ML4GW / aframev2

Detecting binary black hole mergers in LIGO with neural networks
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readme issue, apptainer image not in the directory #145

Closed VasSkliris closed 3 months ago

VasSkliris commented 4 months ago

Main readme:

The repo to be git clones should be aframe2

Aframe Projects "As an example, let's build the data container image. Once inside the data root directory, building the image is as simple as" There is no file in images at this point. So there is a disconection about how do these images get in there.

apptainer build $AFRAME_CONTAINER_ROOT/data.sif apptainer.def FATAL: Unable to build from apptainer.def: unable to open file apptainer.def: open apptainer.def: no such file or directory

EthanMarx commented 4 months ago

Hi @VasSkliris, I am seeing the apptainer image in the data project root directory as advertised:

Is this not getting pulled when you clone?

VasSkliris commented 4 months ago

Either it is not getting pulled, or I should have pulled aframe2 instead of aframe. The instruction mention aframe

EthanMarx commented 4 months ago

You should be pulling the code from this repository (i.e. aframev2). I can make that more clear.

I am just trying to avoid getting in the habit of referring to this as aframev2, and just refer to it as aframe

EthanMarx commented 4 months ago

Also, make sure you are cloning a fork of this repository!

VasSkliris commented 4 months ago

I was not doing that, I was just cloning it

VasSkliris commented 3 months ago

Hi @EthanMarx , so the code does not pull that blob directory. The image is inside project/data .... but the transfer from there to this newly created directory aframe/images is not clear when or how it happens. I still get the same error. Shoud we edit the apptainer build $AFRAME_CONTAINER_ROOT/data.sif apptainer.def command?

After I fork and clone the repo I get a repo directory aframe2. When I create the AFRAME_CONTAINER_ROOT the instructions say ~/aframe/images which is a new directory (not inside aframe2) is that what supposed to happen?

VasSkliris commented 3 months ago

Update, the command works if you go in aframe/projects/data and run it from there but this is not clear from the instructions. Although at the end I got the error below which show that it looked for another file inside the AFRAME_CONTAINER_ROOT

# >>> mamba initialize >>>
# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'mamba init' !!
export MAMBA_EXE='/usr/bin/micromamba';
export MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX='/root/micromamba';
__mamba_setup="$("$MAMBA_EXE" shell hook --shell bash --root-prefix "$MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX" 2> /dev/null)"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    eval "$__mamba_setup"
    alias micromamba="$MAMBA_EXE"  # Fallback on help from mamba activate
unset __mamba_setup
# <<< mamba initialize <<<

+ export PATH=/opt/env/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
INFO:    Adding runscript
INFO:    Creating SIF file...
FATAL:   While performing build: while creating SIF: while creating container: open /home/vasileios.skliris/aframe/images/data.sif: no such file or directory
(aframe-env) [vasileios.skliris@ldas-pcdev2 data]$ 
EthanMarx commented 3 months ago

Looks like you need to make the $AFRAME_CONTAINER_ROOT directory.

Yes the command assumes you are in the root of the project directory in this case, /projects/data. This is where we store the apptainer.def files for each project.

I thought I had both of those clarified in the README, but I'll double check

EthanMarx commented 3 months ago

Specifically, here and here

VasSkliris commented 3 months ago

I see, I didn't go into individual instruction for each project ( I missed the instruction, it works now