MLB-LED-Scoreboard / mlb-led-scoreboard

An LED scoreboard for Major League Baseball :baseball:
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Delayed game still showed start time #478

Open ZachPL opened 1 year ago

ZachPL commented 1 year ago

This issue is a

Hardware Configuration

Software Configuration

{ "preferred": { "teams": [ "Yankees" ], "divisions": [ "AL East" ] }, "news_ticker": { "team_offday": true, "always_display": false, "preferred_teams": true, "traderumors": true, "mlb_news": true, "countdowns": true, "date": true, "date_format": "%A, %B %-d", "display_no_games_live": false }, "standings": { "team_offday": false, "mlb_offday": false, "always_display": false, "display_no_games_live": false }, "rotation": { "enabled": true, "scroll_until_finished": true, "only_preferred": true, "only_live": true, "rates": { "live": 15.0, "final": 15.0, "pregame": 15.0 }, "while_preferred_team_live": { "enabled": false, "during_inning_breaks": false } }, "weather": { "apikey": "", "location": "", "metric_units": false }, "time_format": "12h", "end_of_day": "00:00", "full_team_names": true, "short_team_names_for_runs_hits": true, "pregame_weather": true, "scrolling_speed": 2, "debug": false, "demo_date": false, "preferred_game_update_delay_in_10s_of_seconds": 0 }

Expected behavior

Expected scoreboard to say the game was delayed

Actual behavior

Still showed start time of game even though it was 45 minutes past start

Additional Information

Happened during 5/24/23 Yankees orioles game, happened on multiple set ups I have. I searched the code and it looks like delayed game should be handled

ZachPL commented 1 year ago

So it appears my scoreboards are not updating for irregularities, yankees game postponed due to air quality today but as of 8:30 with a gamestart of 7:05 still shows. I just restarted the scoreboard process and it shows Postponed Air Quality, so for whatever reason it isn't looking for updates when the game state changes. I'm guessing it is because I only show one team and the scoreboard doesn't cycle.