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ProbLog is a Probabilistic Logic Programming Language for logic programs with probabilities.
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Why does this give a NonGroundProbabilisticClause error, but not the deterministic counterpart? #54

Closed mac389 closed 3 years ago

mac389 commented 3 years ago

What explains the difference in behavior between the two versions of property/3? The probabilistic version does not seem to have the issues discussed in Problogs FAQs. I also posted this on StackOverflow


P::property(X,use,nicotine) :-  %gives  NonGroundProbabilisticClause error
    P is 0.8.

property(X,use,nicotine) :-  %appropriately infers nicotine use

property(1, use, Y).

query(property(1,use, nicotine)).
VincentDerk commented 3 years ago

line 13 and 14 are causing this, the Y fails to ground. It works if you comment them out.

As to why it doesn't work for a probabilistic rule but it does for a deterministic one: for a deterministic rule you only need to find out one proof that makes the body (and hence the head) true. For a probabilistic rule you need all the proofs, all the ways a body can be true. For example, in

0.2::a :- b(X).

the probability is 0.36 because it found b(1) and b(2) both can causea to be true with some probability. When you find a probabilistic rule, you need to ground out the body and find all possible proofs: b(1) and b(2). In your example this means that in rule 5 and 6, it will try to use rule 13 and 14, unifies Z with Y and fails to ground it out. In case of a deterministic rule, you just need to find at least one proof, not all the possible proofs so grounding it out isn't required.

If you want to specify that person 1 is using all defined substances you can use property(1, use, Y) :- substance(Y). as long as all substances are grounded out (but then don't use substance(Y). as fact in your program).

Hope that helps.

mac389 commented 3 years ago

for a deterministic rule you only need to find out one proof that makes the body (and hence the head) true. For a probabilistic rule you need all the proofs, all the ways a body can be true.

This explanation was very helpful. Thank you.

If you want to specify that person 1 is using all defined substances you can use property(1, use, Y) :- substance(Y). as long as all substances are grounded out (but then don't use substance(Y). as fact in your program).

How would I specify that person 1 is using at least one (i.e. any) substance?.

krishnangovindraj commented 3 years ago

This should work. (I'm from the StackOverflow thread)

0.8::property(X,use,nicotine) :- 

VincentDerk commented 3 years ago

To continue on @krishnangovindraj 's reponse which encodes that if you use at least one substance, it increases the probability of nicotine usage.

If you have evidence that person 1 is using at least one substance, you can add evidence(uses_atleast_one_substance(1)).

For example:


% The probability of X using nicotine increases with each substance X uses.
%0.8::property(X,use,nicotine) :-
%    property(X,use,Z),
%    substance(Z).

% Indicates possibility of using nicotine if using at least one substance.
0.8::property(X,use,nicotine) :- 

% Indicates there is a probability for each substance that X is using it.
0.5::property(X,use,Z) :- substance(Z).

% Indicates X is using at least one substance.

% Evidence that person 1 is using at least one substance.

% Query
query(property(1,use, nicotine)).