ML4GW / deepcleanv2

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Edge effects and bandpassing at the post-process #21

Open saleem-muhammed opened 1 month ago

saleem-muhammed commented 1 month ago

Historically, DeepClean noise prediction has been bandpassed to the target band to avoid any additional noise content being added outside the range of interest. A huge fraction of the affected edge is caused by this step. In the earlier version, the deepclean-prod, this has been proved to be a necessary step. However, in deepcleanv2, there are differences in the way the noise prediction is made and also the order in which the normalization and bandpass are applied in the preprocessing.

1. Noise prediction is bandpassed before being subtracted off the original strain


The difference in the raw predictions (before bandpass and descaling) from the same two analysis are shown below:


Here, the affected edge is less than 0.02 s which means that the bandpass enhances the edge effects.

Zoomed plots shown below: image


Remove bandpassing step from the post-processing, what happens?

The difference in the two noise predictions is now zero for a longer duration as we saw for the raw prediction in the previous plot.

Does the asd ratio differ by avoiding the bandpass step?


However, the frequencies outside the target band is affected if we do not apply the bandpass


Though I initially thought we can avoid bandpass in the postprocessing, it seems a necessary step that we can not avoid!