MLG-Fortress / ExtraHardMode

The now-official repository for the ExtraHardMode Bukkit Plugin.
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Some requests and simple questions. #253

Open Knetterkoekje opened 3 years ago

Knetterkoekje commented 3 years ago

First and foremost amazing plugin I love it! Are there any placeholders I can use for EHM? And if not how can I show my players what their current inventory weight is and if they can swim or not for example? Also I can't quiete manage to allow players to still swim up 1x1 water stream when the exceed the weight limit. This should be possible correct?

And would it be possible to add different permissions for the max inventory weight so players can upgrade it? While were at that I would love to see individual permissions for all of this plugins functionality. It would allow for an amazing sense of progression and ''overcoming'' the world. With some nice lore tied to it.

RoboMWM commented 3 years ago

Weight is shown in the scoreboard that pops up (idk if the scoreboard still works as I don't have mine configured to use that).

Swimming has changed significantly in the last few vanilla updates, so I'm not even sure how well the feature works nowadays.

Placeholders I presume could be provided via another addon - but otherwise could be added in the plugin. Same for inventory permissions.

SmallSansSerif commented 3 years ago

Another question. I saw in the past there was a request and some work done for multiple, per-world configs. Is this something that you would consider for the future?

RoboMWM commented 3 years ago

Use a new issue please, one request/suggestion per issue.

That actually is a duplicate though so go find that and its discussion. Search bar up in top left.