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Detecting binary black hole mergers in LIGO with neural networks
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Static scripts for visualizing foreground and rejected parameter distributions #431

Closed ricco-hub closed 10 months ago

wbenoit26 commented 11 months ago

Ah, I didn't see that you'd made this PR. It looks good! It's going to need a couple of tweaks to get it running as part of the pipeline, but they should be pretty straightforward:

  1. Move your scripts to sandbox/plots/plots
  2. In sandbox/plots/pyproject.toml, add your executables to the [tool.poetry.scripts] table, similar to how Alec has the sensitive-volume line.
  3. Make those executables part of the pipeline in sandbox/pyproject.toml. In the very first section within the steps list, you can add plots.1D_param_hist and plots.2D_param_hist
  4. In sandbox/pyproject.toml, remove the [tool.typeo.scripts.analyze] and [tool.typeo.scripts.vizapp] sections. They're not used anymore, and I think they're just leftover in your code.
  5. Once you've pushed those changes, you can hit "Ready for review" on this page to turn this PR from a draft into a final version. That will also send a notification in the Slack so that we know to come look at it.
wbenoit26 commented 10 months ago

I still see the files in two places. Try doing git rm <filename>, and then committing