ML4GW / aframev2

Detecting binary black hole mergers in LIGO with neural networks
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Questions related to reduced sample rate #137

Open wbenoit26 opened 2 months ago

wbenoit26 commented 2 months ago

We've seen that reducing the sample rate from 2048 Hz to 512 Hz improves our sensitivity at lower masses. This opens up a few questions/experiments to run:

EthanMarx commented 2 months ago

Thanks for opening this up, good to keep track of this.

I was unable to reproduce this result using the new repository (i.e. this one) and the new rejection sampling validation scheme. The results are on wandb here. You can see that the 2048Hz run is handily outperforming the 512Hz run in terms of validation score. Would be curious for you to try to do this yourself and catch if I went wrong anywhere