ML-KULeuven / problog

ProbLog is a Probabilistic Logic Programming Language for logic programs with probabilities.
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dsharp.exe Windows binary throws error #91

Closed plison closed 2 years ago

plison commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the nice work with ProbLog! When trying to run ProbLog on Windows, I get an error with the dsharp.exe binary: image

I'm running Windows 10, with the latest version of Problog (2.2.3).

This error is a bit annoying since it seems that the PySDD library cannot apparently be compiled on Windows. And recompiling dsharp from on Windows does not seem straightforward either...

Everything runs fine when running ProbLog on Linux, however.

VincentDerk commented 2 years ago


1) Which conda version are you using? conda --v

2) Does the .exe within this .zip work? Temporarily replace the dsharp.exe in the bin folder with the one in here: (rename it to dsharp.exe instead of dsharp_static.exe)

plison commented 2 years ago

Thanks! I'm using conda 4.12. Yes, when using the dsharp.exe executable in the ZIP file, the error disappears, and ProbLog seems to run without problems :-)

VincentDerk commented 2 years ago

Hmm.. I thought perhaps this was related to conda shipping a libstdc++ that did not contain throw_bad_array_new_lengthv [1,2], but that was supposedly fixed in conda 4.10.3. Either way it might be easiest to just use a statically compiled dsharp instead (like the one in the zip). Unless someone has a better proposal, I will replace the executable in the next ProbLog release.

[1] [2]

Edit: Alternatively, maybe the libdstdc++ we included is outdated.

plison commented 2 years ago

Yes, the statically compiled Windows executable is anyway quite small (3 MB, compared to 0.5 MB for the dynamically linked one), so it might indeed make more sense to ship ProbLog with that one.