or less attractive. The decision node branches need something like a resistance (like in electronics) and the company owner has a percolation value which makes a node branch more or less attractive ...

MKelm commented 10 years ago

Swarm intelligence

I heard the term in a web project several years ago, and it was used in relation to user generated contents.

In relation to online features I talked about user generated content already. It can be attractive to use user generated content to create game modifications automatically and to collect the modification data on a server to redistribute them to the clients.

But the solutions are usable for an offline game too, the gamer can create his own game contents only then.

I have the idea to use it for:

An important element of swarm intelligence are rating/voting systems, to create meta data about the quality of an item, if it is useable (any longer). So each type of items need such a system, and we need an interface layer for it, it can be a layer with DOM objects, that would not look like the game interface directly, but it can make to design such an interface easier. It is more like the Steam layer in steam games.


A possible solution for swarm A.I. votes: Maybe a solution is to simulate market surveys in the game, that the gamer gets the role of a consultant for this feature, and a market analysis company sends him surveys every ingame year. The survey contains a random selection of (short) articles or notes with some information about different companies and their strategies in the last year, and the user can vote if he thinks it was a good strategy for the market or a bad one. E.g. a company which uses strategies which give it a high market position (monopoly) over a longer time is bad for the market.

MKelm commented 10 years ago

Every planet company has a player object now, a player object can be used as reference in other company objects if needed. That might be interesting for human players only. There is no ai logic yet, the most companies should react on market developments with probabilities in relation to more or less random market events. The "control" companies might have an additional learning/reaction algorithm which depends on the human player actions (intelligence), to scale the difficulty of opponents.