MLB-LED-Scoreboard / mlb-led-scoreboard

An LED scoreboard for Major League Baseball :baseball:
GNU General Public License v3.0
598 stars 105 forks source link

Update Install Instructions in README #58

Closed xjmsp closed 6 years ago

xjmsp commented 6 years ago

Wrote up some detailed instructions, from fresh image to finished, to get people going. Use them if you'd like. (not really an issue, just didn't know how else to submit it)

Install MLB LED Scoreboard

Distribution: Raspbian Lite

Enable SSH: Place a file named 'ssh', without any extension, onto the boot partition of the SD card

Connect to raspberry Pi with Putty via SSH

Default user: pi / raspberry

change password: passwd

Disable snd_bcm2835 (see:

cd /etc/modprobe.d
sudo nano alsa-blacklist.conf 

Type: blacklist snd_bcm2835 Save: CTRL-O Hit: enter to overwrite the existing file Exit nano: CTRL-X

Restart: sudo reboot

Install Dependencies For The LED Matrix

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev

Install Git Command

sudo apt-get install git

Git MLB LED Scoreboard

git clone --recursive
cd mlb-led-scoreboard/matrix/bindings/python

Building the RGBMatrix binaries (what controls the LED board)

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python2.7-dev python-pillow -y
sudo HARDWARE_DESC=adafruit-hat make build-python #If using the Adafruit hat with the flicker mod: adafruit-hat-pwm
sudo HARDWARE_DESC=adafruit-hat make install-python #If using the Adafruit hat with the flicker mod: adafruit-hat-pwm

Demo (Scrolling text: Hello world!)

cd samples
sudo ./

Finish up with MLB LED Scoreboard install

cd ../.. #should be in bindings folder now
sudo pip install -e python/
cd ../../ #should be in mlb-led-scoreboard/ now
sudo pip install mlbgame #takes awhile

Let's Run It!

sudo python #To stop the script: CTRL-C

To Edit settings

sudo nano config.json.example

Edit the file to how you see fit Save: CTRL-O Delete: .example Confirm: New file Exit: CTRL-X

Now when you run 'sudo python' it will display the team, standings, and anything else you have configured

//Thanks to: // // // //

ajbowler commented 6 years ago

Thanks, appreciate the writeup. However I'm trying to keep the scope of the README down to the scoreboard project itself. I reference the rgbmatrix project's README where necessary to install their code but apart from that I try to keep things simple.

Setting up a Raspberry Pi as well as embedding some of the rgbmatrix instructions aren't within the scope here.