MLB-LED-Scoreboard / mlb-led-scoreboard

An LED scoreboard for Major League Baseball :baseball:
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Game data missing broadcast or series status throws an exception #443

Closed ty-porter closed 1 year ago

ty-porter commented 1 year ago

Game.from_scheduled does not handle fetching missing keys from dicts correctly.

ERROR (12:09:47): Untrapped error in main!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 138, in <module>
    main(matrix, config)
  File "", line 59, in main
    data = Data(config)
  File "C:\Users\tyler\development\mlb-led-scoreboard\data\", line 25, in __init__
    self.current_game: Game = self.schedule.get_preferred_game()
  File "C:\Users\tyler\development\mlb-led-scoreboard\data\", line 93, in get_preferred_game
    return self.__current_game()
  File "C:\Users\tyler\development\mlb-led-scoreboard\data\", line 149, in __current_game
    return Game.from_scheduled(scheduled_game)
  File "C:\Users\tyler\development\mlb-led-scoreboard\data\", line 31, in from_scheduled
    game_data["series_status"] or "",
KeyError: 'series_status'
WardBrian commented 1 year ago

Did this happen with an up-to-date StatsAPI?

ty-porter commented 1 year ago

Ah, no, this was behind with 1.5.1 instead of 1.6.1, so this can be closed.