MLB-LED-Scoreboard / mlb-led-scoreboard

An LED scoreboard for Major League Baseball :baseball:
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WBC teams added for the Baseball Classic? #429

Closed jshaddo closed 1 year ago

jshaddo commented 1 year ago

This issue is a

I've had this running in my office for 2-3 years now. I'm glad I ran across this repository and created... I'm wondering if the WBC teams will be added to the teams list. I assume they would possibly be using the same MLB At Bat API. Only an enhancement, not a bug... just curious if it would be as easy as changing the teams list.


WardBrian commented 1 year ago

We can get "International Baseball" easily by requesting sportId 51 in the schedule API call, but this will include duplicates of the exhibition games (e.g., on Thursday the Cardinals are playing Nicaragua) which are also listed in the normal MLB listing (sportId 1).

I can't figure out if there's a way to request only the WBC games, it seems requesting leagueId:160 has no effect.

There would need to be a few other changes to e.g., and obviously there wouldn't be built-in colors for them either

WardBrian commented 1 year ago

I have a mostly-working version of this locally. There are some oddities, e.g. Columbia is also abbreviated COL, so it ends up purple.

Here's the relevant code:

                games = statsapi.schedule("%Y-%m-%d"))

                # WBC - Id 51 is "International Baseball"
                games += statsapi.schedule(sportId="51","%Y-%m-%d"))

                # sort and de-duplicate
                sorted_games = sorted(
                    games, key=lambda a: datetime.strptime(a["game_datetime"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
                latest = None
                self.__all_games = []
                for game in sorted_games:
                    if game["game_id"] != latest:
                        latest = game["game_id"]

which you can replace this line:

with, if you'd like. I'm not sure if we will support this "officially" or not, since it's a limited time thing and only every 4 years

jshaddo commented 1 year ago

I've implemented this piece of code in the file. Everything seems to pick up the WBC games. I need to work through shortening some of the longer names and adding custom colors for the international teams. Thanks again!

ty-porter commented 1 year ago

With the WBC over, I think we can close this.